6th Anniversary Killer Should Be Dracula

We had 3 licensed killers in year 5 (Nemesis, Pinhead and Sadako) and only one original (Artist). So i think we have enough licensed content for while.
But anniversary chapters are important and they are coming with big names (Ghostface, Pyramid Head and Nemesis). First 2 years DbD was not that big, so last 3 years we had good names for anniversary. So year 6 should bring another big name too.
And here we go, Dracula is really good choice for anniversary. Because:
- He is old school horror icon, big name. People will hype for him (include me).
- Free license, so this mean BHVR can create their own Dracula. This mean they can be creative. Original killers usually have more fun powers except last 2 killers (Artist and Trashster). But we also have (Oni, Blight, Plague, Spirit etc.) unique and fun original killers. So Dracula can be at good side.
- We can get survivor from Medieval Age, a knight maybe. And he would be so awesome and unique.
- Dracula's Castle would be good choice for map.
- We already saw Dracula (or random vampire) on one of the tomes. So we know BHVR is interested with vampire (Dracula) killer.
What do you think? Would you excited for Mr. Dracula.
Not really.
However I would like some pyromancer or flamethrower weapon killer haha. Would be so interesting and unique. Idk how balanced it would be but it would be fun.
Imagine like put fire on some loops that lasts few seconds and people have to avoid it or even damage someone overtime with fire haha.
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I mean, I'm on-board for a licensed Dracula too.
Only if it's Christopher Lee or Gary Oldman tho.
My mom made me watch the Gary Oldman Dracula cuz she was a film student and there is a lot of iconography, but let me tell you, don't watch that movie with your mom.
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I would like to see Pyromancer killer but it is anniversary, so we should get some of big horror names. This is why i think Dracula will be good. But any time i would try pyro killer, it would be so fun with fireball power.
My mom does not like horror movies but i never watched any Dracula movie.
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I’d be down for a classic monster killer like a vampire or werewolf. 🙂
- Vampire who can briefly fly as a swarm of bats and daze survivors with a hypnotic gaze
- Werewolf with a lunge (ala Demo) and the ability to track the neareat survivors by focussing on scent or killer instinct
- Mummy who is a hulking juggernaut capable of easily smashing walls and pallets and that maybe can summon up sand to blind survivors or curses them. (A speed 110% killer that can just instant break pallets and walls could be kind of different. I don’t know how good they’d be overall because of poor map mobility but with innate instant breaks they’d be slow but steady in chases.)
- Medusa who passively puts negative conditions on survivors who look at her. (So the survivors want to actively not look at her when they’re doing gens or running away, etc.)
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Good ideas.
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that one is definitely not horror.
Post edited by Pulsar on0 -
I agree
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I really want them to do Dracula 🧛♂️ he makes sense in this game and is an iconic horror monster.
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Hope its The Fog. Visual terror radius instead of an audio one
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really... Dracula? cringe
What's next? Sasquatch? Mothman? Chupacabra?
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What’s wrong with any of those?
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Always thought a Medusa would be interesting - with "look at her' penalties!
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Right? I'd love a Mothman killer.
To OP, I'd also love Dracula. I agree that it's enough with the licenses for a while. Unfortunately I think that's what makes Bhvr the most money so they'll probably keep pumping them out.
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Dracula would fit more than K-pop star. You are calling Dracula as " cringe " and your profile picture is Trickster. Are you sarcasm guy?
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That movie was horrific but not for the reasons you may think.
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dude mothman would be sick wdym
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This year is the 100th Anniversary of Nosferatu, the oldest surviving Dracula movie, so who knows...
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What's the problem with cryptids being in the game?
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Besides Big Daddy Brawler from Bioshock, as an original I want a Necromancer/Reanimator. He could summon Zombies and direct them with his power towards a gen/survivor/area, but lacks a true M1 attack. He was a sacrificial dagger, but that one can only be used against Survivors held by Zombies. Zombies will eventually damage a survivor when they get one, but first enter a struggle with that survivor that works like a yellow glyph.
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Slender man?
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What about him?
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Would be kinda creepy to have him chasing you around... I think
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I second those two. I also nominate Leslie Nielsen's Dracula.
