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General Discussions

Holding the Game Hostage because you can't find the Hatch

Member Posts: 772
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

This kinda thing needs to stop!!!

We've maps on which it can become very hard to find SV how crouch walk just to find the bloody hatch, so they can use their key. Yet they ran past it 3 times. All this while two SV are still alive and refuse to fix two gens to power the gates. Good on them for good hiding, but time wasting or bette say taking the game hostage is an absolute NO-GO!!!

The Devs should do something like a timer if after a certain amount of time no gen was touched. Idk... it was very annoying and unsportsmanlike to behave like this.

Btw, I did find them while I was PM those two. I downed one and told the other to heal his buddy, which he gladly tried. Had kill both for their action... 32 minutes on Red Forrest UGHHH

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  • Member Posts: 772

    I forget to mention: I was doing the Adapt Throphy with Hag

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    Regardless, it's still possible to catch them. If you have issues with the perks you have to bring, you could always bring in nice add-ons to make up for it. There's already crows when survivors go afk. Additionally if a survivor is looking for the hatch and it isn't open, they may be checking common places that it spawns and it may be good to check around those.

    I'm pretty sure "holding the game hostage" refers to situations where you can't finish the game without d/cing.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    I play on PS4, usually if there is one survivor left and I find the hatch first I will message them to tell them I'll let them escape, I don't do this as bait, if I say I'll let them go I'll let them go. If I find them before the hatch I'll just try to catch them

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    @LCGaster said:
    I play on PS4, usually if there is one survivor left and I find the hatch first I will message them to tell them I'll let them escape, I don't do this as bait, if I say I'll let them go I'll let them go. If I find them before the hatch I'll just try to catch them

    that a nice killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    @NekoGamerX said:
    that a nice killer.

    Thank you : )

  • Member Posts: 22

    Trying to escape is holding the game hostage, noted : )

  • Member Posts: 76

    In this situation the game wasn't being held hostage, the survivors were trying the alternate escape route but your patrol of the generators and hatch made it hard for them to do it.

    Holding the game hostage means one side is preventing the game from ending entirely, in this scenario it took two to tango - your patrols rendered repairs or hatch escapes difficult. Just as easily as they could have given up and let you kill them, you could have just... let them get the hatch. Or gens.

    Now, if the exit gates were open? The survivors could easily end the game right there, but they're choosing not to because they want the hatch that bad. They are preventing the game from ending by not even trying to take the open escape route.

  • Member Posts: 1,371
    These killers are just the laziest. If you don't have Whispers, pay atention to the crows and the sound of their breathing or grass moving. It is not rocket science!!!
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

    Ah the 4k "argument" :wink:

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

    Ah the 4k "argument" :wink:

    Well since you can't refute that and you always resort to your typical fallacies I'll point that out since that's the end result anyways. You don't want to have to earn that 4th kill and want the survivor to be easily found, well go find them or runa perk then.

  • Member Posts: 129

    I don't know that I'd call searching for the hatch "holding the game hostage." There are instances where you'll kill 2 with 5 gens left, and the remaining people hide in lockers for a long time. It's annoying, but then so are face camping killers.

    There isn't a lot that can be done about it, aside from making a mental note of who behaves like that, and dodging them later if it bothered you so much.

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    Eh, I agree to some degree. The end game is often not fun for killer, though if someone finds themselves having issues with finding survivors often, whispers helps. I believe it's one of the most common perks to bring as is. It's good to signify if someone's nearby and to waste less time.

  • Member Posts: 27

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

    You want an earned 4k? Ok how about getting 3k at 2 gens done, and losing the 4k purely because the survivor went afk essentially, and I didn't want to have to spend 3 hours on a hatch standoff? I knew the location of the hatch, the survivor didn't, but I couldn't find them, I was using a lvl 1 nurse, what could I have done to "earn" that 4k? Waste more time?

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    @JJRULEZ159 said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

    You want an earned 4k? Ok how about getting 3k at 2 gens done, and losing the 4k purely because the survivor went afk essentially, and I didn't want to have to spend 3 hours on a hatch standoff? I knew the location of the hatch, the survivor didn't, but I couldn't find them, I was using a lvl 1 nurse, what could I have done to "earn" that 4k? Waste more time?

