What perk would you love to use but it has a limitation you dont think it needs

Title. Alot of perks out there have limitations, some are to balance out stronger perks while others seem unneeded.
So what perk would you love to use if its limitations wasn't there?
For me, Surge (itll always be surge to me) has too many limitations, cool perk but far too many downsides
Thrill of the hunt: if this wasnt a hex I'd use it nearly every match. I dont think this needs to be a hex anymore after the notification removal.
I agree on both, but it is one of the most satisfying things ever to get really good Surge (Jolt) value several times a match. It would be tight if one of the next things they put on experimental testing was a much longer range for the perk to proc or removal of the basic hit requirement.
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Thrilling Tremos and its 60 seconds cooldown...
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SurgeJolt, absolutely.I'd love to use it so much more but combine a cooldown with basic-attack only and it's not great. If I could use it consistently on Pyramid Head I would in a heartbeat.
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Jolt and Oppression for killer.
For survivors, Saboteur, maybe?
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Pop: having it active only after hooking a survivor is horrible. It should always be active with no condition
Dead hard: 40 seconds exhaustion just for using it? Come on.. and the exhaustion timer doesn't even go down while running. It should be at most 20 seconds
This is why I don't use those perks
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Please don't tell me you're moving on to become a troll...
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I can only assume trolling.
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Killer perks with cooldown in general, most of those are plain unnecessary.
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It's true though, I (mostly) don't play with those perks at all
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Surge needs its basic attack requirement removed and then it’s perfect. I’d use it a lot more often.
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Hangman's Trick
Monstrous Shrine
Territorial Imperative
Blood Warden
Just to name a few...
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Saboteur, Red Herring, and Deception have really long cooldowns for what they do.
Also speaking of Saboteur, why does the cooldown still trigger even if the sabo wasn't complete? It's not like sabo-ing is a strong meta atm.
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Dragon’s Grip. It’s so satisfying when you can get value out of it but the cooldown is just ridiculous. I find Spirit with Dragon’s Grip and Wakizashi Saya can be decent if DG didn’t have the limitations it did.
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I don't really understand why people want thrill to be a non-hex
Outside of plaything and penti that make totems during the match it's worse as a non hex then a hex
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I actually think that Furtive chase has potential, but it's definitely the worst perk in the game right now. The suggestion that I would have for it is to increase the amount of time that you remain in a chase after breaking off the chase by 5 seconds and to increase the terror radius reduction from 4 meters per stack to 8 meters per stack.
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Coup de Grace. If it was just a simple boost to lunge distance, even a more modest one, I’d use it. The way it works though feels like it's overly complicated and inconsistently available for what it does. You get only a handful of tokens for it over the course of a game and you may not even want to use a token on a given lunge at that.
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CoH: I should be able to boon more than one totem at a time. It would be fun to light all 5 totems with it.
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I would love to use:
- Surge (If it triggered on Special Attacks as well)
- I'm All Ears (If the cooldown was 20 seconds)
- Oppression (If the cooldown was around 30 seconds'ish)
- Dragon's Grip (If the cooldown was around 30-40 seconds'ish and only went on cooldown if someone was successfuly exposed)
- Trail of Torment (If the cooldown was either removed or 30 seconds max.)
- Any Mean's Necessary (If the cooldown was around 30 seconds)
- Saboteur (If the cooldown was around 30 seconds and only went on cooldown after a full sabotage)
That's what came to my mind. There are probably more but that is it for now.
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Saboteur - the cooldown when you don't actually sabo a hook is annoying, not only because it goes into a cooldown but also the length of the cooldown is so long when you haven't actually sabo a hook.
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Blood Echo without a doubt.
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Make furtive chase lower your tr "outside" of a chase. Equip m&a,+get a few hooks=every killer is a stealth killer :p
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Dark Devotion, mostly because it would be hilariously fun on a lot of killers without the basic attack restriction (like Huntress, Oni, or even Trapper).
Or if it at least would reactivate if you hit the obsession again while it was already active.
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Hope: If it paused while on Hook or in the Dying state would be nice. Or if it stayed active until a gate was opened.
This is Not Happening: If it gave an additional bonus progression for Great Skill Checks while injured. And more skill checks while injured.
No One Left Behind: If it triggered after last Gen instead just endgame.
Lightweight: Scratch Marks fade 50/75/100% faster while not running.
Premonition: Either drop cooldown to 30/25/20 seconds, Or hide scratches and blood for 4 seconds upon trigger.
Slippery Meat: No scratches for 4/6/8 after unhook self/being unhooked.
Unrelenting: 5-10% buff to its numbers. Its nice, but not enough to use to partially mitigate Dead Hard.
Spies from the Shadows: Making it so you, the killer, no longer scare crows.
Monstrous Shrine: Rework to a Scourge Hook with Sabo protection. And allows Basement to count as Scourge. Look, I get its technically a rework, but increased sacrifice time and incentivizing basement camping ain't my jam.
Iron Grasp: Make its number even with Agitation and Boil Over. It doesn't match Agitation for distance you're able to carry them, and it no longer matches the Wiggle Effect of Boil Over.
Insidious: Making it last for a small amount of time after moving, but having it wear off if you stand still too long.
Thrill of the Hunt: Can I have my notifications back plz.
NoED: Can it just say Exposed once all gens are done instead of waiting for a hit? Rancor tells in advance, and I don't think people really have an issue with that perk.
