We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.


Do you think will sadako get another change ?

I think sadako likely needs a complete overhaul.


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited March 2022

    No. She needs her brown addon (forget name but it increases something by 33%)

    By far the best addon along side the speed duration one. The brown addon actually adds more mindgame/antiloop

    Edit: btw the brown addons makes you stay invisible longer when you demanifest, big help but should be base

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,863
    edited March 2022

    Buffs to existing kit > anti loop power rework

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790



    in all seriousness probably not. It's a step in the right direction though.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    She's probably better than Wraith overall but not as good as the top killers. Specifically she's better in chases than Wraith while still having good Stealth and Undetectability, and her passive invisibility can indirectly help her in chases. Plus her teleport does allow her to maintain mapwide pressure more easily. But she's not as good in chase as killers that have dedicated anti-loop abilities or instant downs, and she doesn't catch up to a fleeing target as well as say Blight or Spirit after a hit.

    So she's probably in the average bucket of killers is my guess? Which is fine if true, she doesn't need another buff in that case. If the stats indicate she's too weak though then the obvious buff in my opinion would be to reduce the TV refresh times.

  • Random123
    Random123 Member Posts: 23

    As well as giving one side too much speed boost, it is the same for invisibility, indectebility and hearing.

    Keep making survivor steps, noises, breeding even louder, keep making bigger penalties for survivors, harder skillcheks, even slower gen times, useless perks (except healing goon), harder animations for flashlight saves ect while the other side gets less hearable hex totems, less invisibility, stealth, better perks on aura reading, locations, bigger time penalties for survivors, ridiculous addons (like for michael) ect!!! YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. And if not, you probably need to go and play a bit more as a survivor.

    Resolution - we were 4 swfs today that left the game after few matches and we ALL felt the same - LIKE THIS IS SOME ######### JOKE ON SURVIVORS? We will not play for someone elses fun!

    Stop producing new killers and perks! IT IS ENOUGH! While in the same time you cant fix dead-hard, hit registration, lag compensation ect. I want to see how easy this game is for new survivors :D And I am really laughing!!!! Trully I am!

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I feel like her power is fine, maybe just decrease the amount it takes for TVs to turn back on.

    For perks, Merciless Storm definitely needs a buff. Just get rid of the "only once per gen" and it will be fine.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,712

    Nope. At least she has one good perk so it's not a complete loss. I've seen enough of her until her next update.

    The way I see it she is a lesser Wraith with a gimmicky teleportation that is mostly useless against the average survivor.

    And Freddy's teleportation is better because at least it can make the survivors leave a gen or reveal themselves.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    It certainly helped her a bit, but she needs more work. She still has trouble in chases and her condemned effect doesn't do much, if not anything.

  • Random123
    Random123 Member Posts: 23

    I think that she is too undetectable in the game and too fast!

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Buffs looks great but teleport should have shorter cooldown. And then she is great.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Almost every iri is OP.

    She is medicore at best. I played as and against her all last night and was literally able to just ignore all the TV's / condemned. I didn't even bother turning off the TV right in front of my gens because if she came out of it I was not scared in the slightest. Why turn it off when there's like 3-4 safe pallets within arms reach?

    Overall; she struck me as totally perk / addon reliant since her base kit is kinda cheeks. I still think she is probably the best M1 killer but that's still low on the threat list.

    I played her for 5-6 games and then played some Trickster and instantly felt more powerful. It was like wow, a killer who can actually down people at loops and defend hooks wow. A killer where you can't just bum rush the hook in the endgame and all get out for free because of the second chance perk chain.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    She's as fast as Trapper normally and slower than Hag when demanifesting or manifesting

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    "M1 killer with mobility" has existed in the game for a very long time already. Most killers with a few stealth perks are a better stealth killer than her.

    No one shot, no anti-loop, no hook defense, RNG mobility that can be turned off. Condemned might as well not exist. What exactly does she have? Hit and run? A bad tactic since CoH is a thing and most of my survivor lobbies have 3+ medkits anyways?

    And I said "Almost every Iri" not "Every Iri".

