Bad sign for future of the game?

Blood rush is supposed to entice more people to play, right? Looking at Steam Charts (yes I know it’s only PC platform, but it’s the only data we have), player count has been dropping over the past week or so since the blood rush started despite the bonus BP. Seems many like players are finally getting fed up with the current state of the game with really no clear path given by the devs for how it gets better.
There was a slight increase at the last weekend when the trend for the last 30 days showed green numbers but got back into the red after one or tow days.
But it's still interesting to see that the game is back to beginning of 2021 in terms of player count on steam. Truly not a desirable trend for long-term survival of the game but we will have to continue observing and see.
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The bonus BP is literally worthless right before a new killer releases. The cap is only 1 million, what the heck do I need more for? That is the reason they do these before new releases.
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Not nearly everyone has all characters P3/all perks and therefore a dire need for more BP.
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I am in the same boat. But I am saving the BP codes and rank reset rewards, so I have been getting nothing, myself. I guess if I wasn't as serious about p3 Sadako day 1, I could.
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It's not players getting "fed up" unfortunately. It's just better (and more hyped) games coming out, namely Elden Ring. They'll be back eventually, most likely.
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I never understood this first day "p3" attitude. Why not just level a new character and get them perks without having to do it as many times as possible as fast as possible. If you don't have everything else already.
Hell i haven't prestiged any character for those boring cosmetics and probably never will.
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Not necessarily, the downwards trend began way before that due to whatever in-game reasons.
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That's exactly the reason why I played until I reached 1 million and haven't turned on DbD since then. Simply no point in continuing while the bloodpoint limit is in place.
On top of this, people usually play extra sweaty during those events. Which doesn't contribute to fun.
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I'm certainly floating here waiting for proper developer balance, but even as a player who thoroughly enjoyed the game before reaching high MMR I have zero reason to come back and play. Havent touched the game in months. I doubt they will ever make the necessary decisions to rebalance the game. In that case I'll gladly remove it from my library
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This game is doomed because BHVR is unable to fix their engine therefore they have so many limitations that sooner or later,a game that meets what community been asking for years will come.
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"Game is grindy indeed"
"We hand out bonus bloodpoints (codes) which ignore the cap, we might aswell higher the cap"
"Perk tiers will not be removed, no reason to it"
A casual game shouldn't be that grindy if it wants to keep their playerbase. Playing hundreds upon hundreds of hours and not getting a character with all perks T3 is more than just frustrating. I wish the devs would play their game on a regular base at least, just to see what's going on. They wouldn't have to ignore the community anymore because they'd finally see what we see.
Lowered my MMR to get matched with non-hacking players is a meta bigbrain-gamer-move in this game.
"I think we're doing a pretty good job so far"
I shouldn't talk so much about the flaws or else i'm getting my cosmetics removed too.
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There's no flow of incoming new players because the barriers to entry (aka the grind) are too high. 191 perks, 3 tiers of each, 50 odd characters, some locked behind a paywall, polluted bloodwebs and abysmal bloodpoint gain.
Even if you only wanted to unlock the meta stuff and be done with it, you may have to spend a thousand hours doing so for a handful of killers and a single survivor.
1.5x bp for a week? That's a slap in the face compared to the years worth of grind to just get the stuff you need to play reasonably.
And the new players who were brought in with the big licenses have left once the hype worn off and they realized what lost cause they had waiting in front of them.
Add to that the hacking epidemic, killers having to contend with gen speed and map design, survivors rolling the dice every trial knowing that if they get found first they'll be camped and tunneled out of the trial and otherwise they're condemned to a game of holding m1.
Tl;dr the gameplay is stale, the meta is obnoxious and the grind is unbearable.
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What recent development HASN'T been a bad sign for the future of the game?
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Fixing Stretch Res. Not everything the devs do is bad but they're not listening to the community or else stretch res would have been fixed sooner.
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I haven't touched dbd since last week because of Elden Ring. I know at least 2 people who are the same.
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Make it 3.
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Make it 4.
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Especially considering the surge the game had when it went to EGS. To get that injection into the player base, only for it to fall off fairly quickly? That doesn't bode well.
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Tragically ik what everyone plays like during bp events so I'll be playing maybe tonight, tomorrow, and maybe Sunday and that's it. I really cba to deal with it so I just don't play lmao
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The biggest Problem is just that, when i want to play Survivor, i just need to get them to level 40 (maybe 41) to unlock all their perks. Ignoring shrine. Then i can level 1 Survivor to the max (of course my favorite survivor). It doesn't matter which survivor it is, they all play the same.
