Yall ever disapointed when you don't get any salty comments?

I just really like replying to them and since I play nice most of the time its fun to laugh at whatever insult or accusations they come up with. I particularly love when they themselves were toxic or in the case of them saying you use crutch perks and they also use crutch perks and you get to call them out on it. A particular favourite I obtained was "-rep camped and tunnelled off hook because they're a pea brain and kept replacing the same 4 traps I disarmed" when I was using the purple bag addon(the one that ya know doesn't let you move traps.) another was "level 5 and only use noob killer l2p" they meant rank 5 and I was playing billy which is the first time I've heard billy being called a noob killer haha. Something about toxic comments really just brings a smile to my face when I get to close DBD and see 3 steam notifications.
