I am now ready to leave the fog.

After years investing in DBD I have come to terms that I am have nothing else to learn, nothing that is worth learning nor is there anything in DBD that can grasp my attention long enough to make me wanna play it. This comes on the day of a release of the new chapter, one that I was planning on buying today as well. I've been consistently taking longer and longer breaks started with a month, 4 months my latest was 9 months and after attempting again to get back into playing with friends and on the scene of tournaments and such, the game could not hold my interest.
I've moved on. Or moved back to the Souls genre. I've become a tarnished and I'll be invading and handing out point downs after bending noobs over my knee and I'll rage after dying to a boss the 20 something time, I'll love ever second of it.
if anyone else is on playstation and would like to CO-OP on Elden Ring or be friends write your PSN in the comments. Have fun in the fog and I'll be having fun in Lime Grave,
I can give you mine if you'd like to play Dbd sometime.
I'm just messin with you lol. Good wishes to you and your future endeavors for entertainment!
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Nowadays, it is a good idea to leave.
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Thank ya :)
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agreed I've heard rumors that the devs have mentioned that they're going to "fix" the hug tech now.. nothing ever comes but bandaides....