So can we killswitch Badham yet?

You know it's a bug, from the acknowledged bug report. It turns the map from very survivor sided to what-the-hell-is-this bullshit survivor sided, and of course people are abusing this to high hell and back and going through all of their Badham offerings now.
Can we killswitch this? Or is it not gamebreaking enough, despite making the game feel incredibly awful to play? At least just the offering?
What is the bug?
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The breakable walls at the school are gone.
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The breakable walls went bye bye so now the school is an infinite
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Breakable walls removed on School. And wellcome back infinite loops.
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That's insane. Thanks for answering guys
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The devs did killswitch Dead Dawg when that one breakable was bugged and created an infinite. So it's bizarre they haven't kill switched Badham.
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yeah idk why they haven't disabled it tbh.
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Because it's not detrimental to survivors.
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They'll killswitch Badham just as soon as they remove macro-flashlighting which will be around about...
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The Dead Dawg infinite wasn't detrimental to survivors and they still disabled that back when that was a thing.
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Wasn't there also an uncleansable totem?
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Yes but that was later.
They disabled the map due to the infinite, fixed it, and then they disabled it again 3 days later because of the totem.
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I did not realize how much I took for granted those breakables in the school. It's basically an infinite now. Or should I say again?
Also I am highly skeptical that it's a bug since all the other doors still spawn. I'm assuming its a data test but they didn't say that because they knew people would get pissed.
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Just hope your .exe/ internect connection mysteriously shutsdown on the offering screen.
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It should be kill switched considering survivors are bringing Springwood offerings just to abuse the map.
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I made a bug report and got it "acknowledged" instead of "not a bug" so yeah I think it's a bug.
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I've only played a couple matches at Badham over the past few days (all as surv), and I guess I did notice that the school was open, but had assumed the killer busted the walls. Didn't know it was a bug.
Saved my butt a few times, though, lol. I was really torturing one killer looping the school while running lithe, assuming they had done it to themselves.
Glad I haven't had any killer matches there during that time, because that is not cool.
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It doesnt break the game in any way. Most casual killers already break the wall for whatever reason. And they can still play the game. Stop asking for killswitches for every other bug.
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I've never met a killer who actually broke that wall.
And all I'm asking is a killswitch for either the map or just the offering to prevent people from bringing me there every single game to abuse it ✨
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It figures that the one instance of there being good breakable walls ends up being bugged.
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I wouldn't even know how to run the infinite loop anyways.
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White fence loop vs a killer without a proper chase power
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Nope, they don't kill switch things for being broken and disgustingly survivor sided, at most they just killswitch the offering so you can't make the game take you there.
They only killswitch things for breaking the game and making situations where the game can't play out.
Brings me back to the days of "you should be grateful we're even doing anything about unstompable boons!"
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So then why did saloon get killswitched because of missing breakable walls causing an infinite? 🏃🏻
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Who said that's why it got killswitched? Saloon was breaking in new and exciting ways every 15 minutes from untouchable totems to missing walls. It probably got killswitched for a thorough going over when most other maps are still basically functioning.
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Pardon my ignorance, but for the doomsayers bringing up infinites; wasn't Badham already sort of like this? If a survivor loops the basement, you kinda have to break one of the doors to hook them don't you? The basement isn't always there
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You can break the wall not on the fence loop side, allowing you to hook while not opening up hell.
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Ah, so it's mostly just the one side by the Car and the shed that's the big deal?
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Yeah, that's the problem child. Make that one a solid permanent wall and the other end an open one and I don't think anyone would have an issue.
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As a survivor main, I agree with the killers. I'd like the walls back. Id rather make killers have to break them instead of them already being open.
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Wasnt Dead Dawg disabled because it had a bug where you could launch the Killer into the stratosphere if you used Head On in the balcony of the main building?
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that was a bug?!
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Yeah, I saw several videos of people doing that on Reddit, if you used Head On on one of the lockers that spawn where the fence is broken the Killer would be sent flying away, landing on top of houses, trees, etc, one of two days after those videos the map was disabled, I always asumed it was because of that.