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General Discussions

bhvr what's your excuse on flashlights? I want an actual answer.

what's is it? I know they reply on here. but they don't actually say anything useful.

why does flashlight not have a cooldown of at least 0.10 seconds to avoid macro? or a similar value that would make no difference to human reaction speed.

better yet, why not make the flashlight break if clicked 3-4 times under a very short amount of time? imagine how healthier the game would be without toxic survivors clicking.

it literally takes one programmer a couple of hours to do this btw.

I'm genuinely curious what your excuse is. I refuse to believe you're this incompetent, at this point I 100% believe that you're just in bad faith because you know toxic survivors give you the most money.

i would be very happy to be proven wrong.

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  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Oh yeah, I was talking about the macro users. Clicky-clickys there are plenty but they wouldn’t leave or stop playing only because the clicking would get toned down.

  • Member Posts: 3,139
  • Member Posts: 155

    I've seen @MandyTalk reply often in the forum and even to discussions I made myself.

    if we all start tagging her (and other bhvr employees, if you guys know any) we are bound to at least get an official statement.

    we are paying customers. we deserve this much.

  • Member Posts: 445

    I fully agree but BHVR don't show much interest in their customers so I don't hold out much hope

  • Member Posts: 939

    It would upset the survivors who like to do it so no they won't touch it.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    The last thread didn't even get a reply from a CM so good luck. They are ignoring this like they ignored colour blind settings until it got coverage outside of the community.

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  • Member Posts: 229
    edited March 2022

    With over 4k views and 9 pages of replies, my post has yet to be 'noticed' by BHVR or mods, so don't count on it.

  • Member Posts: 4,183
  • Member Posts: 1,243

    Because everytime they wanna implement and change something in this game 32489342 other things break,this is dbd code in a nutshell lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    As @cordonrouge said, adding a cooldown on a flashlight would not take a long time to add. "Fixing hacking" absolutely will, especially as that is a moving target.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Because they don't care. If they did, it would've been fixed by now.

  • Member Posts: 590

    There's literally no point asking the devs to respond to anything, because there's no way for them to respond to anything without some active part of the community deliberately misinterpretting it and starting some crusade over their misinterpretation or misunderstanding. And that creates a bigger problem.

    As much as I hate it, I sympathise with why they're silent, particularly given the current state of discussions (dbd = hockey still does my head in, that's literally not what they said, it's what a brain-dead strimmer said they said for luls and views)

  • Member Posts: 155

    typical bhvr shill whataboutism. this takes at max a day to implement, it's a low effort big reward feature.

    it would make sense if they were actively fixing hacking, or addressing any other of the other big problems the game has (sbmm, dh, grinding, camping, CoH) but we all know that's not the case.

    so what is the point you're trying to make? since we don't get fixes to the big problems, we don't deserve qol changes to the smaller ones either?

    just say you enjoy flashlight clicking and go.


  • Member Posts: 155

    You do realize that DBD's anit-hack software can't even prevent simple macros right?

    and you do realize that adding a cooldown or making the flashlight break upon spamming doesn't require antihack software right?

  • Member Posts: 522

    Learn to quote if you want to specifically reply to an individual here.

    and you do realize that adding a cooldown or making the flashlight break upon spamming doesn't require antihack software right?

    It's not a matter of difficulty. They don't CARE about it right now.

    They're more inclined to fix bugs for killers than wanting put a sign that can prevent epilepsy for photosensitive players.

    Why are you being mad at ME for telling you the truth? Go to a gym and lift some weights if you feel that pumped up.

  • Member Posts: 155

    Where and when have I said that flashlight macros are not a problem?

    where and when did I accuse you of saying that? please use the quote feature, I'm very curious.

    I said that it's not the most severe one and it's scale of magnitude is not worth BHVR's attention atm as there are far more serious issues that must be dealt with before even looking at this one.

    on the other hand, you're quite literally admitting to whataboutism, which is exactly what I accused you of.

    there is literally no excuse to not stop a toxic and possibly dangerous feature that takes one day to fix. even if there are bigger problems, I'm sure they could have found a slow day to work on that in 6 entire years.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Sadly it will take someone dying of a epileptic sessure (forgive my spelling I didn't get much sleep) and sue them. They give no warnings about flashing lights or anything along those lines. I get bad headaches when Clickly clicks decide to use lightborn against me. BHVR has proven they don't really care about anyone like that because nothing has been done or said about it.

  • Member Posts: 522

    where and when did I accuse you of saying that? please use the quote feature, I'm very curious.

    just say you enjoy flashlight clicking and go.

    This part.

    You literally asked me a question and answered it yourself in a cynical manner that undermined my integrity without even letting me answer first. Which meant you assumed I was okay with the macros and I in fact, condoned in it for apparently "enjoying flashlight clicking".

    on the other hand, you're quite literally admitting to whataboutism, which is exactly what I accused you of.

    Accuse me of whatever. I don't work nor represent BHVR. I'm looking at correlations not causations here.

    You're trying to get water out of a stone.

    there is literally no excuse to not stop a toxic and possibly dangerous feature that takes one day to fix. even if there are bigger problems, I'm sure they could have found a slow day to work on that in 6 entire years.

    You're guilty of your own accusations. We are both unaware of what is going internally in BHVR.

    Your "I'm sure they could have found a slow day to work on that in 6 entire years." holds as much weight as my "I'm sure they have other more important things to fix first."

