Is Every Developer On Break or Something?
Did you not read anything here? You can have different schedules without overworking your employees. Not everyone has to work Monday-Friday 9-5.
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The forum mods work on weekends
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To follow your point up what it does show is a lack of organisation, the type we have come to expect. As someone said previously the game is too big now for this level of disorganisation. And you're right its not life and death in the literal sense but from a business perspective possibly. More bad press for BHVR at a time when they need some good headlines
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Having the weekend off is great, but they should really push them harder during the week so we get more then a +1% change to 2 perks and call it a day every 3 months.
Smaller companies would have changed every perk that needs it by now.
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Honestly if they get the profits then again no matter my grudges with the game I sort of have to begrudgingly respect the company for treating employees right even if it means the game is incredibly slow to receive balance changes.
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Not on a break no, but we do work Mondays to Fridays and have weekends most companies do.
Work/Life balance is something that Behaviour Interactive take very seriously.
As this is probably coming from discussions around the killswitch, it would need more than a skeleton crew to make that decision as it's more of a Lead decision - it's pretty rare for things to come up on a weekend and most of our work is done during our working week. It is unfortunate that all this came to light on a weekend.
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This is a live service game. That means issues can arise any day of the week.
It is not unreasonable to have just a couple (or even just one) employees rotating weekends as an "on call" person who can quickly do a bandaid fix on issues until the team returns on Monday.
BHVR is a company who wants to make money. They know their players, they know that most people play more often on the weekends. Which is why they always did the blood hunts on weekends as well. Obviously they'd want to make sure the game is working properly on the weekends even more so then the weekdays.
Now my agreement on this topic depends solely on what issue people are complaining about and how severe it is. Somethings can wait until Monday, some things can't (or shouldn't).
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This bug has been in the game way too long now. Its literally giving survivors speed and wall hacks. Should have been kill switched within the first 2 hours it was noticed.
Its bad enough for badham to have an infinite loop again by the doors not being there, and now this. There is absolutely no reason to play killer right now.
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Do you realize how s****d that sounds?
Its not their fault for the bugs.
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If you purposefully advertise a bug to a large audience on a day you know the developers are not working you absolutely deserve some form of sanction, yes. Especially because of the influence they have, they therefore have a much higher level of responsibility.
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So when a perk is so bugged that the entire community is screaming, that decision is too big?
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I don't know about rampant. I played killer the majority of the weekend and didn't see a single Blood Pact or OoO combo.
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I mean didnt he say the reason was so that bhvr would killswitch it asap because of dowseys influence? Theyd see it quicker. I just think he didn't realize they don't work on a weekend so all it did is make life hell.
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That's not what she's saying to be totally fair she's saying it's a higher up decision not just anyone at Behavior can Killswitch it has to go through the proper channels before anything is allowed to happen. It will be Killswitched by the end of today watch probably even sooner.
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Does this mean when another big issue like this pops up again (and its DBD, lets be honest, it will happen again) on a weekend, we just have to deal with it? There is no system or backup plan in place?
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I mean what would you propose happens? It's the weekend they're off it's not something that requires someone to come into to work on their day off to killswitch two perks. People have families and a life outside of Dead by Daylight this isn't like a electrical company they don't just have workers on call like if someone's power goes out.
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And as an ex-Fog Whisperer he would be well, well aware that BHVR doesn't work on weekends. Also, had he done a moment of research, he would've realised that the post wasn't deleted because BHVR were silencing but because a duplicate bug report already existed in the correct subforum.
He should be held accountable for this, as should any content creator who glorifies this bug.
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I felt the same way when I saw the video I was like why is he claiming this was deleted when it was merged and did my own research but notice how barely anyone else looked into that claim lmao.
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Why look into the claim when you can just bash the devs.
There's genuine things to get angry about. This isn't one of them lmfao
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Or have some games leads be able to do it remotely. Something, put something in place.
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I mean that'd be great but they've got 300 dev's as of the last time we heard information splitting that up slows down the work as only one set of dev's would work on the weekends why would we ever want that when we can wait two days as it was reported for it to be killswitched and keep in mind no one really knew this until a content creator decided to make a video about it lmfao.
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Yeah, you’re definitely exaggerating. Hell, the internet wasn’t even much of a thing in the ‘80s and there were even places in the 80s that still had blue laws that prohibited various businesses from being open on Sundays for example.
That said a lot of businesses do have technical staff on call on the weekends in case of emergencies and I’m sure Behaviour is no exception. They obviously do have someone who can check in in case there’s a massive game outage or whatever. I doubt they’d consider the Blood Pact and Object thing that level of emergency though.
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Just had a match VS claudet that called me ######### for calling her out for using the OoO + Blood Pact combo. Can we please just disable it? Thanks.
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I love the ones like "BHVR wants every killer player to stop playing permanently" like no they're just bad at making quick decisions and the game has been in a state of constant unbalance since it's inception they don't want everyone to be arrested for playing killer in the video game that provides a large amount of revenue for their firm 😭😭
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To be fair, it’s definitely something that should be patched out, maybe even kill switching a perk in the meantime if it’s being super overused. But yeah, people calling for survivors who use an overpowered perk combo to be “banned for cheating” are really, really overblowing it.
