Is wraith a ‘toxic’ and ‘nooby’ killer?

Recently I got my wraith account to red rank, and I’ve been receiving a lot of hate for playing him.
Usually when I play a killer at Hugh ranks I get a bit of hate, but not much, such as when I play trapper, I’d say 1 in every 10 games I’d get hate, however after playing 8 games in red rank I’ve gotten 12 survivors messaging me (I play on console)
Just curious is he toxic? Is he nooby? Or are survivors just very salty when it comes to wraith?
Imagine being salty about wraith. Also wraith is actually pretty gud. Tru3 opened my eyes to the bing bong boi.
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He's definitely easy to use.
Toxic though, that never depends on the Killer, just the player.
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What is your playstyle with him? Is there a general theme in the messages you get?
I play at least a few wraith games in every session and never get messaged, so I don't think it has anything to do with the killer itself.. unless people in your region hate the sound of bells for some reason
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No killer is 'toxic' or 'nooby' imho. I'd guess they would expect to bully the wraith and get mad when it doesn't work.
I get the most hate when playing hag and survivors decide to 3-gen themselves within 3 minutes and hook bomb like crazy. Why would I follow them to the other side of the map, there are no gens there, just a dead zone. Cue the insults in chat after the match.
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Pretty sure the only killer thats toxic is Plague...her toxicness is enough to make survivors sick
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Wraith triggers a lot of people? Thanks for the info. I'll be running him with as many moris as possible once the ruin changes go live.
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There is a really ######### way to play wraith where you hook someone, invis, go around the corner and stop moving. When someone comes and gets the unhook you tunnel the unhooked. It even cancels borrowed time. There is no counterplay, good swf will have to gen rush while they let you get a 2k. It's the biggest loser way to play a killer ever.
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Play very defensive on generators. Have bbq so when I hook someone I'll usually leave the area.
I'm fairly good at running loops and usually force survivors to run to unsafe loops by cloaking and uncloaking when needed.
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He doesn't fit the usual formula killers fill in this game. He is able to sneak up on survivors and, in many cases, completely mitigate chases, especially with a hit-and-run tactic. He is actually a strong killer because of this, though there will be many who try to convince you otherwise. Because he is such a stealthy boi, people will get frustrated and whine. SO, to answer your question, no, you aren't toxic or nooby playing playing as him. He's just a fantastically malicious bing bong boy.
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the m1 killer that can use harry potter's cloak is toxic. yes.
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+ Coxcimbed Clappers.
+ All Seeing.
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Wraith players are mostly the ideal example for camping and tunneling. Thats why they get hated.
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Only way to make a killer "toxic" is if you play them in a "toxic" way. Mainly if you tunnel or camp. Though, I'll be honest I never could understand why survivors find this to be toxic. I'll tunnel or camp someone if they decide to play in a toxic way. Mainly camp them if I see they keep purposely sandbagging their teammates.
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I never thought I'd see wraith be called a toxic killer. Times sure are changing
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Nothing toxic or nooby here. Not much more than other killers.
He can be very annoying to play against if he is good... like any other killer.
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Wraith has been nerfed, and CoH is a thing. You make it sound like he's as strong as he was a year ago. He's nothing.
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Honestly it’s pretty cool to see one of Cheers’ older threads bumped up. Rest well friend, wish we could’ve met <3
To answer the question though, using something as intended in the game is not toxic and should never be perceived as toxic.
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It's the We're Gonna Live Forever icon in Silver for me.
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i can see the "nooby" label making sense since he's pretty straightforward and simplistic, but "toxic" makes no sense to me.
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Holy necro, Batman.
Honestly the only question should be "Am I having fun playing as Wraith?"
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I just figured out why.
I've been struck in the feels really badly holy crap.
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He's easy to pick up. Idk about toxic
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i wanted to say something on his profile, but i couldnt find the right words and now i just feel sad...
god, why does life have to be so unfair sometimes? :(
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I saw the unique icon and I was like "huh, wonder what that's about"
Then I saw it 😔
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yeah, i heard about it when it originally happened, but i didnt know about the icon change, so i curiously clicked on their profile before reading the name...
i instantly knew what was up the second i did read it... and seeing the comment wall made me really sad.
He was a great asset to this community and left us way too early. It always hits the wrong people...
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Yeah the comment chain hit hard
Nice that ppl are keeping their memory alive.
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Uhhh seems someone is playing an old game version of the game.BT is not affected by TR long ago.
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Yes. In 2k hours the saltiest, most likely to tunnel at 5 gens, bodyblock you into the basement and camp harder than any Bubba could ever dream of killers are Wraiths. If the killer is a wraith someone is going to have a bad time and there's a 90% chance someone will be tunneled to death and smacked on the hook.
Wraiths are also the most likely to "give hatch" then close it on your face.
Salty, sad and bad. That's Wraiths. Never seen one that's a good sport.
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they literally are, the comment you are replying to was posted in Jan. 2020...
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You’re gonna feel dumb when you look at the date that was posted, bud.
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Just as if their comment (and this whole thread) was from January 2020 *wink,wink*
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I noticed afterwards. Still, the fact that they ever said this about Wraith is crazy.
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Some survs just get hard triggered by being bing bonged
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Won't mind the necro this time.
Cheers to ol Cheers🥂
Hope he's resting well wherever he may be.