Deerstalker: Recovery progression. Tell me who's trying to do Unbreakable.
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Hex Perks. Why run something that is entirely in the survivors control for you to have, and the good players know how to find them - plus remove them quickly.
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Coup De Grace and Fire Up. Why are they based on you losing gens?
Distortion. Why does it have tokens you can never get back?
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Fire up. Not only does it require you losing gens, but the bonuses are completely negligible. I've seen it have an affect on a match once in the entire time its been out
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Blood Warden should "charge" when the last gen is popped. Then trigger when the doors are open. I think 99ing doors is way too easy to negate this perk entirely.
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This removes its threat of keeping everyone in till the egc pops
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I'm not sure I follow what you mean.
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Thrill makes cleansing and blessing longer, but only if your hex stays up. Its effect really isnt that strong, thana can do the same thing but also affects gens.
Being able to use thrill and not lose it would be far better. Hit and run killer? Use thrill so they waste more time booning COH
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Distortion should give back tokens after being in a chase for x amount of time. This way someone can't just use it to hide from the killer the whole game
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Oppression and it's insane cooldown needs to go.
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Right now its biggest use is waiting out the timer than hooking someone so that no one can escape before the EGC ends.
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The extra totem means more time to cleanse everything.
I posted the math behind it in the other toth threat. In almost all scenario's it's worse. Just a case of the community not really thinking about what they are asking
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Stake Out. There's far more ways for a killer to mask their Terror Radius now that are viable (Tinkerer springs to mind).
For gen-minded people like me, its hard for me to fearlessly work on a gen (with this perk) in the presence of a killer when I know that im not making any progress on my Stake Out stacks. I might as well take another gen based perk that will at least guarantee some usage.
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No you arent understanding how the perk works. Having it as a hex is no bonus what so ever infact it only brings the bad side of if they get your thrill you now lose the perk.
0 benefit to it being a hex, hence why if it wasn't a hex its be better and I'd use it
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Coup De Grace should work with Demogorgon's Shred and Pig's Ambush. Basically any 'extended lunge attack'
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100% agree. I'd actually make ToTH my choice too. They took away TOTHs core ability to do what it actually was supposed to do as a Hex, Totem defense. Now that the notification got taken away to compensate for increased interaction time it reads no different than a basic perk while lacking the strength that makes HEX perks so unique. It would make more sense if it read like this now:
For each Totem remaining in the environment, Thrill of the Hunt gains 1 Token.
- Survivors suffer from a stack-able 8/9/10 % Action Speed penalty per Token to Cleansing and Blessing, up to a maximum of 40/45/50 %.
- Grants a stack-able 10 % bonus Bloodpoints
- for actions in the Hunter
- Category per Token, up to a maximum of 50 %.
I would also throw in Ruin and Undying and revert them back to their original release text.
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My thoughts exactly.
Coup de Grace could be fun, but as it works right now you never have a super lunge available when you need one, but always waste them when not needed.
Also Second Wind with survivors. In concept I like it, but its so complicated that I feel I would have to pause the game mid chase to look up how to activate it, again. I remember reading through it like I times in a row when I started playing the game and I couldn't make a lick of sense out of it.
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Oppression and Eruption. Both would be decent without the cool downs.
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Honestly I dont even care about the BP bonus, just slowing down cleansing and destroying totems and not be a hex would be good enough for me to run most games, especially on hit and run killers.
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Hex: Huntress Lullaby. I would use it, but the fact that I have to hook 5 people before and that can get destroyed in the start of the match makes it pointless imo, because it doesn't reward you for doing all of that. If it started already with 5 stack it would make it better and not op (because it's not really a super good hex)
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It kind of annoys me that Head On is an exhaustion perk. It's such a situational perk that could be fun but I don't use it because it would mean other useful exhaustion perks (DH, SB, etc) aren't viable with HO. Don't get me wrong, it shouldn't be unlimited of course, but I think it should just be a cool-down perk - not exhaustion.
Also, Hex perks in general as a killer. Not so much the perks themselves per se, but they get cleansed so quickly that they're rendered pretty useless 9/10 games. I know there's undying, but as soon as survivors know you have it they'll go on a search for your actual hex totem (Ruin, BF, etc). If you use both a Hex and undying, as soon as they're both cleansed you have two wasted perk slots. I've lost count of the number of times I've had Ruin cleansed within the first 30 seconds of a game (usually because someone spawns right next to it). 😂I wish they'd improve totem spawns in general, or do something else to make it a little harder to cleanse them just to make Hex's more viable. I get that most of them are very powerful and need a strong counter on the survivor side, but having Hex's spawn right in the open where survivors can easily see them is kinda silly.
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Surge/Jolt is definitely one for sure. Only works on Basic Attacks, has a 40 second cooldown and only works in a small area, all for just 8% regression. To make it good they either have to buff it to at least 15%, remove the cooldown, or make it work when downing someone by any means.
Play With Your Food is another one. I have to go out of my way to find and chase only one guy, can only get one stack per 8 seconds, and I lose the stacks faster than I get them. Personally I'd make it have 4 tokens max at 4% per token, and give 2 tokens at a time instead of 1.
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Dragons Grip. It would be a strong perk if it wasn't for its 50 second cool down 🙄
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Distortion - It should just be unlimited to counter all the wall-hack perks.