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Why still needlessly link pieces of sets that in no way need to be linked?

Member Posts: 4,212

By all means, lock the body and head together, but there's no reason whatsoever to prevent us using the red prestige curse.

It's honestly insanity to me that an outfit that costs more than the entire chapter put together has less functionality than the crappy common recolours we can get for free.

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  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Does that set need to be linked at all? Not even talking about the curse (which obviously doesnt).

    The head and body wouldnt have a line or clipping either due to the hair?

    I think it would be really cool to see that head on the default body or even the prestige one...

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I can understand license holders not wanting full-concept skins being broken apart. I don't even know if the ring license holders want that, or if it's just what BHVR offers by default ever since Silent Hill. What I can't imagine, however, is that anyone on the ring side of things has specifically requested that if we're using that outfit we shouldn't be able to use her other coloured attacks, because that has nothing to do with the skin.

    It's simply laziness and greed to not have weapons unlinked from sets, because BHVR knows their whales will fork out the $20 even if it forces them to use things they don't want.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    It's up to the license holders to make decisions on cosmetics, so they probably didn't want Sadako's other skins to mix with this one.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    What rational license holder would be like "yes it's super important that when she's a skeleton, her weapon is slightly more green."

    At this point we only get entirely locked sets because BHVR refuses to change the system of how linked sets work because it would mean paying less for what you want. The license holder probably gets the option "would you like it to be linked or not" and probably don't even have the option to request semi-linked, nor would they care because they probably don't play or know how the game works.

  • Member Posts: 735

    Does it have to cost 1485 though? Nurse has outfits where her legs have exposed bones, Wraith's Blight bong has a chest cavity and Trapper's got an exposed nipple.

    Hillbilly with his linked set also has exposed bones...

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    There are a few cosmetics that are linked even tho they have no reason to be. In this case, it's probably because it's a licensed

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    licensed Outfit so we can at least assume the license holder definitely approved it the way it is.

    also, they have confirmed they will look into (original) sets and review them individually to see if they can be split into 2-piece-sets. This hasn’t happened yet and as long as they haven’t started with it they will probably not bother with cosmetics sets that release now.

  • Member Posts: 867
  • Member Posts: 5

    there are a couple cosmetics that shouldnt be linked and they are anyways, maybe bhvr knows something we dont

  • Member Posts: 735

    That OC Pinhead skin is just a body+weapon.

    I wonder why BeeHVR can't just release the heads/weapon cosmetics seperate from the linked sets outside of money.

    The scythe can't be bought by itself

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    They have stated in one of the latest dev Q&A streams they will review the original sets and may change some of the sets to be split into 2-piece + 1 single piece sets.

  • Member Posts: 735

    Mooks that change may not even happen in 2022.

  • Member Posts: 517

    The only reason for linked sets is money, and BHVR is not particularly subtle about it at this point. The fact that linked sets exist on original characters is enough to end the debate about this

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Yeah I would bought the body or the weapon to have that skeleton arm but now nothing.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    🤷‍♂️ We don’t know when it happens. But you were asking why BHVR can’t and I gave your the answer that they probably can and will at some point do but only for specific cases

    then the community is obviously happy with the sets if they are buying them? Why would they go out of their way and change them or even not create them in the first place when there are people who like them? If you don’t like them then great. Don’t buy them. They are just optional cosmetics.

    actually. All cosmetics kinda exist because they are a way for BHVR to get money. The game itself exists because it gives BHVR money. What’s so bad about it? That’s pretty normal…

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited March 2022

    still makes absolutely no sense for this to be an ultra rare skin, the concept of ultra rare skins was cool but it looks like bhvr is just gonna use it to squeeze more money out of cosmetics

  • Member Posts: 517

    There's a lot to unpack there. I don't think the community in general is happy with linked cosmetic sets - this thread alone is airing some of that. If some people buy a $100 cosmetic, that doesn't mean that the cosmetic is fairly priced or that the community at large is happy with it. Just means that those with poor impulse control caved in and bought it

    BHVR would go out of their way to make linked sets because then they can force people to pay $15 for a full set instead of $5 for 1/3 of a set. That's pretty much all there is to it

    Yep. I don't like it and I won't buy it. And in a thread where people are airing grievances about the linked sets, I will chime in to say that I also don't like them

    Yep, agreed - cosmetics are a way for BHVR to make money. I'm not making the argument that BHVR shouldn't charge money for cosmetics, I'm making the argument that they should be more consumer friendly with them. Again, there's a big difference between having individual cosmetic pieces that can be bought for $1 each and can be mixed and matched, versus fixed sets that must be bought for $100. Both of those would make BHVR money - the difference is in how consumer friendly one option is, and how consumer unfriendly the other is

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Well. Good thing is there is no cosmetic set that’s available for $100 or anything near that. And even though cosmetics are way too expensive in general for my likings, they are very much optional and not completely overpriced. And i would rather see it this way than character including killerpowers and perks being locked behind higher paywalls. And there are many great choices in most cases (licenses being obviously exceptions) besides linked sets anyways.

    they also already acknowledged the grievances and will review original sets. It’s taking some time but well.. everything with this company takes damn long time, and in this case it’s not really that bad as it’s still optional cosmetics that you don’t have to buy.

    btw, I don’t like (original) sets as well. So haven’t bought any and don’t intend to. I like some of the single pieces for survs etc, but eh. It’s almost like complaining that this one kind of pants i really like but it’s only available for one character and i would rather see it on my main. But well, it’s not available (even though in many cases it wouldn’t even be that much effort to get it done). [and I hope I haven’t given that part of the community a new idea to unreasonably attack BHVR about]

  • Member Posts: 517

    All true points, I agree. I guess my main beef with BHVR there is that some of the cosmetics practices feel borderline predatory to me personally. I have seen free mobile games wherein cosmetics were easier to earn/less expensive to buy, so the linked sets just really rub me the wrong way, as it feels like a further extension of that design mentality

    Anyways, thanks for the civil conversation (seems like a rare thing on the DBD forums). Hope you have a great day

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    Don't even get me started on how the new Sadako cosmetic is Ultra Rare when it should be Very Rare.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    you know... scythes just aren't good as a weapon. but the visual of a killer with one is basically unmatched by most other weapons.

    I want a scythe on every killer. except trapper, he gets a pickaxe to complete his "my bloody valentine" suit

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    If the devs make unnecessary restrictions to require buying a full outfit, but players don't buy it, was it really a skilled play??

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