Stop saying you are at the high end of MMR, you literally don't know this

I always see people saying they're on the "high end of MMR" to justify whatever argument they're making, but that's literally impossible to know. A more appropriate argument would be "I play a lot, and I have a good kill/escape rate, heres what I have to say" But saying you're in the high end of mmr doesn't make sense, you don't know if you are, and you don't even know what that high end would be and looks like to begin with since theres so little input about how this system actually works
I 4k with trapper every game with no addons or perks. Also without traps in high mmr😤
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I am not sure if you are aware, but creating a forum account automatically boost your MMR into the highest level.
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Oh yeah? I can do that too.
Without a right thumbstick.
So there 😜
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I have a higher MMR than Yugi Muto. Don't get better than that.
Nerf Deja Vu.
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what else am going to use to cope with the fact that my knowledge of the game is not as good as i think?
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I’m so good that I don’t even need to use traps. I don’t get how trapper hasn’t been nerfed yet. Trapper is a monster at high mmr. I can go a minute being adj and still 4k without tunneling and camping. At high mmr
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so it seems that I have met my match
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I assume because I play with the highest "league" of people apart of "competitive" dbd and see the same exact people, and even if I dodge its the same lobby after lobby sometimes
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Gonna have to be a duel.
Pool noodles at high noon.
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the thing is, this guess doesn't mean anything, because we don't have enough info (yes, escaping raises your MMR, but we don't know exactly how much it goes up), we don't know our number and we don't know other people numbers to estimate what high mmr would be. Let's say my mmr is 1500, I think it's a reasonable mmr, but I don't really know, maybe compared to other players it's too high, or too low, or average. There's too little information about ours and other players to really know for sure. Maybe a high MMR would be 3000, and my 1500 is pretty pathetic in comparison, but I would still think it's a good mmr because I don't have enough information
I hope this text made sense lmao
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We don't want MMR elitism, so we'll hide the number and let everyone assume they're at high MMR and act elitist about it.
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I would actually like to read this datamine, do you have a link?
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Duel by daylight
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We know how the system works. It's pure numbers.
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Kills and escapes aren't completely indicative of skill
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I cringe whenever streamers have it in their title.
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Then you watch it and the survivors are either messing around the whole game or make tons of mistakes
I hate clickbait so much
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“Toxic elitism” lmao
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I wonder what the dating by daylight concept is lmao. Also why is it that they can’t have the killers fight watch other. Trickster vs blight would be cool
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TOP COMP HIGH MMR KILLER| 500,000,00K HRS|#1 NURSE ON SOME WEBSITE (That nobody knows about) 😂
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MMR is all bullshit anyway they're just matching you with the fastest possible match with the best connection, there's no other way to explain the randomness of the matches, you could demolish good survivors only to turn around and get ones that can barely play the game and same with killers I could escape on a Rank 1 killer with thousands of hours, only to get a killer the next match who's getting spun like a top all over the map and can't hit anyone even if there was a million dollar cash prize for it.
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Devotion 80 | 60K hours | WORLD RECORD HOLDER |
That's why I don't watch any of that content or give it any attention apart from a bit of mockery. There's people that enjoy it which is fine but It's funny to poke fun at it
There's dbd content out there that doesn't need to resort to clickbait
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I'm not sure if this is a hacker or not but I saw someone the other day on twitch that was devotion 100 and they claimed it was capped at 100 but I'm not sure that's even possible to do in the time frame since devotion has been out, I'm devotion 38 and admitting I don't play the game like I used to but that just sounds a bit high
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Makes sense yeah. When ppl are being satirical about it then it can be quite funny
I don't think that's legit
Cheaters can set their grade and unlock any cosmetic so it wouldn't be that far fetched for them to be able to set their level/devotion
That being said I have seen legit players with 10k+ hours, idk what devotion level that would be but ye
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You would think that would be true but in general people are terrible at evaluating their own abilities. A classic example is 88% of US drivers claim they are “above average drivers”, which is clearly statistically impossible, many of those people are in fact below average but think they’re above average. Just on how human psychology works I would not at all be surprised if a lot of people who think they are “high MMR” aren’t.
Personally I make no claims that I’m a top tier player. I do try to think objectively about the game in terms of strategy and such, but in terms of my video gaming skills for example I get outmaneuvered by good runners pretty often, mainly because of old man reflexes and my laziness in not bothering to try and memorize tile layouts. And it also depends a lot on the specific killer, since I don’t have a “main” and play whoever happens to be my mission that night which means I’m not as practiced in killers like Blight and Deathslinger and Huntress and Oni that require a little extra regular practice to use their skills to full effectiveness.
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I like to say that I am at the lower end of MMR, but that is because I most likely am.
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It's all just egos man, simple as that.
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That would mean MMR is actually working (which it isn't) so I don't believe you.
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You can certainly have an educated guess on where you're at
Most, if not all, of the guessers I've seen have no clue how the MMR works. Their "guesses" are wishful supposition at best.
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Well to be fair it's pretty easy to tell when you have higher MMR. However, I'm not trying to be offensive with this, but a lot of people think that they are better than they actually are, causing them to think that they are high MMR because they got steamrolled.
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Irrelevant. If you have enough experience in the game (several thousands of hours) you know what good players are and what beginners are. You know how they move, you know how they play and thus you know the ballpark.
Besides, if you also get several cheaters every night, you are likely to be in high MMR.
If that's not obvious to you, it's may be because you lack experience, that's all.
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Trappers breathing alone can intimidated survivors into killing themselves on first hook, just to make it end.
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You know nothing, Kapper. I basically just started the game and am already halfway through devotion 3 on my way to 4. Baaaam!
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Impossible to know through conventional means, but with programs its possible to know.
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It is pretty obvious once you start getting higher, albeit, with the loose matchmaking, it hardly matters anymore. Back when mmr was very strict, it was literal hell to play anyone that was not Bubba as someone who never learned Nurse or Blight. But yeah, now it is way too hard to tell.
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Exactly he’s super Op in my hands
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tbh its not that hard to reach max mmr, I dont know where I got that information from and exactly but I hear and read often that it is around 1800 which isnt much.
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I know I'm in low MMR because on average only 3 of my survivors run dead hard
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Devotion wasn't always there it's something that came out later, you can believe what you want I really could care less
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Lmfao can’t forget about that devotion level
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Teach me your ways sensei 🙇♂️
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I can play with any killer would you like to see it oh but I'm bad with nurse
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What does Smol E-Peen mean
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Learn this technique and you will destroy survivors in loops!
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Tiny dingaling
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I like to think of myself as the king of the tater fields.
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mandy confirmed the "soft cap" was increased to 2000. It doesn't matter if you have 30000 mmr, you will be placed on the soft cap with everyone else to speed up matches. This is why you get games that end in 4 minutes and games where survivors don't look behind themselves.
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I want to be low MMR...but i think im at least middle to highisk with some killers i tend to play more. I've started to come across survivors with 2k+ or more hours and hackers...oh boy so many hackers.
Havent you made it when you start seeing them hacker survivors?
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Hacker survivors, hacker killers, even hacker killers while playing killer