Blight, Nurse, Blight, Nurse.

I played 5 games of survivor today and except one, all of them have been against blight or nurse. I know that Nurse just got enabled again but this is just ridiculous. I'm playing solo as well. I won 3 out of 4 (which was already a huge surprise) but I would like to just not play against the same 2 or 3 killers over and over. Am I the only one who noticed this? Maybe it's an idea to reward killers who play a killer that isn't played much by for example giving them more BP.
I'm a killer main myself but also play a lot of survivor. After playing 5 games of survivor I think I'm done for now. Please let me know if this is just me or if you also have the same thing but maybe with different killers.
You'd have to give me a lot of BP to even consider playing Killer right now.
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I don't know if it's true but i heard they will reward killers more to make matchmaking faster.
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For me it is Blight, Huntress, Nurse, Nemesis, Bubba and Sadako. Sadako's first week, so she is popular but i am facing with other so many times.
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I feel like MMR made the game so much more sweaty. I still hope it will get removed because it's a terrible system in my opinion.
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Yeah she is fun to face and play. I wanna p3 and open perks on her, i loved her design so much. And i know i am not alone here.
Pinhead and Artist were not that popular at their first week, i saw them so rare. But i am seeing so much Sadako and i saw so many people already bought her skin too.
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Tournament play isn't a driving factor of anyone's decision making in DBD.
People simply just don't want to have an objectively worse time playing the game as killer. After you get to a certain point a lot of killers just aren't worth playing if you want to have any fun without getting overly stressed.
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The first 2 days after the release of sadako I almost only had her which makes sense. After a chapter release everyone wants to play the new killer. But I haven't seen her yesterday except maybe one game. I just want something else then Blight or Nurse.😣
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First day was same, i faced just with one of them. But new killers are starting with low mmr, so this is why first day you did not see her so much. But after 2 days, i have pretty much Sadakos and she was fun to face.
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I feel like that't the reason so many people quit DBD. I love this game but after SBMM this game is going downhill. I just want the ''old'' ranking sytem back into dbd. It would be so much more fun and with some improvements it could work just fine.
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She is really fun to play against but I feel like she needs a little bit more. It's too early to buff her but I think she will need it tho.
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I agree. I also feel like MMR should not be in a game with so much RNG involved.
Post edited by GamerEzra on0 -
Come play in OCE & you just play the same 3 killer players for a full 5 hours. Same sweat, same desperation because two of them are Twitch streamers. One uses a VPN from Russia & the other tries to hide he uses aura hacks...Twitch don't give a crap. All good!
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I'm sorry but I don't understand what you are trying to say. What is OCE?
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Those two are the strongest Killers in the game that have the speed to disrupt the Survivors
I know that it can be boring to face the same Killer over and over again but.... There is a reason for it
Survivor gameplay being the most obvious... moving from Gen to Gen while someone is being chased says a lot (but that's normal)
Plus Killers feel a type of way when they see 4E and "GGEZ" "Baby Killer" (I have felt the same way)
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so they know killer player is diminishing so bad resulting a very long queue for survivor. but they doesn't want rectify SBBM and delete COH.
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I don't think I've seen anyone that's happy with SBMM but I don't think it will ever get removed. COH needs to be nerfed in some other way. Survivors shouldn't be able to bless the same totem over and over. Bring back 100% healing speed in COH but make it so the same totem can't be blessed over and over.
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If they gave out shards to fill (even if it was by a small amount like 5 or 10) during really low hours, I think it would be more appealing. Killers usually get more bloodpoints than survivors by default and giving more is kind of meh. But if people don't find a certain role (or even specific killer) fun or engaging, very rarely can you even pay them to play because ultimately there are other games out there competing for your time and money.
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Just got Sadako, Nurse, Sadako, Nemesis.
I think all your problems is that you are too high MMR. I am mid i gues and barely got Nurses or Blights.
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Nea, Claudette, Dwight, Nea, Feng, Nea, Claudette, Feng, Yui.
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True, but I think rewarding people to play a killer that they usually don't play can be a good thing. And yes, not everyone is going to play a killer that they usually don't play but I'm sure some people will. I already play a lot of different killers but I would play specific killers if I get rewarded more.
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I don't think my survivor MMR is high tbh. I'm a killer main and mostly play solo if i play survivor. I got a lot of sadako first day and they start with lower MMR so i don't think my MMR is that high. I would love to play against more sadako's. :)
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The tournament scene of DBD is actually pretty niche.
You can be a competitive player i.e. a win/loss, stats focused player, but never really engage with DBD tournament play. The devs aren't actively balancing around tournament play and a majority of players are not usually considering tournament level play. The tier list discussion is predicated on the thoughts of content creators who while having lots of hours in the game rarely if ever seriously compete in tournaments. The tier lists are judged based on what is viable at high rank play rather than using any metrics generated from tournament play as tournaments are non standardized to a degree and feature ban lists that aren't adhered to by the wider playerbase.
