Yall ever disapointed when you don't get any salty comments?

I just really like replying to them and since I play nice most of the time its fun to laugh at whatever insult or accusations they come up with. I particularly love when they themselves were toxic or in the case of them saying you use crutch perks and they also use crutch perks and you get to call them out on it. A particular favourite I obtained was "-rep camped and tunnelled off hook because they're a pea brain and kept replacing the same 4 traps I disarmed" when I was using the purple bag addon(the one that ya know doesn't let you move traps.) another was "level 5 and only use noob killer l2p" they meant rank 5 and I was playing billy which is the first time I've heard billy being called a noob killer haha. Something about toxic comments really just brings a smile to my face when I get to close DBD and see 3 steam notifications.
I'd rather endgame chat just stay blank. I don't care for toxicity, win or lose.
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Salt is usually an encouragement
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No, Salty comments are actually a negative. Negative comments are what disappoints me.
Its way better when they write funny messages on my Steam profile instead.
Life is too short to be Salty.
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The thing is I just find most salty comments funny
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um no?
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Sometimes yes, just playing killer and leaving without nobody saying anything is kinda boring. Even a GG makes me feel better.
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I leave my chat off, don’t have time for salty comments over a video game.
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I know what you mean, it IS a silly behaviour. But I don't like making fun of someone who feels wronged, I learned the good ideas when I took de-escalation as part of Retail Education. Its not to take the high road on you, but I think lifting people up instead of laughing down is better, because Id like that to happen to me in the same situation, Golden rule style.
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Depends. On PS4 I have a couple names I recognize who tend to always leave salty messages after a match and I get a little bummed if they ignore me.
One of my favorites is a guy who in the 5 or so games I played against him, dc'd every time on first down and then sent a message seconds later, saying reported for abuse, cheating, targeted harassment, etc and that it's all been filed and he's on the phones with BHVR as we speak. I'll ask him what I did and then he goes off on me for a while. I'd be heartbroken if the next time I get him I don't get a message.
Most of the time I don't care though as I normally play fairly chill. I tend not to tunnel, camp, or slug unless I'm doing a challenge or feeling particularly sweaty.
As survivor I think I've only gotten like two salty messages from a killer and the only one I can remember is for apparently abusing aim dressing by attempting 360's. I never expect message as survivor.
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No. I'd rather have no comments or a simple "gg".
I rarely get salt though.
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Why would anyone want to read a bunch of insults. Also there are a bunch of YouTubers that do salt content and I hate that
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I prefer either "gg wp" or silence.
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I stopped playing seriously after Blight but I still have the habit on console of pressing the guide button to check for new messages after every match.
I used to get death threats and horrible offensive messages every match just by playing killer but now since I let all survivors get free escapes I only get the occasional gg or thanks. To be honest I miss them.
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No, because I'm not a sadist?
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I always hear about it but never get it.
Wish I did.
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Oh s**t how’s it been bro?
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If you go out of ur way to purposely make people mad or salty. idk how i feel about that
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I've clocked in about 120 hours on Elden Ring so far, so pretty damn good.
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I mean not really, I don't really even have to try to get -rep. I get -rep for existing at this point.
But if I try for it, that's when you get the salty novels. Omegalul, such an easy game to troll
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No because I dont stay long enough to ever read them. Killer or survivor.
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holy crap all of those were recent. I don't get many steam comments, but I get a lot of crap from end game chat. I only have like 3 pages on steam total, but the amount of end game chat salt I get is insane. Kinda funny to look at.
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this kind of attitude just encourages even more toxicity in the game/community
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No, I'd much rather just see gg or nothing at all.
And I'm not accusing anyone here of it, but I feel wanting comments like that is one big step on the way to being someone who "plays for salt", which is a kind of person that if we had magical intent-determining mind reading technology I'd 100% support the immediate permanent banning of.
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No, I prefer to maintain the illusion that humanity is not completely worthless.
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Are you ever disappointed going to a store and not getting bad customer service?
Na, I prefer those, "Good vibes, good vibes"
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Absolutely not, and I will never understand the appeal of it.
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No, I don't derive pleasure from other people's misery.
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The secret to collecting tons of salty -reps is to turn your endgame chat off.
Then you can't ever accidently concede a response to anything, and maintain the illusion of a stoic killer main.
Not giving any reply drives people to -reps from what I have seen. Salty players need the outlet.