I think WGLF needs a buff or rework

I don't think anybody would argue against the perk being changed, but I would love to see how you guys would change the perk. For a single survivor there's only 6 possible unhooks. Safe unhooks being the main way to get stacks is just annoying as you have to get off of every gen to go straight to the hook to get your stacks. Asking for protection hits is just asking for you get killed or throw the game for your team. I know you could just get two safe unhooks and two protection hits, but that's still asking for a playstyle that might end up with you throwing the game for stacks. I'd like to see it go off of gens completed. Every time you complete a gen or cleanse a lit totem you get one stack. One stack equals a 50% postgame BP gain. I can see how this would incentivize gen rushing but then again who's gonna run this perk at high MMR or even average MMR. As for the benefit it gives you, I'm okay with the healing speed increase. I do have an idea for a new benefit though. It's not as helpful but I think it's cool. Every time you complete you a gen you see the aura of all other survivors. This aura reding ability would also ignore the blindness status affect. <3 to anybody who takes time out of their day to reply to this
I disagree. I think the perk is fine. The 2x speed for healing effect sometimes can even carry or save the game. Getting stacks really isn't the issue here unless your teammates are super good / killer sucks - that's very rare when it comes to solo Q Survivor.
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You should get a stack for every slugged survivor you pick up. That’s the whole effect of the perk now so why not?
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I haven't played solo Q in about a year, so I guess a don't really know how the perk preforms in that aspect. I've ran the perk over a hundred times at this point and I've never seen it carry or save one of my games but again I'm fine with the benefit staying the same. I just rarely get even 3 stacks which makes me feel like I'm not getting the full use out of the perk even if it's just for BP
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It would be interesting to see how many stacks I could get like this, but I feel like getting 4 stacks would be near impossible at that point. I'm also not to fond of perk value fully relying on how another player plays.
I only now realized you meant add picking people up giving you a stack rather then that being the only way to get a stack. my very brain is very smol lol
Post edited by idc on1 -
Getting 4 Stacks with BBQ is easier than WGLF, if you dont want to throw the game. With BBQ, you just have to play, with WGLF, you have to go out of your way to get 4 Stacks.
Personally, I think that things like Flashlight- and Pallet Saves should count towards Stacks, they did in the past, but the Devs removed it when they buffed WGLF. Also, it should grant a stack for picking up a Survivor from the ground, I really dont understand why this is not a thing, because it would be such a nice synergy with the other effect of the Perk.
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Honestly, I really like this and would love to see if I would average more stacks this way. BBQ is the reason I went towards gens with how to get stacks. since the killer gets a bonus for doing their objective, I think survivors should also get a bonus
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That is literally how WGLF works right now. You get stacks for rescuing a survivor via blinds and pallet stuns.
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Devs didn't remove anything.
Those things have been working like that since the beginning and still work.
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it still doesn't give a stack for picking a survivor off the ground which would be a nice little change to the perk. Are you sure you get stacks for that? clearly, I don't get enough saves that way lol
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Oh i´m all in for getting stacks for getting someone up from the slugged state, just like @Phasmamain recommended.
But the rest is just like it always was. Funnily enough, the devs had to remind survivors about how WGLF works, by "introducing new ways to get stacks".
WGLF is basekit for me. You get stacks for everything that saves a survivor from getting on the hook.
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For getting more stacks? Sure. But I actually think it needs to be nerfed (never thought I’d be using that word in a discussion of WGLF) of its healing speed of slugs. Cut it in half to 50%. It is ridiculous, particularly when stacked with other healing perks and medkits. And I’m a survivor main.
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I am 100% sure that at some point it did not work to get Stacks with WGLF or Flashlights.
They might have added it again, I dont run WGLF, so I dont know if it recently works or not.
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I think it's perfectly fine as is. It's one of the best altruistic anti-slugging perks out there
My only complaint is when they said they added more ways to get stacks, I'm not gonna say they lied but they really didn't. You used to get WGLF stacks for pallet saves before they added it to the perk text. It'd be neat if you got a stack for picking someone up from the dying state - if that were added then the perk would be 100% perfect imo.
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What you’re thinking is that it never said it in the description, while still providing stacks. And it was like BHVR was trying to hail some huge buff to getting more stacks, when in reality they already existed. The only change WGLF has ever received is the healing speed buff to slugs.
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I think every time a player is the only living survivor and escapes with this perk it should play Queen and show them getting away in slow motion. Now THAT would be a buff! 🙂
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You are right, I remember them saying that they would introduce more ways to get stacks, just by adding those things to the description which already provided stacks.
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nobody can have this much power