Good for them. Glad I turned off crossplay. Games have been much better and hacker free. Can't wait to put my trapper up against some free weekend players.
DBD free weekend this weekend

Heads up for those that aren't on social media, this weekend they're doing a free weekend for Steam, Stadia, Playstation and Xbox. Looks like Switch and Epic were left out.
I don't blame 'em for leaving Switch out. Nobody is gonna buy the game after witnessing the horrid framerate and graphics.
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Can't wait to see more cheaters
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Good for them. Glad I turned off crossplay. Games have been much better and hacker free. Can't wait to put my trapper up against some free weekend players.
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Are the hacker numbers dropping? Are they trying to get that number back up?
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Probably good weekend to go for Adepts too, go against the free players that don't know what they're doing.
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Is it bad that I assume this is gonna make the cheating problem worse?
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Atleast it'll only be for this weekend. It's not like when it launched on Epic and everyone got to keep the game, this is more like a free trial.
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Welcome new players! It will cost about a hundred dollars and 1000 hrs to unlock everything! Have fun!
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1k hours is a little low, don't you think?
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Yeah, I suppose that was optimistic. I was only thinking of the killer side
Edit: just remembered we're 2 days away from rank rewards so I can get 2 million BP worth of random perks/add-ons/offerings I don't actually want on Sadako. Very cool!
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They are so desperate for new players,maybe they should fix their game instead of baiting people that are obviously not gonna stick.
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Currently downloading the game on Steam right now. I’m about to play the superior version and the definitive version of dbd
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You know those Survivors/Killers DLC where you unlock all OCs?
You pay 60$ extra in order to spent hundreds of hours unlocking their teachables.
Add another hundred if you wish to have all perks on your fav. character.
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Hey wanna watch me making a stupid decision?
..wanna see it again?
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I think DBD has been free on GamePass for like a year and a half...
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more hackers!!!
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I thought it had been free there for awhile now. Can you play online games on Xbox without game pass?
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Its free to play but not free to keep unlike what epic did.
Aka even if it does making cheating worse its only for the weekend.
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Will the game be free?
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