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i lose gens really fast help! (twins)

FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

i dont know what is going on today i main twins and 99.5% of my matches are 3 - 4ks but today i havent gotten more than 2 kills i feel really frustrated about it since i think i play pretty flawless but i just dont get it gens pop really fast my build is (corrupt, ruin, pop, bbq) so it isnt the best but it isnt the worst either...

the thing is they all HAVE CIRCLE OF HEALING!!?! and i just CANT COUNTER IT there is nothing i can do i basically get 10 9 hooks and i just cant get any more they are ALWAYS healed i even got 3 4 hooks before corrupt ended (0 gens done) I wasted pretty much 0 time didnt miss any pounces (i missed 2 but didnt get kicked)

Any good builds on twins and tf am i suppose to do against gen rusher when they have CoH i usually got for split pressure and injure them but when i down someone they are all healed so im basically forced to just chase down one then hook then chase down one and hook which isnt effective at all....

quick notes

the survivors werent bad they all ran DS, UB, DH, BT and one had CoH i had played against them 2 times in a row before they borught a map offering and they are friends on steam so i did know i had the odds against me but still...

i didnt run undying ruin because the 2 games before they got cleansed within the first 30 sec (both of em) so i changed out undying


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,223

    If you're running into builds that are that stacked and optimized, swap out BBQ for something else like Thanat, NOED, or No Way Out. I know the tracking aspect of BBQ is nice, but with Twins especially, you're only going to be playing a limited area of the map. Many BBQ auras are going to be a moot point.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    yea i dont have no way out nor thanatophobia (those are pretty much one of the few killer teachables i dont have :3) yea i mainly have bbq for the blood points and tracking is a bonus but i do plan on changing it out. But as i said i can literally go from having 5 gens and almost no progress on any of them to basically having 2 left under 2 minutes (they were super efficient with the gens)

    i do have dead mans switch which could be pretty efficient

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Call of brine, call of brine, call of brine.

    If you are gonna be camping a 3 gen with her, my god this perk will be insane. You can kick the gen and park her next to it. I don't play twins but I would be getting that perk for her ASAP if I did.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    yea but i need to farm for that to happen :D but awesome idea!

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,223

    PGTW+Call of Brine is insane. Loving this combo.

    Big thing with Twins is that they're like a game of chess. Not the end of the world if gens go like that as long as they aren't the gens you need to keep. Keep Charlotte usage to a minimum and make Victor do the majority of the lifting.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Yeah the main thing with her is an early down. Kinda like most killers. Then you go lock down whatever 3 gen is near the hook and that's your entire game with Twins imo. The rest of the game is played out in that one area ideally.

    I think early you go for the M1 into a Victor down, which means they can't take him hostage. I don't ever open with him.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited March 2022

    A few things:

    • Twins tend to lose a gen or two early. They aren't really an attrition killer - they rely on turning a down into a snowball of slugs. This pressure point tends to come in the mid-late game. Just focus on doing what you can early, even if it's just protecting a 4gen for later.
    • This is true for a lot of killers.
    • With Twins, I'd move away from Ruin/Pop, this feels like a bit of an outdated meta. Pop works well on high mobility killers that can get to and kick the gen without wasting too much time. Ruin...honestly it's too fragile. I never use it anymore.
    • Instead, I'd replace Ruin with Pain Resonance and Pop with Dead Man's Switch. PR will save you a lot of time and give you info for your next chase (combined with BBQ, this can provide a very clear picture). DMS drives survivors insane and Victor is great for scaring people off gens.
    • BBQ is a fine choice. If you wanted to drop it, I'd slot in the new killer's Scourged Hook perk.
    • Corrupt is a fine choice, but I'm finding more and more groups that just hide and stall it out. If you wanted to drop it, I'd slot Agitation (to get you to the scourged hooks easier) or Discordance (I find that this is as good as Corrupt early - you'll always get a super fast chase on multiple people).
  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    • "Twins tend to lose a gen or two early. They aren't really an attrition killer - they rely on turning a down into a snowball of slugs. This pressure point tends to come in the mid-late game. Just focus on doing what you can early, even if it's just protecting a 4gen for later."

    • - yea ik that and in my mind the first 2 gens that pop are basically free on almost every killer

    • "With Twins, I'd move away from Ruin/Pop, this feels like a bit of an outdated meta. Pop works well on high mobility killers that can get to and kick the gen without wasting too much time. Ruin...honestly it's too fragile. I never use it anymore."
    • - i can give that a shot sure!

    • "BBQ is a fine choice. If you wanted to drop it, I'd slot in the new killer's Scourged Hook perk."

    • - im planning on switching out BBQ i only really use it for the bloodpoints and then you have auras as a bonus, im also only level 30 on onryo but i will get it very soon

    • "Corrupt is a fine choice, but I'm finding more and more groups that just hide and stall it out. If you wanted to drop it, I'd slot Agitation (to get you to the scourged hooks easier) or Discordance (I find that this is as good as Corrupt early - you'll always get a super fast chase on multiple people)."

    • - I know that some people hide and wait it out but i havent had that in my matches yet and victor is 150% so its usually pretty easy to find someone anyways, since you know pretty much where they spawn and worst case scenario i can go and look from a hill

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    the m1 first was what twins made used to do at the start thats how i played her but i've heard that more people like to go for victor first anyways and if they do take him hostage it isnt super bad either because thats one person that cant work on gens and they often run next to other survivors so it often reveals other survivors locations too

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah, trust me on the Pain Resonance + Dead Man's Switch combo. On any killer with mapwide disruption tools, it beats the pants off Ruin/Pop.

    BBQ is a solid perk on Twins - you either know where to go next after hooking, or know that there are people nearby.

    My issue with Corrupt is that it's an early-game perk. It's useful on killers that need to set up (Hag, Trapper) but on everyone else, I find it a bit overrated. I'd rather double down on a killer's strength (a lot of killers peak in the mid-game) with a perk that is consistently good through the entire game. Too often people either hide, or drop pallets like mad while the pthers pop a gen or two - meaning that Corrupt didn't do much.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    yea im not new to twins but i've had very great success and now survivors are actually pretty good they play like a team and they work together much better than before. i do use charlotte at a minimum basically all chases area with victor unless its like a 5 10 sec chase and a almost guaranteed hit with charlotte

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I don't like it. I am OK with using Victor to go injure people around the map once you already have a down. But using him for the first down?

    You can be left powerless at the most critical point of the game, which is the start. And if the survivor is really good, you are gonna lose 3 gens for your first down if they choose to hold victor hostage. You are never gonna down anyone fast enough as an M1 killer. It also means that Charlotte has to catch all the back up which also seems like a good way to lose a lot of gens. 30s of her holding W + another 30 seconds to get a down (if you are lucky). That's basically 3 gens done even if you play it perfectly.

  • ItsJesseFFS
    ItsJesseFFS Member Posts: 100

    I know way too many people would would rather genrush twins hard instead of playing out the match. Get out faster.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    while that is true i do run corrupt also so pressure at the start is a little less. If i have the chance to go for a m1 at the start i will, but its not a MUST for me