    I will play her some more tonight, hopefully with some actual good perks, but honestly I think Demo is better overall if you wanna play a teleporting killer. His mobility is almost as good and cannot be as easily countered. With addons his stealth is just as good if not better. And he has good anti-loop instead of being a garbo M1 killer.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    She's way better for sure but still very mediocre, playing against her she comes off as more annoying rather than an actual threat.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    OP? Nah, strong? Sure but it's an iri so it should be, not every player will use an iri every game.

    It's good we have a killer that has a good iri addon, I'd rather that over pointless addons that never get used.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah completely agree, I have no idea why the devs must realise so many addons will never get used or have a point to them. They either need a bunch of useful addons (like blight as you mentioned) or decent addons with variations (like wraith how its same addons but different qualities)

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    "Sadako needs a complete overhaul"

    She's out only one day. That was funny.

  • whytho
    whytho Member Posts: 1

    I hope she does. I love her so much but her power is very underwhelming it is laughable against SWFS. her passive phasing is nothing to skilled players and her condemnation can be a threat every once and a while. you’re basically just a m1 killer with no chase power whatsoever that can teleport to certain tvs placed on the map. i see comments saying its too early to judge but it’s really not we all knew trickster was weak as hell when he was released and BHVR quickly did something to make him better. the buffs are nice but she definitely needs more changes the ideas that i’ve thought of is make her condemnation more of a threat something like you give survivors 2 stacks instead of one when you teleport near them and survivors are exposed when fully condemned. i understand the whole hit and run play style but how is BHVR going to design a hit and run killer during this COH meta? there’s literally nothing she can do about the boons. it reminds me a lot of legion you injured the survivors but now how the hell how are you going to down them lmao and then they just go to their safe spot and the team is full health again in what feels like 5 seconds. i also understand that not every killer has to be S and A tier but at least make her a real threat? i mean she is literally a horror movie icon she deserves to be at least high B tier. also the whole teleporting while in chase to throw off a survivor is not that effective in high mmr yeah maybe you’ll throw off the newer survivors but it’s nothing against skilled survivors very rarely will you throw them off with that. i just hope she does get a few more changes to her because she is cool as hell and deserves better.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    No,she's still a C tier m1 killer where her teleport helps but she still gets stuck at loops.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I hope she does.

    For such an icon of the horror genre, she's...kind of terrible.

    • Why does she have a lullaby?
    • Why are mandatory brown addons still a thing?
    • Why do survivors completely ignore the tape/TV mechanic aside from maybe once or twice in the game and suffer no drawbacks?

    Hopefully BHVR give her some love. They could easy bake 2 of her mandatory browns and 2 of her yellows into her basekit, and she'd still be low 'B' tier at best.

  • relaxsitsmax
    relaxsitsmax Member Posts: 3

    She has better stealth than wraith and can teleport anywhere on the map... Explain how she needs anything but a nerf.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    "Almost every iri is OP"

    Freddy and PH would like a word with you

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Wow careful now. I said A tier like 5 days ago and got blasted for it. Still agree shes in A tier but would like to see condemned useful.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    She's fine in my opinion. She's the most spooky killer in the game. Bar none.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 288

    well she is a good killer now. i would say low B.

    not every killer has to be an anti-loop or long range killer. it’s refreshing having another M1 killer

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Exactly. Just making it a 2nd objective is enough for me but right now it's near pointless.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think they’re worried that if Merciless Storm worked every time then players who have trouble with skill checks would literally never be able to finish a gen if the killer had that perk.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    To be fair, a lot of people think Wraith isn’t that good so saying she’s better than Wraith doesn’t mean she’s overpowered or even that both her and Wraith might not stand to be buffed a little. (I don’t know where either of them stand statistically, I’m just saying in principle they could both be weak.)

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited May 2022

    Sadako ist on of the flop 5 killers in the game. Her Chase-Power doesnt exist, an stupid M1-Killer with NO Antiloop-Ability, Demanifesting is doing nothing than bringing laughflashs to the survivors and her TV-Teleport is so obvious, cause u can hear it 5 minutes before the killer can do something, so that survivors reaches the other edge of the map before the killer has the control after the Animation.

