Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

To anyone who left the game what would bring you back?



  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    In the last Q&A, they said they were open to other game modes. I think that would definitely keep me around. I'm currently just getting bored with the sweaty, meta gameplay.

    Did the devs change their thoughts on a second game mode? I'm all for a mode that is more survival/horror based with less meta/sweat.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I could list any number of things. I think it's less about what they do and more about the direction they head in.

    If I see that the game is starting to cash in on its potential, I'll come back.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Agreed. Their seem to not understand what direction to take the game in and are trying to appeal to everyone which in turn helps nobody

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah I can understand hacking is hard to solve (especially with a 5 year old spaghetti code) but sometimes it feels they aren’t even trying

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah that’s why I love sadako since she’s quite unique. A werewolf has always been a missed opportunity on BHVR’s part especially with the alchemist teasers

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah dead hard needs a complete rework tbh. Fog was essential to the atmosphere so removing it makes no sense to me

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I probably wouldn’t remove DS but COH and DH have brought nothing but issues so I’d be fine with them going.

    Buffing all killers is risky though as it will exemplify current issues they have such as bubba’s camping potential or pigs potential rng kills

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah the meta in this game is beyond boring and just frustrating to play against for both sides. You feel forced to run perks to compete because if you try to run off meta you just get tunnelled/camped gen rushed. It feels bad

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,302

    I'm still playing, but much, much less than I used to and am contemplating on trying out other games and taking a break from this one. This game just got stale and if I decide to leave, there are a few things the devs could do to bring me back.

    1. Stop bandaging the games problems through the use of perks.
    2. Take more risks with new game mechanics and shake up the meta.
    3. Make each chapter have some kind of pseudo-endgame goal to work towards. The rift does this to an extent, in that, you have a fancy cosmetic you could work towards. They should just rework the rift to start with each new chapter and the new cosmetic that you can work towards should be a universal cosmetic that unlocks on all your characters (barring licensed) characters unless their holders agree.
    4. Stop moving away from stealth play. I know, a lot of people love the chases, but I always loved evading the killer or breaking from a chase and giggling while the killer is searching lockers while I'm hiding in a bush.
    5. Give me a bush cosmetic that automatically adjusts for the map we load on.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    1. permanently disable MMR / give us the option to opt out of it (e.g. by having a casual mode without MMR and a competetive mode with it)
    2. revert the Deathslinger gutting. Im refering to the TR increase to 32m and the forced .4 seconds of ADS time before being able to shoot here. they can revert all the "buffs" he got in compensation (chain break stun time reduced to 3 seconds and slightly increased movementspeed while ADS) for all i care, those are barely noticable and dont help him anyway.

    this wont be enough to make me happy with this game, but i would probaply reinstall it and play a couple of games every now and then.

    honestly, this game has so many and so fundamental issues right now that i mostly gave up on it ever being in a good spot. At this point with the amount of band aid fixes the game received over the years, it'd be easier if they just made a Dead by Daylight 2, fixed the core issues there and then be able to start fresh from a good basis.

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    Them removing the DC penalty honestly it’s pointless now can’t blame killers or survivors from dcing when the game itself due to the players becomes unenjoyable players abuse things like DS BT DeadHard, and can’t expect killers to not DC when being genrushed ya know

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited February 2022
    1. Boons need to be changed fundamentally.
    2. Gen speed/map design needs to be made much more neutral, not mostly favoring survivors most of the time
    3. Making a lot more killers viable, tired of the "play these 3 killers or you'll probably lose" situation. Either by buffing killers or weakening survivors.
    4. Make survivor gameplay more interesting, really bored of hold M1 then run in a straight line to x strong structure, then run in a circle. Finding parts for gens for example could be a thing.
    5. EGC starts as soon as the last gen is done, not when the gates open. End game urgency would be neat cap to a match imo.
    6. Perk changes. DH ect. need to be brought down, other perks need to be brought up. Rework Monstrous shrine, there's no reason it has been left that way for so long.
    7. Grind improvements.
    8. Solo survivor QOL
    9. A better MMR system. Old emblems were bad, current SBMM isn't great either, matchmaking needs improvements. If you're going to keep SBMM it needs to be further developed and improved.
    10. Encourage or reward killers for not camping or tunneling. Getting more hooks needs to be more viable as that's when everyone has the most fun.
    11. At least attempt to do something about toxicity, especially on the survivor side. Toxicity needs to be taken more seriously. No not running Dead Hard or NoED, no not tunneling or body blocking. Actual toxicity like flash spamming and hitting people on the hook repeatedly.

    Doesn't need to be all of these, just some would be nice.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    A health chapter, also a working MMR that rewards skill rather than kills/escapes.

    But nah, in this hockey game we see goals rather than seeing skilled players.

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    Yeah, I keep coming back here and yet haven't played in months... ;(

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    I don't think this kind of thread should be posted here, since most people who leave, usually wont be active on a dedicated forum like this, you would have better chances on reddit where some users tend to forget to unsubscribe from subreddits.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Same. Im going on a 2 year hiatus. I occasionally pop on game for "some" new chapters, play for a day and remember why i left. I browse the forum to try to stay up to date and its something to do when im bored at work.

    As for op's topic. To bring me back the game would have to be fun to play. No idea how bhvr can achieve that but for me, thats what it comes down too. If im not enjoying the game i play a different game.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Slowing down the contetent schedule and focusing more on balance(Imo 2 chapters a year but 8 perks every 3 months. Also more maps and new mechanics like boons). Basically just pull a siege. That would be the main pull back for me.

    Reducing the grind is another(especially if we are dealing with my glorious world of 32 perks a year).

    Optimisation and then The Realm Beyond The Beyond (the game looks like ######### let's face it Realm beyond fixed some things but a lot of things still look bad.)

    The Devs to acknowledge the competency of new players(seriously kindred basekit is too confusing? 1 line of text and like 4 seconds in the tutorial would fix that. Also applies for stuff like not making unique pallets for each map or unique features.)


    Im not gone from the game but I just came back and the only reason was my other 2 games both being on maintanance at the same time and I decided to buy artist with my bubba shards so leveling her and other .

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited March 2022

    If they make it possible again for the Legion to stab multiple times a player while in frenzy, I come back.

    It is that simple.

    Until then I sometimes look after updates of DBD, but if it not happens it is also ok. I mean, dbd is luckily not the only game in the internet...

    At the moment I have found an enormous amount of fun to play Team Fortress 2 again :)

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571

    Any of these three things really:

    1) Scrap the current matchmaking system. I can't put in words how much I hate it and it's the entire reason I haven't played since it was released.

    2) Rework Dead Hard and balance accordingly. It gets really old when playing killer and felt like a must have as survivor.

    3) Alternate game modes. Silly stuff like 2v8 or something like URF from League of Legends.

  • ItsJesseFFS
    ItsJesseFFS Member Posts: 100
    • Make solo survivor not feel so weak. Maybe I'd play a lot more then.
    • Make perks less impactful to the game overall. Both sides applied.
    • Just stop with the extremely strong antichase/antiloop killers.
    • Fix the bloodpoint grind so I'm spending every waking hour of the day playing the game just to P3 a single character.