    I've had something similar happen on nurse. They stayed after the gates were opened to look for hatch and took forever. As I said elsewhere, Whisper helps locate survivors. If you find that happening often, maybe consider taking along the perk. Otherwise, I'm sure there's ways to find and locate survivors and I'm sure there's common places survivors may stick to. Some may go into lockers and others will just crouch around everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 27

    @fluffybunny said:

    @JJRULEZ159 said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

    You want an earned 4k? Ok how about getting 3k at 2 gens done, and losing the 4k purely because the survivor went afk essentially, and I didn't want to have to spend 3 hours on a hatch standoff? I knew the location of the hatch, the survivor didn't, but I couldn't find them, I was using a lvl 1 nurse, what could I have done to "earn" that 4k? Waste more time?

    I've had something similar happen on nurse. They stayed after the gates were opened to look for hatch and took forever. As I said elsewhere, Whisper helps locate survivors. If you find that happening often, maybe consider taking along the perk. Otherwise, I'm sure there's ways to find and locate survivors and I'm sure there's common places survivors may stick to. Some may go into lockers and others will just crouch around everywhere.

    again though, level 1 nurse. literally only had nurse's. I'm salty every time it happens. Like I did good enough to kill everyone, find hatch, but because I don't want to waste time, I don't get the 4k after an amazing game. ya know

  • Member Posts: 7,068
    edited January 2019

    @JJRULEZ159 said:

    You want an earned 4k? Ok how about getting 3k at 2 gens done, and losing the 4k purely because the survivor went afk essentially, and I didn't want to have to spend 3 hours on a hatch standoff? I knew the location of the hatch, the survivor didn't, but I couldn't find them, I was using a lvl 1 nurse, what could I have done to "earn" that 4k? Waste more time?

    Well you could've slugged the 3rd person, you could've run whispers like so many other Nurses do and again you felt entitled to the 4k because you couldn't find them.

    You were also a level 1 killer so you can't complain about not being able to find someone I mean good grief a level 1 killer and you still 3k'd and you're complaining because you didn't get a 4k.

    If you got 3k with a level 1 killer that's above average now granted if you're at newbie ranks Nurse is going to do well usually.

    You're upset because you didn't get your 4k because you knew where the hatch was and they didn't well guess what you can always go look for them. The only one to blame for a 3 hour hatch standoff is you at that point if it gets to that level of time wasted.

    In the amount of time you spent writing this post you'd have already started a new match and earned more blood points. I don't do hatch standoffs, I show them where it's at if it was a good game, if not I go look for them.

    If I've gotten 3 and one gets out I still won and I still got way more bp than they did, and the entity is pleased with me.

    Again you're not entitled to a 4k in any way shape or form anymore than the survivors are entitled to having all 5 gens pop on their own. No one not even the pro's 4k every game, except Monto who did a challenge but that was rare.

    You'll have games where you wreck kitchen and games where you don't but when you 4k them and no gens get done you're not going to come to the forums and complain about that though.

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    @JJRULEZ159 said:

    @fluffybunny said:

    @JJRULEZ159 said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

    You want an earned 4k? Ok how about getting 3k at 2 gens done, and losing the 4k purely because the survivor went afk essentially, and I didn't want to have to spend 3 hours on a hatch standoff? I knew the location of the hatch, the survivor didn't, but I couldn't find them, I was using a lvl 1 nurse, what could I have done to "earn" that 4k? Waste more time?

    I've had something similar happen on nurse. They stayed after the gates were opened to look for hatch and took forever. As I said elsewhere, Whisper helps locate survivors. If you find that happening often, maybe consider taking along the perk. Otherwise, I'm sure there's ways to find and locate survivors and I'm sure there's common places survivors may stick to. Some may go into lockers and others will just crouch around everywhere.

    again though, level 1 nurse. literally only had nurse's. I'm salty every time it happens. Like I did good enough to kill everyone, find hatch, but because I don't want to waste time, I don't get the 4k after an amazing game. ya know

    Yeah, I know what you mean. They need to do something about the end game. It feels a bit too unrewarding and brain dead. Often the worst player (who's camping the hatch) gets it. I mean, I understand the hatch is present due to instilling hope into the survivors, but I'm sure counter play could be added in or it could just be completely changed. Like they are required to slowly go down the hatch instead of just hopping in. I dunno how to fix it, honestly. Just some ideas.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @fluffybunny said:

    Yeah, I know what you mean. They need to do something about the end game. It feels a bit too unrewarding and brain dead. Often the worst player (who's camping the hatch) gets it. I mean, I understand the hatch is present due to instilling hope into the survivors, but I'm sure counter play could be added in or it could just be completely changed. Like they are required to slowly go down the hatch instead of just hopping in. I dunno how to fix it, honestly. Just some ideas.

    Well for someone that does nothing all game it shouldn't allow an escape, you've had to have either done at least 1 gen, unhooked someone SAFELY, healed someone 1 health state or done a combo of totems etc.

