How to play against THIS?!

I want to ask the "almighty" developers how to play against this #########?
This is not the first such case. Not only do these "hex" type skills do not have their own totems, but they allow you to install them. So they also do the work INSTEAD of killers. Remember the old "Hex: undying". Even the breakdown of 5, well, that is, all the totems on the territory was interpreted by the developers as "very difficult". But now look, instead of 5 totems, you need to break 10. You know, take back your damn "Hex: Pentimento" and bring back the old "hex: Undying" it was MUCH EASIER TO FIGHT with. Is it only a problem with the specific killer and the specific skill set? No, in a specific skill set. Plague simply showed how to make almost 50% instead of 30%.
I am amazed how it is possible to make an imba out of 2 not very strong skills separately if you combine them together?!
Wait I don't get it. What is the problem? Pentimento or the combi with thana or That plague uses it?
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I've tried a similar build before and usually its countered by Booning the Plaything Hex or just focus gens while Oblivious if you really hate Pentimento.
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Plaything to get them to break totems to activate Pentimento for -30% gen speed, Thana to reduce gen speed futher, Plague to prevent healing or allowing her to get corrupt purge.
Pop to top it off. Its a great combo idea.
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Ah Okey sound really fun I love plague sadly I don't have plaything and penti.
In this boon meta you can work against it let's be thankful that guy didn't use thrill instead of pop to make then need for ever to do bones
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This looks like a really good build. Thanks The_Deathslinger. Could you work devour hope in with this though?
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It's impossible to play against it. With this set of skills, we just get Freddy 2.0. Only now instead of the addon-skills.
Here only genrush will solve the problem. But genrush, as we remember, no one loves.
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It's a very good build, and I say that as someone who uses a very similar build on Plague. It's the same perks except I use Thrill of the Hunt instead of pop, with the idea being that thrill + thana makes doing the totems also take forever (and it heavily discourages blessing the playthings, so I can get pentimento).
This build can very much be countered though. It's biggest weakness is that it does not do much at the start of the match, and you want to make as much gen progress as you can early in the match. The killer needs to get their first down quickly or this build falls apart fast. Plaything only gets going after survivors are hooked, and pentimento only gets going when those playthings are removed.
Don't cleanse dull totems and make pentimento any stronger than it has to be. Pay attention to where survivors are cleansing plaything totems, so when pentimento comes into play, you already know where you should check and can get rid of it in a timely manner.
Pop only gets a ton of value if the killer is consistently getting hooks. Do good in chase and don't give the killer a down every 30 seconds and suddenly pop becomes much less of a threat.
The reason this build is so good on plague specifically is because survivors are likely to be injured, which not only makes thana stronger, but also makes survivors who have already been hooked far more susceptible to being caught out of position and downed quickly because they can't hear the terror radius, and they're already injured. You can beat a plague using these perks, but you have to be a bit more careful.
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Yep...I'm not the guy in the screenshot but that's the build I use and I use thrill instead of pop. Lol. It actually works pretty well as long as thrill isn't cleansed super early, and if it is well then at least they wasted 28 seconds doing it (or possibly more if people are injured since thana stacks with it) + it's another pentimento whenever I head over there.
Eh. This build already encourages survivors to find and eliminate a lot of totems, so devour isn't as likely to stay hidden. I also wouldn't really recommend it on plague regardless as survivors are more likely to be injured and Exposed doesn't give as much value.
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Do bones lol
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Just die on hook and get to the next game