Teabagging discussion for teabaggers

I don't teabag a killer unless they were lag switching, taking advantage of exploits (ex:Sloppy+wraith or super laggy Doctor), or if I'm trying to be chase bait, and if it works then yay.
People gotta stop thinking of teabagging as just toxicity and also a tool for survivors to use for communication. But I mean, a lot of players in this game are [BAD WORD] ######### with ego issues (IMO) so, that's too much to hope for.
Example: Say a survivor sandbags another on accident while running from an approaching killer, sometimes we gotta point or teabag or drop an item and pick it up as an "apology" otherwise the person might get mad and do it back. If we need a heal, we tbag, if someone busts the generator, teabag apology, etc.
Against killers. Teabagging can be to taunt you into tunnelling us if we want to protect our team, it can also be just to taunt for the sake of taunting, or even a celebration that we made it when you had the pressure up too high for us. You can assume ALL you want to about a survivor teabagging but fact of the matter is that it's not always meant to be toxic from some people. How do I know it's not always meant to be toxic? Because I have messages from killers cursing at me for doing it because I'm in a "swf", when truth was, I was playing with randoms and for some reason I felt I should be chasebait at a certain point and teabagged to keep it going when I could.
Can we please make this a thread to cheer up and enlighten some of our killer main brethrens who break down emotionally and egotistically about it because they think anything that makes a joke out of them is worth blaming Claudette, looping, palettes and tbagging. (Cackles)
How exactly is running Sloppy Butcher on the Wraith an "exploit"?
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I'm still wondering why a survivor will cry about face camping or any camping when a group can be at an exit taunting the killer and then running out.
ya know what I'm say'in?
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@ThatDidact said:
How exactly is running Sloppy Butcher on the Wraith an "exploit"?There is a bug where it will cause the survivor to bleed like a water fountain nonstop. Sometimes the killer sees it, sometimes they don't, I guess.
It also supposedly hits survivors right in the framerate. It's fairly recent.2 -
IlI' be sure to keep hitting survivors on the hook as long as people t bag after pallet stunning me. You can deal with your character screaming their face off for a couple minutes.1
@thekiller490490 said:
IlI' be sure to keep hitting survivors on the hook as long as people t bag after pallet stunning me. You can deal with your character screaming their face off for a couple minutes.How does that annoy you? In 2019? Seriously?! Obviously they're trying to tilt you and if you facecamp them, you're giving them the salt they want. Then they'll flame you in the aftergame chat. Best thing is to nod at them and smack them on the hook. It annoys them so much more then the teabagging annoys you.
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@Poopadelic said:
I'm still wondering why a survivor will cry about face camping or any camping when a group can be at an exit taunting the killer and then running out.ya know what I'm say'in?
For the same reason why some killers complain about all teabagging being toxic. They just get their feelings hurt because they feel inadequate imo. But facecamping is yet another tool in the game. Not "Toxic" if you ask me. Because it lures salty survivors over to the killer sometimes. Sometimes facecamping just helps everyone else or some other people escape too because they know the killer won't move. There are even survivors who will even pretend to gesture for help on the hook when they see their friends nearby and it's another communication like "screw off, I'm being camped" because they will keep doing it the more you approach then when you walk away they stop doing it.
The word "Toxic" is thrown around incorrectly too much here if you ask me.
I forgot to mention that sometimes we can even do teabag apologies at the killer. Imagine a survivor breaks your hex totem, then you come and stare at them like "Really?", they know they have no where to run so they will face you and teabag and or drop an item to save their scadoodle.
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@ThatDidact said:
How exactly is running Sloppy Butcher on the Wraith an "exploit"?It’s not an exploit but it’s annoying. The survivors will CONSTANTLY bleed even if they heal their wounds and will spew blood all over their screen like a leaky faucet. Some Wraith’s may know this and use it to annoy survivors and make their framerates drop, causing major lag.
