How long to complete the game?

Lyonic Member Posts: 224

Let's say I have a new account and I want to do:

  1. Unlock every perk for killer
  2. Have every perk available to 1 killer

How long in terms of game hours would this take?


  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    50 hours to get every killer to level 40? Then get all the perks unlocked on 1 killer? 50 hours? as a new player to the game who knows nothing and has to learn each killer as they get them to 40?

    50 HOURS ?!?!

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    Assuming you have every killer, I'd estimate about 100-200 hours.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    I have to say mate, no disrespect intended, I really would like to bag and sell what you are smoking. 50 hours.

    You get like 200ish games in 50 hours. (15 min games).

    Lets say ON AVERAGE being super generous as a new player with no perks/skills/clue you get 20k bp per match. Thats 4 million bloodpoints.

    Please let me know about the bagging.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It actually is going to vary quite a lot depending on how often they play, if they're doing missions and rift challenges, and also if they're taking advantage of giveaways and events.

    I think it takes about 1 million bloodpoints to get a character from level 1 to level 40 (very rough guess). Now an average player, before any bonuses, will get about 25k per match assuming they're using a bloodpoint offering. A brand new player though will probably not do as well, so they're looking at about 15k per match until they get more comfortable at the game.

    However, that's actually a serious underestimate because the bonus experience points you get from all sorts of things can greatly increase that amount.

    • If anybody uses Bloody Streamers in your match then all the players get double bloodpoints including you.
    • There is a yellow offering that pops up pretty often which also doubles your bloodpoints for the match.
    • Daily missions are worth about 30k bloodpoints. So if you do a daily mission every time you play that's like getting a free match worth of points.
    • Rift challenges likewise are another 20-30k or so, so again if you're always doing Rift challenges as you play you'll be getting a lot of extra points.
    • Once a month you'll get bonus bloodpoints based on how high a Grade you reached. Odds are you won't get close to red ranks starting out, but even as a new player if you play regularly you'll be able to get to Silver or even Gold which is a few hundred thousand Bloodpoints.
    • And also about once a month or DbD has bloodpoint events and also periodically gives away free codes on Twitter and elsewhere. If you keep an eye out for those they're typically 50k or 100k or more bloodpoints a pop.

    So if you play 2-3 matches a night you can actually get more like 50-60k average bloodpoints per match you play assuming you are taking advantage of everything above. (Not literally every match gets that much, but when you average out all the bonus points over the matches you play over that time you get quite a lot of bloodpoints to spend.) So you can essentially get 1 million bloodpoints in around 20 matches if you spread those matches out over a couple of weeks to be doing daily missions and challenges and such as you go. (If you try and grind it all out in one or two sittings it will take a lot more matches since you're not doing as many missions/challenges per match.)

    Of course, that's all just unlocking one specific character's teachables. If your goal from scratch as a new player is to unlock EVERY character's teachables by getting them to level 40 then multiply all of the above by 40x. (It will take a while.)

    And as far as trying to get literally every perk on every character? It's going to take a LONG time because you're looking at spending multiple millions of bloodpoints on every single character to do that. Personally I have no interest in even trying to do that, but that's just me. 🤷‍♂️

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824
  • Restrixc
    Restrixc Member Posts: 19

    With needing the perks all on one killer, 400 hours minimum. Not gonna sugar coat, getting like 27 or so killers to level 40 then full leveling one of them to level god knows what. Is gonna take a lot of determination. IDK, I'm just oddballing it to be fair.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    50-60k average, as a new player? no. no chance no not know how.

    Lets be real here, we are talking killer. Suriviors are just skins, thats it - no gameplay differences.

    You are lucky to scrape 20k bloodpoints per game if you are lucky.

    If you want to get to 40 it takes more than 1 mil.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited March 2022

    To clarify, the 50-60k is for an average player, new players would be getting probably 1/2 to 2/3 that much.

    The 1 million bloodpoint to get to level 40 though, I'm pretty sure that's about right.