So yes people want to win and will optimize their game play to win, but that doesn't mean tournament play is a driving factor in any decision making for the game. It is would be more likely to be that Blight and Nurse fair much better in the current game state considering they can handle hold W, CoH+Medkit, and generally have the best on demand mobility tools.
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That's some great variety. :D
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I wish we could just see our own MMR because I don't think my MMR is that high. I hope BHVR will add this in the future.
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You know, I've never made it to high MMR I guess. I've come to that conclusion because I don't see Nurse and Blight all the time. To me, you've either got to be carried SUPER hard or be part of a 4-man to get to that level as survivor, because I've escaped numerous times and keep getting trash teammates who lose to Wraith and stuff like that. So be proud of yourself for being at that level I guess, even though most of it is due to gen speed.
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way beter than just nurse and blight. huntress can actually be ton of fun if she is not laggy, and bubba the same (u may get face camped but you shouldnt go down so easily agaisnt him since he needs to play the looping game as ton of the cast.... thats some variety at least there are people who will only get 2 killers.
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When Bubba plays normal and no camp, he is one of the most fun killers.
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I was thinking bhvr would have to literally pay me in dollars to get me to play killer again.
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As soon as you hear the boon sound, you kind of just want to d/c as killer. That's a problem
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Oceania server. Think Australia, New Zealand & that part of the world.
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Ahh, okay.
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I haven't played in a 4 man in a long time tbh. If i play swf it's a 2 man. I don't think my MMR is that high tho tbh. I have to say that my teammates heve been really good in most games last week. Not always tho, I still get matches with potatoes sometimes. I just wish we could see our own MMR.
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The problem with that is that it just almost never happens.😅
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You're right, it is a problem. You continue to run from them.
Nobody likes a challenge? How about you think of it this way, should you stomp that blessed totem you found or leave it so you know where to find survivors who need to heal?
I love finding blessed totems in places with no gens. Leave them there.
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X2. This month I got rank 1 survivor before 20th feb and still at Bronze 4 with killer, just played It for tome Challenges.
Is just a stress test to play killer, and games are suppose to be fun, so the only way to make me play killer again is something like x4 BP per match, and even with that Im not sure if I Will play xD
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If you're focused on just your SWF getting out, a 2-man is the best way to go.
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Especially when it's a huge map like Red Forest and you're a slow killer and as soon as you hear the first boon there's another and then tinkerer procs at the other side of the map before you've even done a chase.
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Yesterday we played 5 games together and we died in all of them.😅
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You only play against a small handful of killers? Weird! It's almost as if 1/3rd of the game's killers are objectively awful and another 1/3 have gotten savagely nerfed.
But don't worry: plenty of people are asking for the members of the final 1/3rd to get nerfed too. So it's a race to the bottom. When, finally, EVERY killer is horrible, there will be no reason to only play the 3-4 guys with any actual effectiveness.
There will also be no reason to play at all. But, you know. Sacrifices must be made to coddle the least skilled, loudest survivors.
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And they would be the survivor streamers the devs endorse on Twitter.
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Which is more tragic considering there are a few killers who have the S tier A tier potential which every killer should be in.
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some tournament have a limitation on perk, cosmetic and add on. that make game more balancing.
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Not sure what sort of killer main you are, but I'd argue that the majority of them won't get bribed into playing killers which just aren't viable on high MMR.
The issue isn't that Nurse or Blight are strong, it's that none of the other killers are. Throwing bloodpoints at that will not fix it.
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Well now its at least an improvement to facing 50 shades of Blight.
Imagine how nice the game would be, if everyone faced the 27 killers we have equally?
But for some unknown reason, some people prefer to only face 2 killers. shrugs
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Toxic nea, toxic Claud, toxic feng, toxic nea, wholesome Jill, toxic Claud and toxic nea
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Started playing nurse still got my moon offerings from original and best DBD and I forgot how broken she is.
Might as well have an open map with gens on it with no terrain, I had midwich and I was hitting loads of through the floor teleport hits and now imagine I was a top 5% pro nurse it would be 4k every game.
Only got 1k but had 7 hooks.
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That indicates 2 things... That survivors are playing incredible efficiently right now (possible MMR change?) And that killers are relying on the 2 strongest high skill cap killers to win. Of course this could be vice versa too. Maybe survivors are playing very efficiently due to stronger killers being used.
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I play him normally whenever I do play Bubba. It kinda hard when u don't have any perks that let u know a survivor is near by tho.
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Killer is bad atm but I don't think it's that bad. xD