I think WGLF needs a buff or rework

idc Member Posts: 51
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't think anybody would argue against the perk being changed, but I would love to see how you guys would change the perk. For a single survivor there's only 6 possible unhooks. Safe unhooks being the main way to get stacks is just annoying as you have to get off of every gen to go straight to the hook to get your stacks. Asking for protection hits is just asking for you get killed or throw the game for your team. I know you could just get two safe unhooks and two protection hits, but that's still asking for a playstyle that might end up with you throwing the game for stacks. I'd like to see it go off of gens completed. Every time you complete a gen or cleanse a lit totem you get one stack. One stack equals a 50% postgame BP gain. I can see how this would incentivize gen rushing but then again who's gonna run this perk at high MMR or even average MMR. As for the benefit it gives you, I'm okay with the healing speed increase. I do have an idea for a new benefit though. It's not as helpful but I think it's cool. Every time you complete you a gen you see the aura of all other survivors. This aura reding ability would also ignore the blindness status affect. <3 to anybody who takes time out of their day to reply to this

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