You change your survivor in the lobby i leave the lobby

When the survivor change at the last second I leave because I saw a flashlight or other that mean for me toxic survivor
If i see multiple flashlights i sometimes just dodge too. Especially if im playing a killer like hag or Nemesis.😅
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put on light born then
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To be fair you should just always expect it and not leave the match. It takes practice 4king and if you always lobby dodge the harder teams you will never get better. Yes its unfair but flashlights do have a limited use and walls are your friends. Just learn how to handle toxic survivors and play toxic yourself if you have too its never going to go away as players typically are practicing their techniques. I will be honest tho toxicity is really only in the mid rank lvls. Ive seen it briefly in ash and never in iri and thats not to say it doesnt exist in all ranks its just your more like to gen genrushed rather than anything else. Personally 4 toolboxes is scarier than 4 flashlights because your most likely going against a sabo squad that avoids the basement. One thing is to always do a patrol before a pickup and make sure they are isolated.
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The only way I can play jeryl, leryl,ceon,jeve ,or cill tho
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They said at the last second. You don't have time to do that.
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Why would you do that anyway? xD
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oh thanks didnt see that
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so, you throw the whole match making off, make everyone sit through another queue time, and miss out on blood points just because someone has a flashlight?
YIKES youre fragile.
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You summoned me, I came.
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Because I want to scare the killer
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Plz do, I love to abuse lightborn with object of obsession
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I like it when they do a last-second swap. Shows me that I should also play dirty, which is way more fun.
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I mean, its a videogame not a civic duty. Besides, if you want faster queue times, just play killer. ... if you dare 👻
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People don't put money in this game to be harassed and bullied. People see past your toxic mind game.
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I see why they don’t implement DbD mobile’s lobby into the main game, too many killers would DC at loading screen whenever there’s one flashlight. Once players queue on mobile, neither side can switch anything.
It’s not like survivors want to avoid a perk that renders their item completely useless or anything... /s
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You feel like to attack someone over a post. Oh man you must be strong.
Survivors try to play dirty before the match even start, Killer can simply drop the lobby. I would play through it because I dont really care, but I dont blame other killers.
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You look for the easiest it.
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Sometimes Ill be on my trouble maker ######### and be like, hmmm I bet these guys wanna go back to queue. Im an empath, I can sense it.
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I would argue that flashlight lobbies are often the easiest. Flashlights have easy counterplay, and if the whole team is going to be chasing flashlight saves, they're wasting time. I'd much rather see four flashlights than medkits or toolboxes.
I think a lot of people don't care for the last second switching because it feels cheap misdirection.
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How is it playing dirty? They have no obligation to give you free information.
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I usually run franklins since I KNOW those guys will wreck me, I'm taking the item at LEAST!
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Honestly survivor's loadout should be locked at 15sec, so killer has 10sec to make final choice in their loadout. The theme is that killer stalking survivors before the trial start, they should always have a better preparation.
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But... what if I'm just leveling up that survivor i was working on who doesn't have my main perks and i switch to my main survivor with no item?
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Then always have lightborn on, you just bamboozled their bamboozle
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Okay go ahead. Have a ball.
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Strange that you didn't do that during the 10-20 minute queue time many people have, paying survivor?
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Yes, I hope you enjoy your ruined experience while you are at it. It would be a shame if you were fragile enough to be bothered by it.
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Sorry i actually have decent queue times during the time of the day i played, didn't know that was a crime, jeez
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It's not but that argument "I level my character up during lobby time" never convinced me.
That's something most people should do BEFORE they even queue up. Killer can't even do it anymore due to being locked into character.
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If it's allowed then why not take advantage of it? Sorry, I don't want to play Yui, but lobbying is the only time I remember to level her up
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Huh? I literally level my character in the lobby. I am not about to do that BEFORE a long queue, I want in queue a$ap. No idea what you are talking about unless I hella misread this.
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Yeah but since i as the killer want to play casually, i see a last second change as tryhard mentality.
Well, given that i unlike most don't treat that back with tryhard sweaty mentality but indifference. The survivor shows signs of taunting or tryhardness? Well then have fun playing with yourself as i won't give any attention to you. I was here to enjoy my playtime and not stress myself against tryhards in an still not fully balanced asymmetric game.
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If you have short queues as totemsseker arguments to have, i would say level before.
If you have long queue times, see my comment before that. "Why level during the one minute when you have 10-20 before that to level?"
Edit: for example when i played killer during prime time i had less than 30 seconds to even pick add-ons. So i invest my BP beforehand, even when i level the killer i am going to play.
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I do not care what skin your wrap your meta perks in. It's the same Dead Hard either way.
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It's not harder teams, if anything, those people tend to be much weaker, they are just toxic and petty.
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With that logic, anyone can DC before game starts, it's allowed after all.
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Flashlights, in most cases, should make the match easier for the killer. As a lot of people will follow you around as you chase someone else, waiting for their time to shine. So they're not doing generators.
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I like to switch from toxic flashlight Nea to a default itemless Dwight at the last second to mess with their heads.
Maybe get them to waste a slot on Lightborn/Franklin's too!
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Using item in the game.
DBD community: "Toxic"
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When youve got half an hour between matches, you end up doing all kinds of dumb #########. I remember one match where I ended up with a survivor I handnt played or set up, because I got distracted looking at the cosmetics and forgot to change to my main.
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Why intentionally remove context.
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What? I love flashlight squads. They have a marked tendency to follow the killer around rather than do gens and are quite counterable even without specific perks. Running heavy slowdown and having a bit of awareness against this kind of teams is actually half a win from the beginning because they tend to have only one or two people at gens at any time.
And it's not uncommon to end a chase with 2 slugs for the price of one (get a down, approach your prey... Wait for it, turn around and hit the survivor conveniently hiding in the nearby bush or rock, chase and down.
Since I play pyhead mostly now this also often ends with a hook and a cage which is hilarious.
Now 4 toolboxes.... I wish I could change killers in the lobby.
Why can't we, anyway, BTW? It's not fair
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When the BM starts even before the match even has begun... sry, but my PC sadly cannot handle this.
It is a very sensitive piece of equipment and just sends me back to my desktop once the loading screen appears. I tried talking to it but, no chance. It just refuses to play with those people 😪
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Lol. This is an in game item, not an exploit or something. Also they swap to avoid franklins. No context behind it.
Theres nothing else to say.
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I don't leave the lobby, because another killer Will join fast. I wait until loading screen and close the Game at this point.
They have to re queue and eat another lobby simulator. At prime time on EU, SWF get omega salty because they have to eat another 10+ mins of queue.
I do the same if they bring Maps offerings, toolboxes or more than 1 medkit.
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Admittedly - throwing Lightborne on when you see clicky clicky is both fun and easy!
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Annoying, but allowed yes
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99% of the time survivors last switch to a different character or item its a bully squad and I'm dodging. There is nothing interesting going against 4 dead hards, sabos, clicking, God looping and gens being done in 4 minutes despite anything you do. Yeah I'm dodging sorry not sorry.