The New Lunar Event

Now yes I agree that not having the main objectives for killer and survivor being the scoring elements is a great idea, but as things are I see one small issue: one side is able to injure the other side and not vice versa. I forsee a LOT of slugging and mass player DCs to prevent the other side from getting their coins.
Before people come after me for, "Oh look a salty survivor main" please take a look at my posts here and note that like 95% of them are pro killer focused. I main killer. Pig is my go to. That said, I look at this event and past events, and having seen the level of toxicity that both sides go towards to "win" or prevent the other side from getting their objectives is mind numbing.
I've been killing through the Howling Grounds, the Summer event, Hallowed Blight, and even before those. One thing I've always seen is how rough these things get.
I really think this is a big mistake having the objectives for both sides being the same, and I HOPE both sides, while still playing the game I enjoy, won't butt heads too hard. I hope I'm wrong. Genuinely I do. Sadly I don't think I am.
Same as generators, survivors can divide and conquer.
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Attackfrog said:
Same as generators, survivors can divide and conquer.
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The game has always been survivors vs killer. It all depends on your play style, there is no right or wrong answer. If a survivor/killer dc because they are not able to complete their objective then I guess they will just have to keep dc’ing until things go their way.
My favorite event so far has been hallowed blight because I had an optional objective beside just doing gens and totems. However the only problem was a lot of people sacrificing themselves.
Anywho I look forward to this event.2 -
@Khroalthemadbomber said:
Attackfrog said:Same as generators, survivors can divide and conquer.
True. But what's to keep instant down slug builds from knocking down everyone, and leaving them to bleed out while the killer gathers the objectives at their leisure? Both sides are going to be at the other's throats even more so than the previous events.
I don't know....killers will still need to stop the survivors but will have a distraction. All the same survivor tricks apply...jukes, stuns, stealth.
It will probably only be an issue when a lone survivor and a killer are at the same spot.
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Do any of you know when the event is coming out0
So far, they only brought up very straight forward, grindy events with repeating patterns. Some of them even made it impossible to play the actual game.
I hope that this will change0 -
I am thankful that the Killers don't need hooks this time, every even those damn Survivors run as far from them as possible so you can't get them. They run into a corner and force you to use a normal hook or go after someone else, it's disgusting. So this time I am very happy to see it isn't the case this time, don't know exactly what it is we are doing but I know we're destroying something.
Also did you say that the husks or whatever don't give points but only count towards the coins? If that is the case it won't nearly be as greedy as Hollowed was.
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I took pictures of Survivors laying dead next to husks with RBT on them, it was beautiful.
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@Skarkio said:
@HatCreature said:
I am thankful that the Killers don't need hooks this timekillers need hooks, but just not special hooks this time
All information about the event here:, it sounds pretty Killer sided this time, it's a race to the vessel, gonna be pretty difficult and I am intrigued. Thanks for the info.
0 - tunneling is going to be worse then ever and same with DCs since they tied the Killer's ability to get coins to hooks.
A survivor DCs and the killer can't hook and thus can't get coins. Likewise a survivor is rescued, and then gets farmed and the killer gets two points instead of just 1.
This is continuing to ring off every warning bell inside my head.0 -
I hope it handle better then hallowed blight tho I liked the hallowed blight event.
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-laughs- merely offering an opinion based on the facts before me and what I've observed of the events in the past based on people's behavior. No need for the mocking jeers that many on these forums seem to fall towards whenever someone offers an opinion you don't agree with.
Yes I'm being a tad of a negative nancy on this, and I'll wholly admit it. This is just my thoughts on the evidence I have thus far. Honestly I truly hope I'm wrong. It's one of my big hopes. I don't feel as though I am but I hope I am.
Attacking an individual and mocking them holds no real benefit to the discussion and in fact downplays any real arguement you attempt to make since in the end it appears as though you're only way to continue a discussion is with toxicity. I'm happy to talk to people about subjects that an individual and myself don't see eye to eye on. I like hearing the thoughts and opinions of others. Belittling said person though? No real point to it.0 -
Personally I would prefer an event where the killers objective was hooking and all hooks on the map were event hooks. They could play a normal game but it would emphasis using as many different hooks as possible to continue to gain points and there would be less of a reason to farm with survivors as killer. No need for offering bullshit to activate them either.
For survivor honestly it should be a mix of everything from totems, generators and sabotaging. As well as a bonus for escaping.
Honestly though I hate the events they make queue times awful. I really hate the idea of shared objectives also. Hope they surprise me and it's actually good.
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Love the events, just not the attitude towards play that a portion of the community gets. Last event was great as a survivor but gameplay was horrible for killer. Any and every action to deny the event hooks was used, got so bad I had to finish 2/3 of it as survivor. Again, the events are great, its the players that turn the objectives against one another.1
The sabo meta's gonna rise again, thanks to killers needing to hook a survivor. No special hooks means survivors can break all hooks and get away.
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@DemonDaddy more or less the point I was trying to make to the other guy.0
I bet killers are saving their mori's now for the upcoming event and survivors are warming up their ''Leave Match'' button.