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It can actually occur on any killer that has a limited time scoring event after using their ability. So Hag, Clown, Wraith, etc. I personally hate it due the framerate dropping it creates both survivor and killer sides. Thankfully killers can't see it though.
As for "super laggy doctors," there are a crap ton of particle effects in this game. The Doctor's static is just one of many. You tack that on with the new fog and weather on certain maps and you're going to get some people with non-optimal machines chugging a bit. Thankfully with the changes to dedicated servers this will HOPEFULLY lessen the issue as it will decrease the load on the host computer since it will no longer have to be the one running the match in addition to rendering the effects.1 -
@Rebel_Raven said:
@ThatDidact said:
How exactly is running Sloppy Butcher on the Wraith an "exploit"?There is a bug where it will cause the survivor to bleed like a water fountain nonstop. Sometimes the killer sees it, sometimes they don't, I guess.
It also supposedly hits survivors right in the framerate. It's fairly recent.Killers don't see it, but players who use sub-par hardware (consoles and potato PCs) do experience framerate drops.
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Tbagging is always going to be toxic, regardless of how you dress it up, because it is known in gaming as a negative action. You can try and justify why you use it, but you are one person. You might not mean it in a toxic manner, but 9/10 Survivors might.
Saying this, I do agree that the term toxic gets thrown around all to easy. Doing gens, toxic. Killing first hooked Survivor, toxic. Using perks, toxic. Using add ons and items, toxic. Unfortunately this community is the only real toxic thing in this game, so you can either roll with the punches and get over other peoples options on toxicities or stay away from the community for your own good.2 -
@Killigma said:
Tbagging is always going to be toxic, regardless of how you dress it up, because it is known in gaming as a negative action. You can try and justify why you use it, but you are one person. You might not mean it in a toxic manner, but 9/10 Survivors might.
Saying this, I do agree that the term toxic gets thrown around all to easy. Doing gens, toxic. Killing first hooked Survivor, toxic. Using perks, toxic. Using add ons and items, toxic. Unfortunately this community is the only real toxic thing in this game, so you can either roll with the punches and get over other peoples options on toxicities or stay away from the community for your own good.Tbagging is different in dbd than to most other games. And in gaming, almost if not every game where tbagging is NOT one of your few only choices of communication in-game, those are the ones where it's always considered toxic. We don't communicate with the killers so we have to use our two gestures, putting down and picking up actions, and crouch spamming.
If I were a killer and a survivor was crouch spamming me while very noticeably running me away from a specific area where I had caught them with other people. I wouldn't think they're being toxic first and foremost, I'd think they're protecting people and I'd run back that-a-way which I came just to check if people are sneaking back, or hiding around. Which, many times they are.
If I'm playing a killer and bodyblock someone then just stare at them and make stupid random movements to obviously express that I'm laughing at them or being dramatically over top with my kill for whatever reason. The survivor may spam crouch and I can take that as either insults or "take me already, I goof'd up" or "Please killer, let me live, I'm sorry". So I can try to have a hopefully better guess on which they mean by whether they follow up with a point, an item drop offering, or a 'come on' gesture, if they crouch and look up at me or nod at me, or if they try to make stupid movements too in the corner.If I were a survivor and a piggy floored me then crouch spammed me, it's FARRRR more obvious what that means. Piggy has no reasons to spam crouch me other than when they're being non-benevolent and making lols like when they're greeting you at a gen and pretending to do it for example; or when they want to taunt someone.
So basically, its far more easy to tell if tbagging is toxic in this game depending on the circumstances.
For survivors, we all know spamming it at the exit gate is usually if not always meant to be toxic, but you could say the same about pointing by the gate and using the come on gesture by the gate in that case. Dbd is just probably lacking some clearer gestures for some people I suppose.0 -
@Kurisataru said:
Tbagging is different in dbd than to most other games. And in gaming, almost if not every game where tbagging is NOT one of your few only choices of communication in-game, those are the ones where it's always considered toxic. We don't communicate with the killers so we have to use our two gestures, putting down and picking up actions, and crouch spamming.
