Sadako sucks at camping. Please fix.

She doesn't even have a free insidious in her kit because hear a lullaby and since her corruption mechanic is garbage it doesn't function as a game slowdown like it does for Pinhead or even Nemesis because of the zombies. Just force survivors to pick a tape and place it in another TV already, this whole "W-we don't w-want survivors to do things they don't feel like it" is disgusting, it's already bad enough they made the tape some magic item that doesn't force you to drop your medkit or flashlight.
I can imagine how this is going to go…
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bad bait
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Just go Bubba if you want to camp
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Username checks out
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I hate when people call everything bait. But this has to be. Try harder... lol
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i dont use the phrase often normally im the one that bites
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So do I. I usually don't call anything bait. Unless it's pretty oblivious (like this thread).
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Yeah, game is only playable with facecamping, every killers should be best at it.
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Not as many caps or exclamation marks as some of their previous posts.
Overall 2/10