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ill only allow it if they make Detective Frank Drebin the survivor.
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I’d like to see Nosferatu before Dracula.
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A sadistic killer who burned his friends alive, killed strangers for no reason and has recorded his victims' agonizing screams to add to his "art" doesn't sound horrifying to you? or are you just a K-Pop hater who sees nothing about the Trickster beyond that shallow viewpoint?
Dracula is corny as hell. I'd much have Nosferatu (yes, the original German film) than Dracula simply because it's iconic, not to mention genuinely scary (moving through shadows and stuff).
What's Dracula going to do? Turn into a bat, suck the survivors' blood and walk around with a stupid cape? Get real.
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If we ever got a vampire i bet it would end up being edward cullen and not a better property
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I think the OP meant to say "Vampire' and not dracula. Dracula is too mainstreamed to the point he looks goofy in some films. Nobody takes him seriously anymore. Now a vampiric killer for DBD would be awesome. Maybe a cult member or something that believes in sucking/harvesting blood in the middle ages or smth.
But I do agree with the Trickster. He's so much more than just a K-pop singer and a pretty boy. He's an ACTUAL killer you could meet on the streets. They did his lore well too. I don't get why he's hated for being a Korean star. If it was just normal American pop star, he'd receive less hate I bet.
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I think dracula/vampires, and characters like that such as werewolves, Frankenstein, mummy and stuff would be better suited for something like VHS. They just don't feel right for DBD at all.
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Oh no, sadistic K-pop star is so scary. He kills victims. :( How i will sleep tonight. He looks hot more than scary lol.
I am not listening K-Pop or i don't hate it. I am just not interested with this style music. But i would say same for any type music stars, not just for K-Pop. They would not fit on DbD.
Let's be realistic then. David would break his all bones at 1 v 1 but in game David should run away from him. Even Legion members would kick his ass, how this killer fits on DbD?
But Dracula is classic. His backstory is coming from legends and real person (III. Vlad). Stories about him was scary (killing villagers, drinking blood, torture people etc.) and he became horror legend.
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I don't know if I'd like to have Dracula exactly. - I think there might be something interesting that Behavior could do with the overall concept of Dracula, but I think I'd actually prefer if they just used the basic concept of a vampire. I do feel that, due to the Slasher focus of the game, it's really lacking in terms of more overall and varied archetypes of classic horror. So I'd really like to say a Killer based around the concept of a Vampire, Werewolf (Huntress doesn't count) etc and etc. But for Dracula himself, I feel the more refined interpretation of the character based on, for example, Bram Stoker's one wouldn't quite fit, and I'm not sure which licensed Dracula would fit in DbD either. Which is why I think just making an original character that is a vampire would be better.
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I disagree. I mean a Vampire killer would be cool don't get me wrong, but for the anniversary? I don't think that's gonna be anywhere near as exciting as Silent Hill or Resident Evil.
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Well why not? We have not any horror icon old-school style. Werewolf, Dracula, Mummy etc. We are missing this monsters.
BHVR can go for their own Dracula. I mean Dracula is so stupid on some franchises but his original is not. He was monster who kills people, drink blood and torture them. They can go for this version.
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I'd love a classic horror character like Dracula to get in. I'd be really excited.
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I mean. I said why. It's not anywhere near as exciting as a license.
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If there were to be a vampire killer (excluding Oni) it would be better to have it be one from Vampire the Masquerade IMO. That game universe has so much lore and abilities that could be used.
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I wouldn't roll a dracula chapter out but I don't think it'll be the anniversary chapter.
I think more likely to be those following 3
2. Pennywise
3. Candyman
After the non copyrighted chapter might be
1. Spider beast
2. Maybe vampire
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I agree.
Why? Because it has - gasp! - sex scenes?
Sexual content and nudity in a horror movie? Say it isn't so!
That said, yeah, Christopher Lee would be iconic, but the obvious choice is Bela Lugosi. Universal might be protective of his image, though, and I'd imagine Hammer would be a lot easier to convince. Max Schreck wouldn't require a license, and they could call the killer "The Nosferatu".
I'm not a fan of Gary Oldman's Dracula, personally. I mean, it wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't anywhere near as iconic as the above. I hardly even remember that film.