If I were a killer and a survivor was crouch spamming me while very noticeably running me away from a specific area where I had caught them with other people. I wouldn't think they're being toxic first and foremost, I'd think they're protecting people and I'd run back that-a-way which I came just to check if people are sneaking back, or hiding around. Which, many times they are.
If I'm playing a killer and bodyblock someone then just stare at them and make stupid random movements to obviously express that I'm laughing at them or being dramatically over top with my kill for whatever reason. The survivor may spam crouch and I can take that as either insults or "take me already, I goof'd up" or "Please killer, let me live, I'm sorry". So I can try to have a hopefully better guess on which they mean by whether they follow up with a point, an item drop offering, or a 'come on' gesture, if they crouch and look up at me or nod at me, or if they try to make stupid movements too in the corner.If I were a survivor and a piggy floored me then crouch spammed me, it's FARRRR more obvious what that means. Piggy has no reasons to spam crouch me other than when they're being non-benevolent and making lols like when they're greeting you at a gen and pretending to do it for example; or when they want to taunt someone.
So basically, its far more easy to tell if tbagging is toxic in this game depending on the circumstances.
For survivors, we all know spamming it at the exit gate is usually if not always meant to be toxic, but you could say the same about pointing by the gate and using the come on gesture by the gate in that case. Dbd is just probably lacking some clearer gestures for some people I suppose.I am sorry but I have to disagree. Tbagging is tbagging, is tbagging....DBD is not under some special rule-set that changes a wide known toxic gesture into a positive gesture. The fact you have gave me multiple examples of what tbagging means to YOU, proves that you do not even know for sure what it means in this community. But what the community does know, is that in gaming terms, 99% of the time someone Tbags to disrespect. If you genuinely believe that you tbag not to be offensive then, cool, go on you for being different. But to the average Joe, if they see a tbag, they wont know of DBD special rule-set, you seem to believe in, and considering it toxic. I repeat my point, DBD is a game and in every community I have been apart of, or I am aware of, tbagging is negative.
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@Killigma said:
@Kurisataru said:
Tbagging is different in dbd than to most other games. And in gaming, almost if not every game where tbagging is NOT one of your few only choices of communication in-game, those are the ones where it's always considered toxic. We don't communicate with the killers so we have to use our two gestures, putting down and picking up actions, and crouch spamming.
If I were a killer and a survivor was crouch spamming me while very noticeably running me away from a specific area where I had caught them with other people. I wouldn't think they're being toxic first and foremost, I'd think they're protecting people and I'd run back that-a-way which I came just to check if people are sneaking back, or hiding around. Which, many times they are.
If I'm playing a killer and bodyblock someone then just stare at them and make stupid random movements to obviously express that I'm laughing at them or being dramatically over top with my kill for whatever reason. The survivor may spam crouch and I can take that as either insults or "take me already, I goof'd up" or "Please killer, let me live, I'm sorry". So I can try to have a hopefully better guess on which they mean by whether they follow up with a point, an item drop offering, or a 'come on' gesture, if they crouch and look up at me or nod at me, or if they try to make stupid movements too in the corner.If I were a survivor and a piggy floored me then crouch spammed me, it's FARRRR more obvious what that means. Piggy has no reasons to spam crouch me other than when they're being non-benevolent and making lols like when they're greeting you at a gen and pretending to do it for example; or when they want to taunt someone.
So basically, its far more easy to tell if tbagging is toxic in this game depending on the circumstances.
