Pinkie Finger is a big problem!!

Clown's add-on "Redhead's Pinkie Finger", despite the recent nerf, is still unfair. Clowns use it to camp hooks. It's as bad as the old iridescent head add-on on Huntress. Even if the clown misses the direct hit, his gas interrupts the unhook anyway, and slows people down. Not to mention it's hard to see and dodge the next bottles.
In my opinion, this add-on should NOT stack with extra bottles add-ons, just like it is the case with Huntress'es Iridescent Head. If Huntress wants to insta-down with her hatchets, she should have pretty good skills to hit a survivor. Clown is the same! If he wants to insta-down a person, he should have some skills at least. If he misses, he should be forced to reload, just like Huntress. However Huntress needs to go find a locker, while the Clown can reload wherever he is. Meaning, he's already a more problematic camper than the old iri head Huntress.
Camping where you can't do anything is no fun. Please give us at least some room for counterplay.
Even tho clown isn't a strong killer I think that he shouldn't be able to carry more then 2 bottles with Pinkie Finger...
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Oh well if the nerf wasn't satisfactory enough, why don't we just revert it, since it didn't do anything?
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That argument makes sense in comparison to Huntress
I think that two Bottles and a longer reload make sense for that addon (maybe get rid of the gas cloud or make it smaller as well... and make it to where you can't switch between the two)
Something like that makes sense for a Iri addon (IMO)
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But then make the bottle actual downs the survivor that's the big difference between him and huntres in my mind because if she hits you you go down if he hits you you still have a chance to reach a loop smack a pallet and run
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I would rather see broken addons nerfed to the ground BUT in exchange for killers with a MORE powerful basekit... Same things for survivor's items/addons
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I think this addon should get a full rework into something far more interesting, to be honest.
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Yeah it’s stupid. Not only does it hinder new players trying to learn clown it encourages camping and is just annoying to fight. Just completely rework it imo
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So let me get this straight. You guys complain about nurse and blight all the time how they are the only killers you go against.
then you complain about a different killer’s add-one because it punishes you for going to unhook a survivor when he’s clearly there?
pick a struggle, do you want nurse/blight or other killers?
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Nah... If the Clown players is using Pinky Finger they won't waste Bottles
Also that's the counterplay that Huntress doesn't have (persay)
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This made me laugh....I completely agree though.
Cant remember last time I seen a PF clown nor ran a PF. Is this really what the devs should be working on? I play a lot of Clown if I wanted to be sweaty and win at all cost I would bring Ether/bleach or Bleach/sloppy addon not PF.
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Cause it doesnt change the issue at all.
You can easily hit survivors after getting a straight hit cause of the slowdown. Its already by far too easy.
Nobody has to pick. Balance isnt a Do or Die.
Pinky finger on machinegun Clown was just the most stupid idea. And the last change to it just clearly shows how much insight the devs have on their own game. It made no sense and didnt change the issue with pinky fingers at all.
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If you're acknowledging that he isn't strong why do you want to make a change that will see him made worse?
How does making a killer who's already pretty bad worse make sense? What are you giving to compensate taking power away from his only good Iri add-on?
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Aka weaker.
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Hell no it isn't a problem
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on1 -
That's what makes Pinky Finger balanced. You still have "counterplay at all times" which is highly demanded.
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Pinky Finger has the same counter as normal Clown, just pre drop Pallets.
As for the camping situation, it makes him a worse Bubba, just do gens and get out
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Not necessarily but it’s a bit hard to actually rework it. Clown as is is weak but we can’t really buff him much more without removing this thing. On demand exposed for him is pretty stupid imo
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But it's not on demand. He doesn't 1-shot you as a base thing. He has to hit you directly with a bottle, and then hit you before you get to a pallet or window, or your exposed expiring. There is plenty of counterplay. All these examples people keep giving of going down just because of the add-on is when they were in a deadzone, so I guess they just want a second chance even though they ran into a deadzone. The killer getting to use the add-on that they brought is unfair.
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The addon is pretty stupid with Gin Bottle, but really clunky without it since you have to spend basically the entire game reloading. I'd rather have something that's good without another addon but not overpowered with one.
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Not an issue, expect and respect the threat a killer poses.
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Please, leave the weaker killers alone.
First slinger, now clown. how long until they start nerfing legion and pig again?
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When a survivor is slowed getting a direct isn’t hard. And it pretty much is on demand since he can always throw a bottle unless he’s out
Obviously it doesn’t make him S tier but it gives him way too much power for a single add on. Sure it’s and iri add on but that doesn’t give it an excuse to give him such a power jump
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If I ever saw Clown in a match, I might agree with this…
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We are not nerfing clown here. We’re nerfing an add on for him that has nothing to do with the rest of his kit
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It’s a stupid addon. Just rework it with a brand new effect imo
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I've made this argument before. If the killer isn't viable on their own, what's wrong with using an add-on to make them viable? It's catering casuals all over again. Just because some bad solos get crushed by a killer using a certain add-on doesn't make it OP. We see what caliber solo is. The real target we're aiming to beat is SWF, which none of these add-ons like Pinky Finger do anything against.
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You're not complaining about Pinkie Finger; you're complaining about camping. Rather than trying to nerf one of the weakest killers, why not address camping instead?
In any event, a Bubba without add-ons can camp better than Clown with an Iri add-on anyway. Clown needs buffs; not nerfs.
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Unless Clown suddenly get listed among the "i only face Nurse and Blight" threads, i don´t see a problem.
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I think the issue is getting hooked.
No hook, no camping, therefore addon is useless.
Please Buff Pinky.
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No, according to OP it's a "big problem" :D
Jokes aside, Clown is already a meme himself and mostly just played for fun. For PF to be considered a problem at all, yet alone a big one, you would have to see Clown using (and abusing) it several times a day.
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The bottle only interrupts the unhook interaction if you hit it directly. I have never seen once a unhook interaction get interrupted by gas that spread to the survivor.
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Wow, there are so many defenders for this bad unhealthy addon.
If you think is okay to have one addon to change your power to just walk to someone so close to hug them, trow bottle on them and press M1 to free hook, then Insta down huntess with 3 hatches was fine and balanced I quess.
Clown is weak but this Addon is like from going one extreme to another (weak to oppresive).
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Yeah, that's a good point. However, you'd have to be really lucky to have a pallet right next to a hook, to run to, if he hits you directly with a bottle. Not to mention that the gas slows you down and it's harder to see. But yeah, I see your point.
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Yeah my comment was only directed at the idea to remove the cloud when using pinky