Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

My idea for an Alien/Aliens DLC

So first of I have been playing this game for a loooooooong time and its growing really boring and stale with me just wanting to quit the game all together due to mmr and hackers, so i decided to think about something that would get me back into the game, a killer i have been wanting since day 1 and two survivors i would love to play.So here we go.

Alien/Aliens DLC with Ellen and Amanda Ripley as survivors, the xenomorph as the killer and a indoor spaceship map, which would either be the Nostromo or Sevastapol from Alien Isolation, Nostromo would be a fan fav but will be a two level indoor map thats quite small, while Sevastapol would be a much larger still indoor map with multiple levels.

Xenomorph movement speed 110% with a 32m terror radius, a normal attack and a normal lunge, the Xenomorph is a tall killer.

Xenomorph Ablitys.

  1. Eggs, the match will start with 6 Xenomorph eggs placed around the map all within 2meters of a wall, whenever a surivior is within 5meters of an egg you recive killer instinct, survivors can "examine" an egg which grants 10% progress on the nearest generator (searching has a cool down of 60 seconds) during this search there will be 2 skill checks failing either of those skill checks will result in the survivor becoming exposed for 6 seconds.
  2. Cocoon, rather than hooking the Xenomorph can carry survivors to the nearest wall and "Cocoon" them, freeing a survivor from a cocoon takes 5 seconds, once a survior has been cocooned for a total of 60 seconds (resucing pauses this timer) they can be cocooned within 2meters of an egg after 10 seconds of this they killed.(being cocooned will still trigger ds/bt... etc)
  3. Crouch, the Xenomorph can crouch removing his red stain and increasing movement speed to 120% however hitting survivor while crouced only inflicts mending not an actual health state.

Xenomorph perks.

Prefect Organism; Every 90 seconds you see the auras of every survivor for 10 seconds however the survivors see you aura if you are within 12 meters of them.

Evolution; Start the game with 0 tokens, each time a generator is complete gain a token, at 1 token you take 50% longer to recover from stuns, but vault 100% faster and your movement speed is increased to 125%. At 2-3 tokens your terror radius is reduced by 50% and your red stain is removed however your movement speed is reduced to 100%, at 4 tokens you lose your terror radius and red stain but your movement is reduced to 90%, 5 tokens you keep the effects of 4 tokens however you gain the ablity to kill 1 survivor by your hand, as well as gaining 4 seconds of killer instinct whenever a survivor interacts with a exit gate.

Watch the Shadows; After standing still for 4 seconds you lose your red stain, and your terror radius increases by 100%, after moving again this effects presists for 6 seconds, you also gain a 10% movement speed increase for those 6 seconds.

Amanda Ripley Perks

  1. I will find her; Whenever another surivor has been unhooked/uncooned/uncaged etc, you see there aura for 10 seconds, if you take a protection hit for them during this time they are fully healed.
  2. Engineer; Your failed skill checks no longer make a loud noise notification.
  3. Smoke bomb; After working at a Generator for 60% gain the ablity to craft a smoke bomb in a locker, smoke bombs are placed on the ground and have a 5 second delay before activating, all survivors within 12 meters of a smoke bomb have there aura hidden for the duration of the smokebomb and do not leave scratch marks, Smoke bombs last for 16 seconds.

Ellen Ripley Perks.

  1. Get away from her; Whenever another survivor is hooked more than 25meters away from you, your aura is revelled to the killer and the killers aura to you, you also become exposed for as long as that survivor is on the hook, you gain a 100% increase in blood points for all actions taken during this time and the unhooking speed of all survivors is increased by 100%.
  2. Auto destruct; If you are grabbed off a generator, or put into the dying state within 6meters of a generator that is over 60% complete, Auto destruct actives stuning the killer for 10 seconds and giving you a 20% movement speed increase for 5 seconds, this also reduces the gen to 0 progress.
  3. Motion Tracker; When working on a generator get a noise notification when the killer is 16m, 12m, 8m, 4meters away from you, each stage (16/12/8/4) increases gen repair speed by 3% (to a toal of 12%)


  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    The xeno should be able to climb up walls and ceilings other than that i like what your put together

  • AlphaBeta
    AlphaBeta Member Posts: 11

    I think so also, i think it would just be really hard to put into the game, but if the devs could make that work i would be super keen.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    It’s by far some of the most interesting idea yet for alien.

    Sadly this game works on a flat plain to really capture the feel of alien you have to be able to run up the walls and ceilings rendering loops and pallets worthless.

    So the alien would be nothing more than a glorified killer skin and devoid of the elements that make it unique and scary. Think the upside down first perspective chase scenes in alien 3.

    AVP games capture the alien so well as you are not confined to the floor. That element would be completely lacking in DBD.

    That’s why I don’t think it would ever work and kind of hope they don’t.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    The Power seems interesting, tho I think 6 seconds of Exposed is too little

    The Xenomorph Perks are fitting and balanced, tho Evolution is overpowered with 1 Token and underpowered with 2 or more Tokens, as you won't be able to catch Survivors anymore

    Ellen and Amanda have balanced and unique Perks, Smoke Bomb and Auto Destruct being amazing Perks imo

    Here's a concept I've made for the Alien franchise

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Since Disney owns the Alien license, I highly doubt this will ever happen... although it would be awesome.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    Some really cool ideas. Xenomorph would get me to main killer.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Play AVP or Colonial Marines Multiplayer

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited March 2022

    Please no.

    Seeing a xenomorph getting stopped in its tracks by a wooden pallet or a flashlight followed by getting teabagged, would be too much to take.