For survivors, we all know spamming it at the exit gate is usually if not always meant to be toxic, but you could say the same about pointing by the gate and using the come on gesture by the gate in that case. Dbd is just probably lacking some clearer gestures for some people I suppose.I am sorry but I have to disagree. Tbagging is tbagging, is tbagging....DBD is not under some special rule-set that changes a wide known toxic gesture into a positive gesture. The fact you have gave me multiple examples of what tbagging means to YOU, proves that you do not even know for sure what it means in this community. But what the community does know, is that in gaming terms, 99% of the time someone Tbags to disrespect. If you genuinely believe that you tbag not to be offensive then, cool, go on you for being different. But to the average Joe, if they see a tbag, they wont know of DBD special rule-set, you seem to believe in, and considering it toxic. I repeat my point, DBD is a game and in every community I have been apart of, or I am aware of, tbagging is negative.
I didn't say that's what teabagging means to me, I said that's how it can be used in dbd, and if you read through more threads on the topic you will see more players admitting to using tbagging for reasons other than disrespect. You going all "gamer elitist teabagging has a specific definition and deadbydaylight is not a special exemption" in a casual, non-fps game and say that there's a chance 9/10 players mean it to be toxic makes no sense to me because I don't say it's never not toxic while that's precisely what you say. At the end of the day, in any video game you play, teabagging is another gesture and dbd just has more uses for it since we don't have mic chat in-game. I understand why you disagree though because of how you are a dead on believer that no matter what the game is, tbagging has 1 use only because of the definition. But just in case this needs to be said, I hope you don't let it ruin games for you. Nice talking with you Killigma.
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@Kurisataru said:
@Killigma said:
@Kurisataru said:
Tbagging is different in dbd than to most other games. And in gaming, almost if not every game where tbagging is NOT one of your few only choices of communication in-game, those are the ones where it's always considered toxic. We don't communicate with the killers so we have to use our two gestures, putting down and picking up actions, and crouch spamming.
If I were a killer and a survivor was crouch spamming me while very noticeably running me away from a specific area where I had caught them with other people. I wouldn't think they're being toxic first and foremost, I'd think they're protecting people and I'd run back that-a-way which I came just to check if people are sneaking back, or hiding around. Which, many times they are.
If I'm playing a killer and bodyblock someone then just stare at them and make stupid random movements to obviously express that I'm laughing at them or being dramatically over top with my kill for whatever reason. The survivor may spam crouch and I can take that as either insults or "take me already, I goof'd up" or "Please killer, let me live, I'm sorry". So I can try to have a hopefully better guess on which they mean by whether they follow up with a point, an item drop offering, or a 'come on' gesture, if they crouch and look up at me or nod at me, or if they try to make stupid movements too in the corner.If I were a survivor and a piggy floored me then crouch spammed me, it's FARRRR more obvious what that means. Piggy has no reasons to spam crouch me other than when they're being non-benevolent and making lols like when they're greeting you at a gen and pretending to do it for example; or when they want to taunt someone.
So basically, its far more easy to tell if tbagging is toxic in this game depending on the circumstances.
For survivors, we all know spamming it at the exit gate is usually if not always meant to be toxic, but you could say the same about pointing by the gate and using the come on gesture by the gate in that case. Dbd is just probably lacking some clearer gestures for some people I suppose.I am sorry but I have to disagree. Tbagging is tbagging, is tbagging....DBD is not under some special rule-set that changes a wide known toxic gesture into a positive gesture. The fact you have gave me multiple examples of what tbagging means to YOU, proves that you do not even know for sure what it means in this community. But what the community does know, is that in gaming terms, 99% of the time someone Tbags to disrespect. If you genuinely believe that you tbag not to be offensive then, cool, go on you for being different. But to the average Joe, if they see a tbag, they wont know of DBD special rule-set, you seem to believe in, and considering it toxic. I repeat my point, DBD is a game and in every community I have been apart of, or I am aware of, tbagging is negative.
