New chapter out and playerbase still not increasing

When will it finally be time for BHVR to acknowledge the fact chapters will only increase the playerbase for a short period of time,but now not even that because of the glaring issues the game suffers from.
These are the main reasons I think its driving people away,old or new:
SBMMR is not working at all.
Encountering cheaters daily.
New games of the genre coming out soon.
The fact 90% of your games as survivor are againts campers and tunnelers,because its a strategy that just works in the current meta of rushing gens then dip.
Playing killer is not fun because playing the game normally without camping or tunneling is tedious and feels unrewarding.
Insane grind that's very unfriendly especially to new players.
Game has become too stale because BHVR never took a risk until now,since they didn't need to.
Game is missing basic quality of life features that other games of the genre have.
All of the above.
But people just get tired of playing certain games.
I may have 50+ games in my library i probably only play 3 at a time.
And with the learning curve of dbd, ie perks etc to be "competitive" it's pretty unnewbie friendly. Who wants to play your first games as a killer into players with 500+ hours. It's pretty demoralising.
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Not to mention you will have to grind for months just to get the perks you want as a new player
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more like years lol.
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How is the game competitive when mmr matches you with a god squad,then players with less than 100 hours in the game,it became even more casual in my point of view,because matchmaking makes no sense.
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I wanna ask how you know playerbase is falling/ not increasing, but If you say Steam charts, im gonna dip on that conversation, because Im so tired of explaining why basing your opinion on a fraction of platforms used, using average CONCURRENT player count. Whereas if you want to know the size of the active playing community, you'll want the Daily Active Users / Weekly Active Users. But Im pretty sure its Steamcharts, cause its the only one people keep bringing up.
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Its the only one people can check,what other chart do you expect people do base it on?
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Perk grind prevents new players and the balance team removes old players.
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Just because its the only public data that exist, does not mean its good or useful data for making your point. I talked to statisticians about this cause I have been attempted to be gaslit by serval community members now, who insisted very strongly their theory were validated, nice conversations really. But to sum up its a problem of looking for data analysis that takes into account other factors as well as complete data. or to put it in another way, You gotta do good throughout research to prove a point, not with poor explanatory power or just because its the only data that we have. We would be better of not doing anything if its not good research.
You see people in this Community bring up these Steamcharts a lot, but all it takes is a few questions to show the poor quality of that data.
In the end its just waste to time trying to back up an suggestion with poor research. BHVR is the only people who have the complete data and they dont share cause the fans are somewhat rapid about this kind of stuff.
There I go again, trying my hardest, to explain why 'number go down' isnt the be all and say all.
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Actually Ringu did bump the player base. It hit March 8 and if you look at the chart in the days prior to that versus today there is an increase. It’s not as large an increase as some other licensed chapters but it’s there.
Frankly everybody keeps harping about “issues driving people away”, but in reality the game is 6 years old so a lot of what you’re seeing is just regression to the mean and attrition over time as people move to newer games. It’s still one of the top played games released in 2016, about where Civilization VI is I think (they both currently average around 35-40k concurrent players). That it still has as many players as it does is a sign of how good the game actually is.
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It's a very repeatative game that is not noob friendly.
But 6 years, is still impressive. I'm sure it will hang a bit longer
Post edited by Clevite on2 -
Unless BHVR releases numbers, you can't blame people for drawing conclusions from the only data they've been given
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Yeah I can, and thats why I call them out of the poor conclusions.
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Is the playerbase not dropping? You're telling me that the game is actually thriving? People are happy?
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How I can call them out?
Easy, cause I know what their argument are based on and I can point out the flaws in that lack of data and information.
You sound like you expect me to have answers, which is a fallacy, I can point out flaws in an argument without having an argument myself.
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So is the playerbase dropping.
Are you contesting their source of information or their conclusions.
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Whenever i get a survivor who´s pretty much the definition of toxic BM´ing survivoroid main with plenty of comments on their steam profile.
I always wonder why people leave the game.
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The game is getting repetitive and with the balance being wonky, I'm not surprised players want to try other games out.
DBD is fun, but it sometimes feels like a chore to play for both killers and survivors.
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It’s not doing bad for how simple it’s formula is and how old it is.
Like it or not, many games wish they had DBD’s longevity.
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SBMMR is just crap it's sweat games every game, no more meme builds, no more meme killers, no more meme survivors.
It's just 4k or 4 escape.
Survivors have the same perks, same medkits, same toolboxes. etc
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what do you mean by meme? I do plenty of memeing when I play killer
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Stuff like huntresses who only hatchet, no blink nurse, BK Myers, BK Bubba etc.