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@se05239 said:
The sabo meta's gonna rise again, thanks to killers needing to hook a survivor. No special hooks means survivors can break all hooks and get away.Survivors can't sabo event hooks anymore. They did this in the hallowed blight patch
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@PhantomMask20763 said:
@se05239 said:
The sabo meta's gonna rise again, thanks to killers needing to hook a survivor. No special hooks means survivors can break all hooks and get away.Survivors can't sabo event hooks anymore. They did this in the hallowed blight patch
Read that again, no special hooks.
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@Sel said:
@PhantomMask20763 said:
@se05239 said:
The sabo meta's gonna rise again, thanks to killers needing to hook a survivor. No special hooks means survivors can break all hooks and get away.Survivors can't sabo event hooks anymore. They did this in the hallowed blight patch
Read that again, no special hooks.
OH #########!!!!
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I agree, feels as if it's going to be extremely patience testing. Hopefully this isn't being done to shift more auric cells to buy the event skins
.. I'm looking forward to it but I can see how annoying this could end up being. Definitely feeling the toxicity is gonna be off the charts. Hopefully we're wrong (highly doubt it though)!
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@JoannaVO said:
I bet killers are saving their mori's now for the upcoming event and survivors are warming up their ''Leave Match'' well like the last event I hope I find as killer or Survivor other killer or Survivor to help farm the coin get the event done.
even after I get everthing out of this event I want I'll start help people still farming.0 -
I'm just gonna buy them and go on a killing spree lol0
what is preventing those survivors that couldn't get a vessel from helping the killer find other survivor to steal their vessels?
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At this point I'm just ecstatic to have something new to do1
@PhantomMask20763 said:
@Sel said:
@PhantomMask20763 said:
@se05239 said:
The sabo meta's gonna rise again, thanks to killers needing to hook a survivor. No special hooks means survivors can break all hooks and get away.Survivors can't sabo event hooks anymore. They did this in the hallowed blight patch
Read that again, no special hooks.
OH #########!!!!
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KillerRaccoon said:I’m pretty sure the Killer has to hook someone to activate the objective they need to collect... I think.
I’m not really sure how this event is gonna work. They should have just stuck with an idea like the Howling Grounds and Summer BBQ events. We all saw what a flop the Hallowed Blight was.
Hallowed Blight, for it's initial issues, was a LOT more forgiving and enjoyable both killer and survivor side for me. For killer, I didn't have to worry about teams that I allowed to farm up stuff just leaving the moment I was done allowing people to farm since the main objectives for the event were also no longer the main objectives for escape. Kinda why I had agreed with one part of this event's choice to have both survivor and killer event objectives to not be the main ones.
That said as a killer main myself, given the changes I've seen as these events have progressed, where once I as playing a survivor could expect at least some level of farming during a double bloodpoint event if three or more Blood Party Streamers were put into play, I've seen a massive shift in the mindset where this is not only not happening (which admittedly is the killer's choice whether or not to do), but this newer age of killers are actually relishing in the fact that they were the cause of making the survivors waste their add-ons even going so far as to openly mock the survivors in end game chat for this fact.
The hooking requirements for killers now leads back to the issue where the main objective for the event is once more the main objective for the match as both a main and secondary objective are required for getting the points. Truth be told, given the whole "deranking" debacle going on right now, I'm certain a lot of killers wouldn't mind losing rank if it meant getting their hands on coins more easily. That said that's and ENTIRELY different can of worms and I'm not touching it beyond mentioning the fact that it exists.0 -
I'm with @Skarkio here. You guys are so pessimistic about this upcoming event, even though there were hardly any serious problems with the last two, except for killer lobby times in Hallowed Grounds.
As always, the complaints about past events just show the same attitude as so many other posts: some players cannot accept that their opponents in the game work against them. Yea, sometimes it means you're denied an event hook, sometimes it means you're slugged, and a lot of stuff that can drive you mad. But that's the beauty of dbd! If the game did not have the potential to make you lose your #########, it would be much less fun.0 -
It is a mistake.
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Hallowed Blight event to out ok ones they put the point together.
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@NekoGamerX said:
@JoannaVO said:
I bet killers are saving their mori's now for the upcoming event and survivors are warming up their ''Leave Match'' well like the last event I hope I find as killer or Survivor other killer or Survivor to help farm the coin get the event done.
even after I get everthing out of this event I want I'll start help people still farming.I tempt to play like that too but the opposite party always seems to screw it
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@JoannaVO said:
@NekoGamerX said:
@JoannaVO said:
I bet killers are saving their mori's now for the upcoming event and survivors are warming up their ''Leave Match'' well like the last event I hope I find as killer or Survivor other killer or Survivor to help farm the coin get the event done.
even after I get everthing out of this event I want I'll start help people still farming.I tempt to play like that too but the opposite party always seems to screw it
@JoannaVO said:
@NekoGamerX said:
@JoannaVO said:
I bet killers are saving their mori's now for the upcoming event and survivors are warming up their ''Leave Match'' well like the last event I hope I find as killer or Survivor other killer or Survivor to help farm the coin get the event done.
even after I get everthing out of this event I want I'll start help people still farming.I tempt to play like that too but the opposite party always seems to screw it
well if we meet in the game i will farm i play both side i hope coins are the same for both sides.