I didn't say that's what teabagging means to me, I said that's how it can be used in dbd, and if you read through more threads on the topic you will see more players admitting to using tbagging for reasons other than disrespect. You going all "gamer elitist teabagging has a specific definition and deadbydaylight is not a special exemption" in a casual, non-fps game and say that there's a chance 9/10 players mean it to be toxic makes no sense to me because I don't say it's never not toxic while that's precisely what you say. At the end of the day, in any video game you play, teabagging is another gesture and dbd just has more uses for it since we don't have mic chat in-game. I understand why you disagree though because of how you are a dead on believer that no matter what the game is, tbagging has 1 use only because of the definition. But just in case this needs to be said, I hope you don't let it ruin games for you. Nice talking with you Killigma.
You might be right, it could be that I have gamed around the term tbagging as a negative and you could be the few people that believe it is a positive. Tbagging for me personally does not really bother me, but I hope that your solo crusade will change a part of this community. Good luck squire.
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@Orion said:
@Rebel_Raven said:
@ThatDidact said:
How exactly is running Sloppy Butcher on the Wraith an "exploit"?There is a bug where it will cause the survivor to bleed like a water fountain nonstop. Sometimes the killer sees it, sometimes they don't, I guess.
It also supposedly hits survivors right in the framerate. It's fairly recent.Killers don't see it, but players who use sub-par hardware (consoles and potato PCs) do experience framerate drops.
Wraith + Sloopy..
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Teabagging is NOT different in DBD from other games. Teabagging is a way to bully and humiliate a person in games, so its just as bad as bullying people in real life. Everyone knows that. It's disrespectful, there is no other opinion about that. Maybe survivor can use to each other for communication, but against the opponent is a way to provoke and then to bully and humiliate him. This is its meaning. And this is bad. Teabagging is ban worthy. Devs usually dont ban people for teabagging because they feel they cant ban someone for "crouching", sometimes (sadly) they endorse these kind of behavior. Which is a bad thing.
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@m0rkTFH said:
Teabagging is NOT different in DBD from other games. Teabagging is a way to bully and humiliate a person in games, so its just as bad as bullying people in real life. Everyone knows that. It's disrespectful, there is no other opinion about that. Maybe survivor can use to each other for communication, but against the opponent is a way to provoke and then to bully and humiliate him. This is its meaning. And this is bad. Teabagging is ban worthy. Devs usually dont ban people for teabagging because they feel they cant ban someone for "crouching", sometimes (sadly) they endorse these kind of behavior. Which is a bad thing.You literally cannot teabag in dbd, because teabagging is crouching on top of the opponent's dead body, first of all. Also, people need to stop being triggered by crap like this, it is pathetic. I don't always use crouching to humiliate, and most of the time I don't. I use it in ways described in the post. But if you're triggered by a survivor pressing the crouch button repeatedly, maybe you need to go play some Civ 5.
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@ThatDidact said:
How exactly is running Sloppy Butcher on the Wraith an "exploit"?Sometimes you can only wonder.....
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Wraiths that were still running Sloppy after it became common knowledge were certainly trolling. Its amazing after patch today how few Wraiths had the perk suddenly now that the bug was patched. But I'm sure that is just supposed to be coincidence...right?
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Ok so as far as a non tbagging surv main goes...there is a dif when using crouch to communicate or to taunt....a single full crouch is not teabagging...that is more viewed as a thank you..even most killers i come across underatand that...its the fast paced that is taunting tbagging so there is an obvious difference...any crouch after pallet stunning is an obvious taunt and for all the toolbag survs camping the exit gate like chumps doing it constantly, post their name and camp/tunnel/troll them all day long...i despise that as a survivor...if your not saving or looking for final points and at the exit gate...gtfo and quit being scrubs...or be good and go find that hatch...i despise the exit gate puss tbagging...usually done by terrible players who seldom see the exit gate opened...so to the killers getting the taunting tbags...camp away...but remember there are decent survs out there and 1 crouch is a thank you and not a taunt ^-^1
Imagine getting triggered because someone pushed a button on their keyboard a few times.
