Territorial Imperative Experimental Perk Change

Territorial Imperative

The Aura of the Basement is Highlighted to you in a White Aura.

Standing within the Basement for 5/4/3-Seconds activates Territorial Imperative. When Exiting the Basement Entrance, the Auras of all Survivors are Revealed to you for 3-Seconds.

Any Survivor standing within the Basement including the Basement Entrance for at least 2-Seconds will have their Aura Revealed to you for the Duration they Remain.

Increases the Chance of Spawning within The Basement At the Start of The Trial by 50%.


  • IWFreak
    IWFreak Member Posts: 252

    I really like the first and second idea! Information when you get out of the basement. I would still add a minimum range to it, like BBQ has.

    The third is downright OP... Perma aura reading on people in the basement will get oppressive, especially with how oppressive basement already can be.

    Last, spawning in basement as Insidious Bubba? Would be kinda funny...

  • spinodemdem
    spinodemdem Member Posts: 56

    as a player who plays a basement demogorgon build usually

    please dont change territorial :( it alerts teleporting killers like hag and demo about someone rescuing so you can yeet a grab or a make your choice hit