Any tips to deal with Boil over on console?

I have to admit that I struggle a lot with the new boil over on console. I’m talking about the enhanced wiggle. I’ve lost so many survivors and hooks weren’t that far.
I find it very hard to move forward while juggling with both joysticks. Today one push from wiggle made me move half way up the first set of stairs to basement. That was ridiculous.
Do you have any tips to deal with it on a controller?
Iron grasp and or agitation I personaly play ps4 and it makes it way better
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As soon as I know Boil Over is in play, I look for the nearest hook BEFORE I pick up the survivor.
If I am hitting about the 15 second mark, I just drop them and let them be slugged. I don't like to do that as slugging I find is boring for both sides but if I can't reliably get survivors to hooks, I'll do what I have to to at least get some kind of pressure out of this circumstance
Unfortunately that's about all I can offer you. Luckily Boil Over has gone the way of the niche perk and will very rarely come out to play anymore (unless it's a bully squad but you deal with Boil Over bully squads the same way you deal with most bully squads and let them play "Lie here on the floor" simulator). You can put on perks like Via above stated but personally I'm not going to burn a perk slot just because BHVR forgets that they make a PC AND a console game...
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Walk sideways and their wiggling won't effect you much.
I drop them, then fight over their slug. If they wiggle free, I go after them again and don't down them until we're closer to a hook.
When a survivor makes it too difficult for me to hook, I make them pay it back when I finally get them.
Iron Grasp works too, but I prefer Agitation, doesn't work as well against Boil Over, but I often used it before Boil Over, it can save you a lot of time overall.
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So you all agree that Boil over is hard to deal with on a controller? It came to a point that I sometimes don’t pick up the survivor because I don’t know if I will be able to move forward enough… as if I didn’t have enough things to deal with…
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Yep, if I am on a different killer, I just slug them unless they are very near a hook already. On Bubba, I run Iron Grasp/Agitation, so you know, it is fine even if I use up every hook in an area. Lol.