I don't teabag (I just do gens) but if I'm trying to distract the Killer and it's been proven that they'll get triggered by me pushing the Control button then I'll do it. Likewise I don't get triggered by teabagging because I know that all it takes is for the Survivor to push control a few times. I roll my eyes a little but I don't change how I play because of it.That being said in other multiplayer games (mainly MOBAs) I will take the time out of my game to taunt the opposing team in chat. If I was more of a chase player (and less of a gen jockey) I'd probably teabag as well if the Killer left me alone. It's known as tactical tilt. Put simply if your opponent is angry they'll make moves that would otherwise be suboptimal. That's the entire concept of distracting a Killer with teabagging / flashlight clicking so they chase after you instead of your ally who they're more likely to kill.
Much like in a real horror movie if the monster is about to kill your friend you can chuck a rock at the monster and yell "OVER HERE YOU DUMB APE!" And maybe the monster will chase you and give your friend a chance to run away and recover. You likely have more stamina than them after they were knocked down, and more people means more chances to survive. Same concept in DBD: you still have your Exhaustion perk (maybe) and are still at full health which means you can take more hits. If your injured teammate gets away that means the Killer wastes more time which is the biggest resource to manage in DBD. Make them mad to make them play poorly to make you win.1 -
Yeah, no. I don't give a crap what your rationalization is. If you're teabagging the killer behind a pallet or at the exit gate, you're toxic.
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@perotx said:
@m0rkTFH said:
Teabagging is NOT different in DBD from other games. Teabagging is a way to bully and humiliate a person in games, so its just as bad as bullying people in real life. Everyone knows that. It's disrespectful, there is no other opinion about that. Maybe survivor can use to each other for communication, but against the opponent is a way to provoke and then to bully and humiliate him. This is its meaning. And this is bad. Teabagging is ban worthy. Devs usually dont ban people for teabagging because they feel they cant ban someone for "crouching", sometimes (sadly) they endorse these kind of behavior. Which is a bad thing.You literally cannot teabag in dbd, because teabagging is crouching on top of the opponent's dead body, first of all. Also, people need to stop being triggered by crap like this, it is pathetic. I don't always use crouching to humiliate, and most of the time I don't. I use it in ways described in the post. But if you're triggered by a survivor pressing the crouch button repeatedly, maybe you need to go play some Civ 5.
Knowing the person doing it is doing it to purposely be an ######### =/= being triggered. I don't understand how being aware of someone's intended affect suddenly means it worked. If you teabag, I know you are being toxic and trying to piss me off or goad me into a chase. I will either ignore you completely and go find the people you are trying to protect, or down you and kill you like usual. But let's not pretend that the point of teabagging at the exit gate or behind a pallet isn't to try to piss the killer off or disrespect them in some way. Whether it works or not is irrelevant.
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2 situations where I tbag as survi when fellow survi is getting moried or killer is trying to bloodlust me on safe pallet.
As a killer only tbag that bothers me is I could have killed this tbagger 150 times, but I let them live and they reward me with afking and tbagging on exit gate without giving hits.1 -
Hmm, I teabag to check for BBQ.
I teabag after narrowly avoiding a hit by pallet stunning the killer, sometimes.
I teabag a killer that tunneled and camped at every turn possible.
I teabag to say hi. I teabag to gain the attention of another survivor on a gen so they can heal me.
I teabag the mori'd bodies of my friends mid chase.I don't have an issue with teabagging as killer generally. If I am in a bad mood, I will tunnel you without remorse. If I am in a neutral or good mood, I will play the exact same way I played before.
