Pictures of old the old maps

I lost all of my other screenshots so these are the only screenshots I have left of the older and much more scary atmosphere cold wind farm. RIP.
Does anyone else have any from this forgotten era?
What the Nea doin
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One of BHVR's "Pretty good job so far" I remember that game she got hooked and somehow the model got disjointed and as she got carried she was floating a few meters away from the killer and it continued on the hook.
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Good riddance to all pre-rework graphics maps, can't wait for the rest of the old maps to get a visual overhaul and actually look decent.
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The remade maps are horrible and just an exercise of showing off BHVR's newer graphics like shadows and that sort of thing.
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These are all from my public steam screenshots I uploaded a while ago. Most are really old... need to get to uploading more.
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I feel like you and @GeneralV will get along just nicely.
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God that Find The EXIT in red is so iconic
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It makes me sad seeing the map.
I think I'm going to make a thread for screenshots of the old maps you just reminded me I saved a tonne of them on Steam cheers.
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For me is the worst map rework. They ruined it by turning it to daytime.
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Found some more from my steam, look how much more defined Nea looked back then with old Macmillians in the background and then Myers on old Autohaven with the ORIGINAL hatch stand-off.
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Forgot to add this screenshot too. Edit: Also I kinda didn't read OP correctly so I'll post some more old maps too (didn't let me resize them in this edit btw).
Old art on Macmillan maps were cool (see the wall pic).
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I miss the pastel style that the old maps and survivors had so much
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I changed the title so it’s all the old maps now.
I forgot how much nicer macmillians used to look.
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I miss the old Coldwind, I hated what they did to them with the rework. Why tf are they now in the middle of the day?! The old Coldwind maps has so much more character and ambience with them being at night (as you would expect in a horror game) and with their golden them.
I actually don't mind the other reworks though as I don't think they dramatically changed the whole feel of the maps that much but Coldwind... ugh, they ruined it
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This really goes to show much much DbD's art style has been lost over the years.
As despite being lower quality model these screen shots just look better due to having a strong art style.
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The graphics were way worse, but the atmosphere was way better
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I really miss the old MacMillan maps, I love the blue tint.
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Ah, I can still smell the Coldwind Farms mustard gas. Nostalgic.
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miss those old days :( old coldwind was so atmospheric... i hope they bring it back
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Idk if its just me but I love all the graphical reworks, the maps look so much more better and have much more atmosphere. I dont miss the old maps at all, not a single one.
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low quality cause they were very old and transferred from xbox to onedrive to google drive a few times
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damn he's got some bad indigestion
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I miss the old maps so much, especially night time cold wind. 😔
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some old 2016 screenshots.
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Back when Myers play'doh mask actually looked good.
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They have zero atmosphere.
No fog, all bright maps.
Feels more like a shooter now than a "horror" game.
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Old maps looked better. General and I have agreed many times about fog, darkness and colour pallets. New maps look good, sharper but lack atmosphere.
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classic ;)
old UI
old bloodweb... no comment
anyone remembers the nuclear explosions... I want them back
some more haddonfield
let's see how this map is going to look in bright daylight after the rework :(
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Seems like you have a own term of "bright".
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I miss old coldwind farm, wish there was a way we could still play on old maps.
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I love seeing the killer builds from the old Dead By Daylight. They are so different
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I went on a phase of playing Nurse with TOTH, Devour Hope, Whispers and Ruin. It was very difficult for them to get gens done because of old Ruin and I could just blink and stop them from cleansing Ruin and DH. They'd mostly ping pong between hexes meaning no gens were being done and I'd win the game from there. There was also nowhere to hide because especially as Nurse with 3 blinks, the survivors could be easily found with Whispers.
I probably stopped using that build with Nurse because it was way too easy if you knew what you were doing.
The only real opportunity they had to cleanse Devour Hope was when I was moring another survivor. But even then it was difficult and it was a toss up between TOTH, Ruin and DH anyway.
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I swear if they make Haddonfield daytime aswell...
Please just stop with the daytime crap.. I beg you. My eyes hurt from looking at the coldwind rework.
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Old Coldwinf lighting was so good!
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Coldwind Farm - Daytime but used to be night.
Dead Dawg - Sunset or sunrise I can't tell.
Macmillians - Night but brighter than it used to be.
Haddonfield - Night - Probably going to be made daytime.
Swamp - Night but more bright than it used to be.
Red Forest - Can't tell if it's the night because it's so bright.
Autohaven - Night but much brighter than it used to be.
Springwood - Night, but nowhere as dark as it should be.
As we can see the "revamp" brightened all the maps up.
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Just like your comment then, asking for a friend did the old maps scare you seeing as you like the maps being bright?
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Same here, much better atmosphere, felt like part of the horror genre and not bright like fortnite which some users (as displayed) seem to prefer.
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in light of more recent dev comments, relating to hockey and player skill, I cant help but think we were all a bit hard on Mathieu Cote for his "Pretty good job so far" remark.
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I do like the color palette on the old maps a bit more than the new ones. It feels so much more sinister.
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Should really start a petition to keep Coldwind the way it is now, just change the atmosphere to more night ish.
And about the Teepees idk.
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I don't understand why they even chose to put resources into reworking the looks of the map when there was nothing wrong with them.
There are so many things in dbd that could be improved and they went for the graphical design of the maps, the one thing that was fine.
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Blue Macmillian was better Macmillian