Was this supposed to be a joke? Trickster is the cringiest thing that's ever made it into DBD and didn't really fit into the game's aesthetic at all, while Dracula is a horror icon bigger than any of the killers BHVR has added so far. Dracula absolutely has to come to the game at some point.
Sasquatch would suck, but I'd go for Mothman. All of those you listed are cryptids, though, not horror characters. I've no idea why your brain filed Dracula into that category.
Beat me to it.
It was an okay movie, but it wasn't faithful to the book at all.
I did not know that. Badass.
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Seeing Christopher Lee as Dracula in DBD would honestly be a horror fans dream come true. I know I'd personally love it
Although would BHVR be able to get his likeness, given his passing? 🤔
Not quite sure how that works
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I don't know how I missed this when I wrote my OG comment, but how many Dracula films have you actually watched? Being mainstream is a requirement for being licensed into DBD, and your argument falls apart considering how cartoonish Freddy's portrayal got in his later films.
I don't think anybody takes any of the killers in this game "seriously", but Dracula is genuinely creepy in the right hands. If we have a vampire, it should be him.
Trickster is awful. Horrible. And the hate for him has much less to do with his nationality than his overall aesthetic. If he was a DBD version of Justin Bieber, we'd hate him every bit as much, but the anime-style stuff with him definitely didn't help his case. If you can take a K-pop singer in a horror video game seriously, but not Dracula, I don't even know what to say.
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I don't think that his rights to publicity would survive his death (in most cases, you'd probably be fine to print a public domain image of him on a T-shirt and sell it), but Christopher Lee as Dracula would still be protected by copyright, so they'd have to get the license from whoever owns those films. I think Hammer would be easy to talk into a license, while Universal would probably be more anal about Lugosi.
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Ah right, I understand.
Thank you for the clarification!
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Woah, okay there. Take it down a notch.
First, I agreed with OP on briniging a vampire to DBD without it specifically being Dracula. The name "Dracula" just doesn't bring the horror anymore in 2022. The name brings no value nor promotional marketing incentives to name a vampire that way since it lost it's true meaning decades ago. You keep iterating that the Freddy is the same case, but people actually remember when Freddy was genuinely terrifying. People from 1984 are still around you know and even though Freddy did get kind of goofy (alongside Pinhead, Leatherface and etc) in the later installments, he's the only character that does what he does in the movie industry. What other character wields a handmade finger knives that haunts kids dreams in their nightmares? Instead, let's come back to the actual subject. How many characters go around sucking blood and wearing a big cape? Too many. There is a reason why there are no more Dracula films nowadays. He just don't scare people.
Remember, this isn't the 1920's anymore. Even Jeepers Creepers looks scarier and fitting for DBD.
You clearly seem to be infatuated with Dracula being in DBD, but that's on you and if you can take a blood sucking, parasitic fictional middle aged man with long teeth seriously, you can probably take a K-Pop star that killed dozens of people for his own amusement and art seriously too. Just sayin'.
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The Tomb 7 Vampire Castle video has the same Anniversary Logo highlighted and identified by the Observer before taking it back to his own realm.
Who knows, a vampire could be possible, the same Anniversary Logo on the castle can be found on the Year 1 Anniversary weapons given to Trapper, Wraith, Billy and Nurse.
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No one talking about castlevania lol
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Did you know that there were two new versions of Dracula discovered in the past few years? Powers of Darkness (Makt Myrkranna) was an official version of the original Dracula that was heavily modified by the editor during its original translation to Icelandic. It took everyone quite a long time to realize that Iceland was reading a completely different book, but there's English version available now. There was also another, less-known but similarly modified version that I can't remember off the top off my head right now, but I definitely have on my phone (I'll post again later if you're interested).
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Unique survivors? haha funny joke my man
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Found it! The other one is Kazıklı Voyvoda, which was the Turkish semi-translation of Dracula, marketed in English as Dracula in Istanbul (there is also a movie with this name based off of the novel). Haven't read it yet, but Powers of Darkness is great.
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Hey...i like artist's power
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Yes, cause people are hating on a korean for being in dbd, not the fact that it's a pop star...no, that's can't be it at all