    Everything besides Gameplay is fine tho. Gameplay is just pure trash. Her Addons are, besides the Iridecent Tape and the Fingernails, on Freddy-Level... pure useless.

    Otzdarva puts her in C-Tier. Nah, I think Myers or even Pig has more to offer than she does.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    She needs a good overhaul.

    1.) Demanifested / Vanishing : Cannot be stunned by pallets while demanifested, can phase through them, much faster vaulting speed. Text to 'Demanifest' is changed to 'Vanish'. can Vanish instantly, but takes slightly longer to Manifest. While demanifested, a greenish teal filter colors the world - which is removed once Manifested. Invisible to survivors outside of 14m, phasing while demanifested is much more drastic and remains for 1.75s upon Manifesting. Slight slowdown while Manifesting without a speed buff. (If you can bypass vaults and pallets while ethereal, you can position yourself better to start a chase - the speed boost could break it)

    2.) Lullaby : Volume slightly increased. 2+ Condemnation - lullaby volume is greatly decreased, randomly and infrequently hear the TV teleportation audio as if nearby, film grain and 'static' screen effects occur frequently. 4+ Condemnation - Lullaby is directional but constantly shifting in direction, Much higher frequency of illusory teleportation sound, the player sees phantom Saduko models wandering in the distance from time to time, light/dark/gamma/color values can shift and distort randomly. 6+ Condemnation - Lullaby is constant, survivors will occasionally see a demanifested illusory Saduko approach them when they move their camera to the side, upon looking at a TV for the first time in a minute it will appear and sound as though Saduko is crawling through it.

    3.) TV Teleportation : TV's all begin off, turn on when a survivor is within 7-12 meters for longer than 7 seconds. Teleporting to a TV does not turn it off. Teleporting to a TV does not grant Haste, but heavily Hinders nearby survivors. Greatly reduced volume when emerging from a TV. Teleporting has only a 14 second cooldown.

    4.) The Tape : In order to disable a TV, survivors must eject a VHS tape from it. The TV is rendered inactive so long as they carry the tape. Once the tape is deposited into the designated TV, both TVs remain inactive for 49 seconds - after which, it reactivates as before. When a survivor deposits the tape, they become immune to accumulating condemnation for a few seconds and are revealed by Killer Instinct for 4 seconds. Tape is a visible item and can be seen in a survivor's hand.

    5.) Condemnation : Survivors accrue Condemnation very slowly, but continually, once the trial begins. Holding a tape quickly accrues Condemnation and only a portion of this is refunded upon depositing a VHS tape. When Condemned, survivors are Exposed and are Doomed for 77 seconds. (Doomed causes a survivor to enter the Dying state once the timer ends, but is removed when damaged) Gain a stack of condemnation when hooked.

    These changes will make her less of an ambush killer, and more of a confusion killer. Less like the Wraith and more like the Doctor. She'll become less of a powerful chasing agent and far more deadly as a source of paranoia, where unwary survivors may sport a strong early game, but as misinformation and pressure mounts, Condemnation will take its toll. The primary ability of the Ornyo with this incarnation is their incredibly oppressive teleportation, of which the only means to circumvent their playstyle is to take up the tapes and run them. If survivors are careful and regiment their time, they can disable her mobility and become immune to the onslaught of Condemnation for a time - but if they are reckless and fail to become effective soon enough, their limited time in the trial will take its toll.

    By giving the Ornyo strong mobility, confusion, and strong end-game pressure - it forces survivors to stop treating the killer like a plaything, and forces them to begin to approach the trial as though the Ornyo is a time management challenge. With a killer who can jump across the map to split pressure, motivate survivors off of generators, and confuse them with mounting visual and audio disinformation - the Ornyo can become fun to play as and against without breaking the balance.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456

    Just like the trapper, Hag and the pig, she requires the player to build the vulnerable situations for the survivors, nothing is going to be automatic or passive like it is with the pinhead, for example.

    She takes great advantage of indoor multi-floor maps, managing to spread her condemnation power easily (RPD, Gideon, Midwich)

    Also, her power involves 3 different things, mori, tp and stealh (which is also useful in loops with the last buff)

    I think she's on a great spot too. Any buff has to take into account her highest game-play potential on closed maps with multiple-floors