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    @powerbats said:

    @fluffybunny said:

    Yeah, I know what you mean. They need to do something about the end game. It feels a bit too unrewarding and brain dead. Often the worst player (who's camping the hatch) gets it. I mean, I understand the hatch is present due to instilling hope into the survivors, but I'm sure counter play could be added in or it could just be completely changed. Like they are required to slowly go down the hatch instead of just hopping in. I dunno how to fix it, honestly. Just some ideas.

    Well for someone that does nothing all game it shouldn't allow an escape, you've had to have either done at least 1 gen, unhooked someone SAFELY, healed someone 1 health state or done a combo of totems etc.

    I would say maybe having it a mix of gens and safely unhooking people, but I still kinda like my slower entrance idea as it would mean the survivor would need to sneak into it rather than just jump in freely. It SHOULD be harder to get a hatch escape than a door one as the situation is so much more dire.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @fluffybunny said:

    I would say maybe having it a mix of gens and safely unhooking people, but I still kinda like my slower entrance idea as it would mean the survivor would need to sneak into it rather than just jump in freely. It SHOULD be harder to get a hatch escape than a door one as the situation is so much more dire.

    It's already harder for them to get in because they can easily get grabbed if the killer is close and sliding might be too difficult to code since it's not in the game now due to the limitations.

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    @powerbats said:

    @fluffybunny said:

    I would say maybe having it a mix of gens and safely unhooking people, but I still kinda like my slower entrance idea as it would mean the survivor would need to sneak into it rather than just jump in freely. It SHOULD be harder to get a hatch escape than a door one as the situation is so much more dire.

    It's already harder for them to get in because they can easily get grabbed if the killer is close and sliding might be too difficult to code since it's not in the game now due to the limitations.

    Well, currently it's a staring match to see who blinks first, basically. Or who flinches first. Survivors can just wait to be hit and killers can just wait for the survivor to jump. So, it's basically who's willing to wait the longest. It may have issues with the games code, though. I dunno. Just brainstorming a possible idea that'll stop the stalemate as it's really boring.

  • Member Posts: 15

    i think there needs to be a time limit setting.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    We're trying to survive. If you saw the survivor run past the hatch three times why didn't you catch him and hook him? If you can't hook survivors well maybe you should up your game, you're holding the game hostage.

    Killer complains because he can't find survivors, seriously dude, you are just telling us how bad you are at the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    @Poopadelic said:
    i think there needs to be a time limit setting.

    Yeah, if killer can't find Survivors with all the aura reading and detection perks available, Killer should suicide after time limit after realizing how worthless his life is.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    @JJRULEZ159 said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

    You want an earned 4k? Ok how about getting 3k at 2 gens done, and losing the 4k purely because the survivor went afk essentially, and I didn't want to have to spend 3 hours on a hatch standoff? I knew the location of the hatch, the survivor didn't, but I couldn't find them, I was using a lvl 1 nurse, what could I have done to "earn" that 4k? Waste more time?

    This is a mistake you made. If it's a concern and you want to get 4Ks, slug the 3rd survivor then hunt for the last one.

    It's like Survivors who ignore three closely-clumped gens, then when they're at 1Gen they can't get anything done because the Killer 3Gens them.

    These are gameplay mistakes, you learn from them and adapt if you want to get 4Ks.

  • Member Posts: 27

    @Mochan said:

    @JJRULEZ159 said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Bring Whispers and you'll know what area they're in if you're having issues like that. I don't believe that's actually holding the game hostage as you can in theory find them and end the game by killing them.

    You cant counter every broken game mechanic by using a perk. We dont have enough slots for that

    You aren't entitled to your 4k stop whining about it, you want that 4k EARN IT!

    You want an earned 4k? Ok how about getting 3k at 2 gens done, and losing the 4k purely because the survivor went afk essentially, and I didn't want to have to spend 3 hours on a hatch standoff? I knew the location of the hatch, the survivor didn't, but I couldn't find them, I was using a lvl 1 nurse, what could I have done to "earn" that 4k? Waste more time?

    This is a mistake you made. If it's a concern and you want to get 4Ks, slug the 3rd survivor then hunt for the last one.

    It's like Survivors who ignore three closely-clumped gens, then when they're at 1Gen they can't get anything done because the Killer 3Gens them.

    These are gameplay mistakes, you learn from them and adapt if you want to get 4Ks.

    I would've but the final survivor was a mega immersed claudette, my only chance at finding them was hatch, and even then I didn't get the 4k. It's still a win, but annoying that I lost because the final kill had more patience than me.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Well you win some you lose some. You can't have a perfect game every time.

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