As a killer i need every killer level 40 to unlock all the perks, then my favorite one gets all the perks first, i want to test this funny build i saw from youtube (or w/e). Oh now i want to level my second killer, let's unlock as many perks as i need, damn no blood points, now i can't put blood points into my first killer :( that means i don't have the add-ons that are only viable as the rest is useless, well let's level him, now i can't level the third killer at all and can't unlock funny/necessary perks :(.
i recently got 27 000 000bp as i lost progress. and i can't even unlock all the perks on killers... to play for 27 000 000bp is a grind i never want to do again, if they hadn't helped me with the loss, i would have cried and stopped playing for sure. Hundred of hours just to unlock certain perks is just.... sigh i hope they find a better solution soon, at least for that, i don't care for Prestige, except for archivments.
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Cuz every time during this event survs got more often camped and tunneled, saying that from my own experience. And yeah, blood point hungry killers who just camping survs and got Double more BP than surv cuz u can run killer for 3-5 gens, do gens and do unhook and still got less than 20k BP 🙈
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I would say such blood rush events are there to help out with the grind nothing more
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Exactly either I have sweat feast survivor teams or I get a killer using every little trick to get kills and BP....not fun at all if your a casual player like me.
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I wanted to grind out some bloodpoints for the new chapter but I’m busy enjoying Elden Ring.
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Make it double
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Who cares about 1.5x?
If you have passed the grind, you will not need that.
If you are still in the grind it will not really help you.
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If I'm not feeling the game, then 1.5x isn't gonna coax me back. It's a pathetic amount, and pretty much just their attempt to offset Elden Ring attention, like how the last one was for the VHS beta.
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Even if you look at the SteamCharts right now, we nearly dipped below 20K players for the first time in a long while.
The BP event isn't drawing anyone back.
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I only play a few round atm.
1.5x is not so much that you really miss something.
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Room for 5? Just found the UGS! Now if I could only find Blaaids armor my cosplay will be complete
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The bloodrush is super pointless for veteran players. The cap is 1 million and I'm already maxed on everything I want to be maxed on. The only point in me grinding the bloodrush would be to save BP for the new chapter and I can't even do that because of the super outdated BP cap. 1 million doesn't even get me to 50
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I'm actually somewhat glad the game is dying. DBD is a fantastic example of developing a video game Stockholm syndrome, 9 out of 10 matches are absolutely miserable, but I'm addicted and keep coming back for more. Once it's gone though, after the withdrawal goes away, life's gonna be good. I do hope the artists get some really good jobs, they carried this game so hard.
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It could be other games are coming out tbh. Past 4 weeks we had big games came out. It's going to take away from DBD. Elden Ring is big for PC and then even on consoles, you have Pokemon Arceus taking Switch people away.
Im a little part of the latter, but am going back to my Gameboy advance lol but I'm still playing and am excited for Sadako. I've also been loving Plague lately. So the BP rush is nice to begin unlocking her perks once she comes out.
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I mean, you could spend one games worth, play a game, then you're back up at 1 mill, that way you aren't wasting any
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Sadako is still not out so im not in.
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I’ve seen this with some of my friends who used to play the game with me occasionally but basically stopped altogether. Their biggest complaint/reason for not playing was how much time they would have to put in to get the characters and perks they wanted. BHVR needs to understand that while yes the grind might keep some current players putting more hours into the game, it’s also likely turning away a lot of new players.
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So the only two choices are 1) shut up and keep playing the game or 2) shut up and and stop playing the game? Is there a third option allowed where we keep playing the game and also try to provide feedback for improving it? The main reason I posted this was to point out that BHVR not listening to player feedback might be a factor in the declining player count
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I actually just reinstalled the game because one of my friends got back into the game, and then he invited me to a whole DBD discord group. So I'll stick around till my friend stops playing again, or they fix Killer, or they fix solo survivor.
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Good for you, i guess?
I deinstalled the game on Tuesday after two months of maybe coming on for only checking the weekly free teachable perks (i can't even remember the name anymore).
Until then i now and then felt a little spark when reading on this forum but even that is gone now.
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It was a bad sign ever since they decided to add MMR permanently. Then tell us its just based off kills and escapes.
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There was a bloodrush? Damn
I was planning on getting 3+million BP in preparation for Sadako but I have barely bothered with Dbd lately
Still trying to build decks in master duel
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Blood Rush Events are only playable for Survivors u cant play this unbalanced Game as Killer
I hv a Feeling that they Change the Matchmaking at Events so u only get high MMR and SWF Groups as a Casual Killer 9 / 10 Games was unplayable vor me as Killer since the Event
I Really Hope the Game dies so the Devs finally Adress the unfair Balancing and stupid Matchmaking