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Chapters dont come out to attract players anymore. they come out to keep the playerbase occupied. And the playerbase is pretty stable from 1 year ago, even though the matchmaking made the game worse and nothing else mayor changed.
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I'm challenging the validity of using only Steams average/peak concurrent player count to reach a rational statement about the state of the game.
Its pretty obvious to me all the people using these numbers have an issue with the game, which they want to say caused the players to drop, but that is no reason to accept sloppy argument from poor research. MMR, Balance, Dead Hard, Cheaters. I've seen it all many times.
All you gotta do to show how useless those numbers are asking, 'How do you know your reason is at fault and not many other reasons/factors?'
They cant say why. Its that bad,
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It increased a bit just for hype, as every licensed chapter does.
The people realized this is another trash D tier killer and stop playing It.
This week and Next one Wil be a little increase due to Sadako and last tome Page, but wait untill march end and look stats.
But that is on Steam, I can guarantee that on Xbox the playerbase is almost done, in the last 4 Months LFG app died like a 70-75%. On November there was like +500 LFG post, now is 90-120 a good day so imagine the amount of people that quitted this time on Xbox.
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Then ask me.
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To my mind:
- Grind.
- Incredibly unfriendly ingame community, with devs that all but endorse 'smack talk'.
- Steep learning curve.
- SBMM pooping the bed in too many matches.
All contribute to a game that has a dedicated core of veterans and streamers, but with problems attracting and retaining newer players. This contributes to the SBMM issues, as there simply aren't enough new players to put up against other new players.
I'm...not sure if there's an easy fix here.
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Can't check anything else therefore all we have to go on. It shows DBD is hemorrhaging players
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Man. You people and youre dbd is dying threads.
Imma simplify why dbd didnt get a huge bump compared to other dlcs. You may wanna sit down for this because it will blow your mind. Ready?
Other more popular games came out. I.e elden ring. So a lot of people are playing that atm.
I know what youre thinking. "Wha other games? But the glory of dbd. This is why its dying." Sorry but other games exist. Doesnt mean dbd is dying.
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Sure, if you got an argument I have not heard before, go nuts.
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It seems to be a relatively representative sample size - we don't know the numbers for console players, but it does seem reasonable to assume that if PC players are leaving the game or just not sticking around, then console players aren't either. I see no reason why this wouldn't be true.
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The game really has a massive issue with holding new players, the insane grind, the cumbersome tutorial (still lacks a lot of basic info about the game like what are hexes), the sheer amount of content blocked behind paywalls (they could open some of the older, original Killers and Survivors like Doctor, Clown and Hag).
Plus veterans are getting tired of a ton of problems not getting addresed properly like camping, gens going superfast unless you get a early down and too much disparity between map design and a long long list.
On a sidenote, I think Elden Ring did more damage to DBD than other games from the same genre.
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I never get bored of this game and play it everyday, that's just me.
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I agree with everything you said and having to wait 3 months for the same content and having to grind for perks is so old the perks all do the same thing theres never any creativity this new chapter proved that and the game is just stale we need new game modes
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So instead of giving up on a poor data, you want to engage in a fallacy and declare it ' therefore all we have to go on. '
I also heard a girl on twitter describe it as 'the best available data', heard it before been there.
But also you are wrong, You can start your own poll and seek out the community, its up to you to make a good study tho.
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Show me how you know this for sure. if you cant show it, you really should not advocating such assumptions.
I certainly dont hope you are saying its accurate because you cant see why it would not be true too. cause that would be a second fallacy.
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When you do a survey for example, you don’t need to survey each individual within a particular demographic in order to draw reasonable conclusions.
If we want to approximate trends regarding the number of people playing DBD, the steam numbers will more than suffice as they’re a significant cross section of the overall player base.
Of course it doesn’t provide us with an entirely accurate representation, but it’s good enough. For example, if the steam player base trends downwards, it’s no leap of logic to deduce that something is driving players away, and that this something likely affects other platforms too. It’s the same game for every platform after all (unless you’re on last gen anyway.)
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You are absolutely having a laugh 🤣 😂 😆 You think getting data here as part of a poll is better than the steam data??? Come on
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😁 Have you tried? You dont know until you try. 😂
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Unless you get more than 105,000 people to respond, it's inferior to the SteamCharts.
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I hate to say it but I hope they take a blow like what happened to my beloved battlefield. You've heard about 2042?
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I certainly hope you poll for something that actually shows you are correct, instead of concurrent averages and peaks numbers.