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I teabag to distract the killer in extreme situations, even though that causes me to get downed, it really bothers the killers
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@scorpio said:
@perotx said:
@m0rkTFH said:
Teabagging is NOT different in DBD from other games. Teabagging is a way to bully and humiliate a person in games, so its just as bad as bullying people in real life. Everyone knows that. It's disrespectful, there is no other opinion about that. Maybe survivor can use to each other for communication, but against the opponent is a way to provoke and then to bully and humiliate him. This is its meaning. And this is bad. Teabagging is ban worthy. Devs usually dont ban people for teabagging because they feel they cant ban someone for "crouching", sometimes (sadly) they endorse these kind of behavior. Which is a bad thing.You literally cannot teabag in dbd, because teabagging is crouching on top of the opponent's dead body, first of all. Also, people need to stop being triggered by crap like this, it is pathetic. I don't always use crouching to humiliate, and most of the time I don't. I use it in ways described in the post. But if you're triggered by a survivor pressing the crouch button repeatedly, maybe you need to go play some Civ 5.
Knowing the person doing it is doing it to purposely be an ######### =/= being triggered. I don't understand how being aware of someone's intended affect suddenly means it worked. If you teabag, I know you are being toxic and trying to piss me off or goad me into a chase. I will either ignore you completely and go find the people you are trying to protect, or down you and kill you like usual. But let's not pretend that the point of teabagging at the exit gate or behind a pallet isn't to try to piss the killer off or disrespect them in some way. Whether it works or not is irrelevant.
I'mma bust in here and say you've literally just put words in his post.
He did not say knowing if the intent is foul is synonym to the teabag receiver being triggered.
He did not say that knowing someone's intended effect of teabagging means it worked
and nobody here EVER implied that there is no such thing as rude people teabagging by the exit gates or behind palettes to be rude.
The point of this thread is for teabaggers to admit that they are not always doing it to be rude, because I and likely everyone else here has seen how serious some killer players will take it because they think it's just rude no ifs, ands, or buts. Also, some people are admitting that even if they don't want to teabag and come off like jerks, they have to do it in attempt (and lets read the word attempt and not take things out of context again) to protect their teammates.
Nobody is saying it's wrong to camp, tunnel or chase teabaggers, it's just explaining that some survivors don't always mean to show disrespect to the killers when it's done. And the killer doesnt need to let it get to them and ruin the experience whether it seems rude or not. Which sadly is something that a lot of killers condone on these forums; taking time out of your play to camp and tunnel and lose points over a tbag and be triggered.Also, sometimes I teabag by an exit gate so the killer can take a free hit or two, so that's not always toxic like your first post implied. Glad you looked in here though because you're precisely the kind of player me and others in here wanted to share this with.
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ThatDidact said:
How exactly is running Sloppy Butcher on the Wraith an "exploit"?
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I don't tea bag killers unless they hit me on the hook more than once or twice and I somehow manage to escape anyway. That's only happened like 4 times though. Usually it's a pointless struggle to stay alive as long as possible out of spite, then I try to cheer up by telling myself the killer just didn't want me to die alone.
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@perotx said:
@m0rkTFH said:
Teabagging is NOT different in DBD from other games. Teabagging is a way to bully and humiliate a person in games, so its just as bad as bullying people in real life. Everyone knows that. It's disrespectful, there is no other opinion about that. Maybe survivor can use to each other for communication, but against the opponent is a way to provoke and then to bully and humiliate him. This is its meaning. And this is bad. Teabagging is ban worthy. Devs usually dont ban people for teabagging because they feel they cant ban someone for "crouching", sometimes (sadly) they endorse these kind of behavior. Which is a bad thing.You literally cannot teabag in dbd, because teabagging is crouching on top of the opponent's dead body, first of all. Also, people need to stop being triggered by crap like this, it is pathetic. I don't always use crouching to humiliate, and most of the time I don't. I use it in ways described in the post. But if you're triggered by a survivor pressing the crouch button repeatedly, maybe you need to go play some Civ 5.
Every offensive behaviour triggers and bothers me. Teabagging is bad, has a horrible meaning and if u keep negate that u are just not honest, there is no point for Civilization 5 here. Is like to say to a bullied fat boy dont being fat, which could not help him (and which would be the thing u'd say to a fat boy, i guess)