  • Member Posts: 445

    I'm commenting on every single post I see about it. I myself don't suffer from it but I find it so ridiculous how something which serves no purpose is still in the game and can actually harm people. BHVR have a duty of care to their customers; this is negligence

  • Member Posts: 155

    apparently, saying that you enjoy flashlight clicking = saying that you don't think macros are a problem. you're basically fighting a strawman. not all flashlight spammers are macro users, but all macro users are flashlight spammers. you dont see this logic though.

    It's not a matter of difficulty. They don't CARE about it right now.

    but they SHOULD. because it's their JOB. And they get PAID for it. the fact that they DONT is literally the entire problem presented in this thread.

    you literally contributed NOTHING to the discussion, you're just trying to divert the attention, and excuse me if i assume it, but i don't see someone doing that unless they benefited from the problem themselves. therefore it's logical to assume you're a toxic, flashlight spamming survivor. anyway, im done replying to you. again, you're contributing nothing except stating the obvious or justifying bhvr's lack of action.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    But if you have epilepsy there's a bunch of other things in this game that would stop you from playing, one example is the doctor , you would be having to DC everytime it's a doctor as the killer and not only that but survivors would find a way around it, multiple people would start bringing flashlights and chain blinding behind each other to avoid the cooldown, while I can agree macro scripts should be out of the game there shouldn't be a cooldown on flashlights only a engine that detects macro scripts and doesn't start the game until they're off

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited March 2022

    bm doesn't matter but accessibility does and sadly bhvr doesn't have a great history with it.

  • Member Posts: 155

    multiple people would start bringing flashlights and chain blinding behind each other to avoid the cooldown

    when we say cooldown, we mean a cooldown for the action of turning on and off the flashlight. basically spamming right click. it can be so small as to affect only the macro users because a normal user can't phisically be that fast.

    but the other thing im suggesting is making the flashlight break if spammed mutiple times in a very short span, since you have no excuse to do that in normal gameplay. that would fix not only macros, but toxic survivor behavior, which is the bigger problem that a killer encounters in every single game.

  • Member Posts: 522

    apparently, saying that you enjoy flashlight clicking = saying that you don't think macros are a problem.

    Yup. In your context? Absolutely.

    but they SHOULD. because it's their JOB. And they get PAID for it. the fact that they DONT is literally the entire problem presented in this thread.

    Go to Canada, find BHVR's HQ, ask the front desk for the devs, knock on their doors and complain yourself. Cuz they're not and have not for YEARS, listened to anybody's complaints on the forums.

    you literally contributed NOTHING to the discussion, you're just trying to divert the attention, and excuse me if i assume it, but i don't see someone doing that unless they benefited from the problem themselves.

    There's literally nothing to contribute. IT'S OUT OF OUR HANDS. I repeat.


    I hope that was clear enough for you.

    and you accuse me of diverting the attention and benefiting from the said problem? I have never professed nor questioned the legitimacy of the problem people face with this flashlight problem. But that's the causation of the issue.

    I'll reiterate again, I'm looking at CORRELATION. Here, I'll even quote the post where I've said this:

    I understand the causation for this topic, but looking at correlation, it looks like BHVR is too busy with other stuff and are afraid to tackle the huge mountain of fixes they need to face if they start.

    If you're not happy with the correlation, feel free to think otherwise. But at least with me, I have the higher chances of saying "I told you so" in the near future.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Flashlight clicking regular with no macro isn't a problem , the macro is unhealthy and they should prevent macro scripts from being loaded up when the game is launched but flashlights don't need a cooldown. So it's only okay for killers to be toxic in your opinion right?

  • Member Posts: 155

    "we can't do anything about it"

    maybe if you dedicated the same energy that you're spending arguing with me for pointing out a legitimate problem and directed it towards the enablers of said problem, it would be a start. i beg you to stop replying to this thread. if you really think it's useless, then dont engage in discussion, or dont use the forum at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    People can have a different opinion than you and still be allowed on here I personally think the flashlight clicking cooldown is stupid and you're just salty to couldn't catch the clicker is what it sounds like to me, you want to have killers be the only ones who can be toxic and it should stay the way it is minus the macros, and I probably play killer more than you do I been here since day one as a killer main and now I'm 50 50 on both sides but I started killer when it was in the worst possible state in the game

  • Member Posts: 155

    i dont know how to tell you this but epilectic people are allowed to have hobbies and enjoy videogames too.

    "why would people in wheelchairs want to visit a museum if it has stairs with no ramp?"

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    I don't care about clickers, but the scroll wheel fast clicking should be disabled.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Tbh I've seen more flashlight macros than I've seen doctors.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    If they add a cooldown to flashlights

    -medkits now have inf charges

    -maps make you repair gens 200% faster

    -Bubba and billys chainsaw speeds were flipped

    -teleporting to a hag trap makes the game crash and reset the progress of every killer

    -Victor now spawns under the map whenever you try to unbind him

    -Badham 3 spawns with 2 hooks on the map

    -Every possible hook/pallet/window spawn occur at once on haddonfield

    -Pyramid can instamori on 0 hook stages without tormenting

    -Onyro can no longer demanifest by any means

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  • Member Posts: 141

    i use it to save people, not annoy killers by clicking like an idiot

  • Member Posts: 11

    Clicking a flashlight over and over again is so toxic I almost want to cry every time. It's gotten so bad that whenever someone in real life clicks a flashlight near me I break down in tears thinking about those god damn survivors. It's so toxic click click click.

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