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Can't imagine why this game would have trouble retaining new players
::installs dead by daylight for first time on playstation::
::selects Trapper with Agitation and gets matched against 2k hour 4 man SWF that 99 gens to bully as long as possible::
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So what me setting up a poll and asking people (maybe what 20-50 people at tops will reply) is more accurate than the steam data? OK so let's have an honest discussion;
1) You're right in that Steam isn't the be all and end all; it's only one platform therefore doesn't give a full 100% accurate representation of the playerbase in it's entirety. However it is fair to say it's a reasonable sample size (I don't know what % of the entire playerbase are steam but I think we can all agree it is a big enough sample size to give us at least an indication of the game.
2) From the Steam data available, on July 2021 the average playerbase was 62,487. On February 2022 it was 36,207. Steam doesn't represent the playerbase in it's entirety but can we all not agree that is one heck of a steep decline??? A decline of 42.05% of the steam playerbase. Thats not to say the there are a total of 42.05% less people playing DBD but surely anyone can agree its pretty telling.
3) This data isn't assumption it's accurate. As stated above I'm not saying that this is the DBD playerbase in its entirety and we don't know the exact % of the playerbase that is on steam but surely this portrays an accurate representation of the state of the game? The steam data shows a steep decline, I will make the assumption that this playerbase on steam is a large enough sample size to portray accuracy therefore based on the available data I will therefore make the conclusion that DBD is in it's current state in decline
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Civ 6 isnt a live service. Dbd is! Also regardless of accessible data points there has been consistent backlash and disdain for the current system of matchmaking a lot of the games content creators have dropped this game and in an age where games like brigadoir can go from obscurity to cult following these are indicators worth examining.
People give games like league and apex a hard time but they are bold with there character and gameplay changes its given them significant lifespan. Dbd by comparison is slow and too frightened to ever push there designs playing it safe. The end game collapse is an amazing example of this. They put a significant amount of time to escape when the gates are opened and put zero pressure on survivours to act fast. Every gameplay change is a perk when many should be baseline.
Dbd then sped up its aging by introducing sbm which balances out teams to have all survivors of equal skill level without even touching half of the rooster lack of mobility. They keep adding giant maps that honestly should be split in two realms. This games can be as timeless as other multiplayer titans. Instead it stagnates afraid of putting forward major overhauls and making perks out of every gameplay modifier. Many addons both killer and survivor that massively mix ups games are curtailed and made to be gimmicky.
Ill keep saying it again and again add rotating gamemodes to allow expermentation of new gameplay concepts whilst maintaing a base trials experiance.
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I don't need to - because Ockham's Razor.
Common sense.
There is nothing about PC gamers versus console gamers that would mean a huge delta between console dropoff and PC dropoff, therefore we can safely assume that if PC players are going elsewhere, so are console players.
Why would they be different?
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Gameplay experience keeps players not content.
Might be time for bhvr to update their hockey play book.
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- - Nothing is done to cheaters
- - Almost zero quality of life improvements
- - The Bloodweb is an outdated extremely tedious system that has not seen any form of rework
- - Lack of new maps
- - Lack of real balance
- - Maps have way too many pallets located next to each other and still, there are infinite jungle gyms for survivors to abuse.
- - The healing boon totem broke the game for Killers and forced them to tunnel and camp even harder than ever before, just remove it already, no amount of nerf will make it work.
- - New killers are just copy-paste borrowing old Killer's abilities. Sadako is just a combined power of Wraith (Invisibility), Demogorgon (Teleport), and Pig (Curse). We want exciting new Killers that bring something completely new to the game, not the same old in a different shape.
- - Lack of quality of life improvements
- - Fixing gens is so boring as a survivor
- - There are so many ways for survivors to rush gens and make matches end before they really even started, again, forcing the killer to tunnel and camp.
- - MMR system
Let's face it, Dead by Daylight is making a slow death and BHVR can't fix it because they are way too stuck in their old ways, and I don't mean just the game engine that greatly limits their options. As soon as Evil Dead The Game and other new Killer-Survivor-based games get released this year, there won't be many left to play this game.
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No, I dont want you to waste your time with a poll, I said you could If you wanted too. But it would be a waste of time because BHVR already has access to much better data and they are taking decisions now which will take time to develop. These threads are a waste of our time cause they only indicate gripes that people have with the game, which I would be very surprised BHVR didn't already know the lot of.
I have had these sorts of discussions with people here, twitter, discord etc now many times. I cant be asked to write more about it.
Come back to me when you stop making assumptions and have some data to back your beliefs, instead of relying on 'number go down bad'
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You mean "Escaped Based Match Making". Skill is not calculated, just escapes. And length of match?(Apparently)
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Occam's razor is not a general rule for logical arguments.
Google can help us.
Post edited by Emeal on1