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I don't think they should be banned but there absolutely should be some form of punishment for doing so. I don't know what, or how, but there should be.
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I wish I wasn't on college WiFi because I can't see the image until later I'm just gonna assume this works 😭😭
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Probably because they'd have to pay people more to work the weekend shift. Not all days off are equal. I'd say especially for younger video game programmers that don't want to miss out on partying with friends over the weekend.
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That's such a Mikaela thing to do
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How do you even know who’s using the perks knowing they might be bugged? The only “punishment” is banning, why would you ban people for using perks in their loadout even if the specific perk combo is overpowered?
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still no killswitch...
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They banned people for exploiting the Legion infinite mending bug, so they should ban survivors that are abusing this. Pretty much no one used OoO and Blood Pact, together or separate, prior to this exploit
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then why not have a skeleton crew with someone that has said decision power on killswitching something?
the weekends are when most people play the game, and when faster responses would be more needed. I really don't understand why everyone has to work mon-fri and no one works during the weekend.
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Man I love when a bunch of kids with no families to be responsible for, no experience running a big project and no experience scheduling (outside of retail) come around to tell everyone how it should be, lol.
1. Split shifts. Clearly some form of that already happens for actual emergencies (like say, the servers being down) having half your dev team spend 4 days working alone is a recipe for horrible team communication, and at best will only massively slow down development cycles. At worst you end up with 2 teams who aren't talking doing different things to "fix" the game, some of which will break what the other is doing.
Split schedules work for retail, support and anywhere else that customers have to be dealt with without making any real changes to the product. When you are building or maintaining a complex system, you need team communication far more than you do 7 day availability.
2. Good luck getting an adult with kids to agree to sacrifice every weekend for that. Sure when you're 20 something and your biggest commitment is the weekly club night, it's no big. When you're 40 and looking at giving up the only 2 days you have to spend time with your family and do things together? Entirely different story.
3. You know why you want to have the decision to kill switch be handled by higher ups? Because if your support staff can do it, they'll end up kill switching whatever they hear a complaint about, even if that complaint isn't valid, true, etc just to finish the support ticket.
Seriously, look what happened when they gave wow support the ability to give items to players. For the whole 2 months it was active you could just open a ticket in a dungeon, swear you saw a specific piece of loot but it got bugged, and voila, it's in your mailbox. That ######### was abused so badly that had those items cost blizzard even a penny each, the company would have gone bankrupt.
4. The ooo bug really isn't an emergency. At worst it's currently giving people the same info they would have with a good swf. It's annoying, but nothing so bad that fixing it can't wait until Monday. If it wasn't for streamers literally walking their viewers through exploiting it, you likely wouldn't have even noticed.
Nurse? I think by now it's safe to say the last thing you want to do is work on nurse in haste. Also, since she's been brought back, there have been so many people complaining that they have to face her, that I wouldn't at all be surprised to find they are also submitting false bug reports just to try and get her kill switched again. That's not to say she's working perfectly, but her current bugs will take time to suss out fully if we want them fixed correctly.
5. Lastly, it's been 6 years. Can we please stop pretending that things they've been doing as a company since before the game was even made are suddenly"killing the game" now? For one, the reports of DbD's demise are greatly exaggerated without a ton of real evidence. (Oh wow, there was a massive population spike on steam when it went on sale and released Resident Evil characters? It's almost like RE is a massively popular franchise that got people to take a look or something) and for two, if there is a sudden population drop, it's more likely to be due to a recent change rather than a policy that has been in place the entire life of the game.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. If you read to the end go ahead and tell me your favorite color, and why it's purple.
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The Blood Pact bug gives a permanent 7% speed boost. Don't tell me that's just as much as a "good swf"
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no it not they fault for the bug but it is they fault for spreading it around how to do it.
so yes they should get banned.
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It was their fault to spread awareness so more people could ######### over the game. They knew what they were doing but, hey who cares how many killers games are trashed for views?
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Your comment would sound a lot better if you didn't start by saying everyone that disagrees with you is a "kid with no families to be responsible for, no experience running a big project and no experience scheduling"
Ad hominem's just make your arguments as a whole weaker.
also it's green. purple is like 2nd or 3rd
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Man after reading this thread it's obvious I wouldn't want to work with or for most of you. Weekends off are a wonderful thing which a lot of companies don't give out because profit is worth more than employee satisfaction. The bug sucks but if you're in let me speak to your manager mode over this you may want to reevaluate some priorities.
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FYI Object is temporarily killswitched as of this morning.
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...and some days it is painfully clear why Devs/Mods don't engage with the community on a regular/continuous basis...
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Mine is also purple :)
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Sorry neon orange is better than purple. I have to admit it's pretty sick, probably 2nd or 3rd, but Orange is just better
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I just saw it and that's going right into my camera roll 🏃🏻
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my purple too.
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What happens when you hit them? Or can you hit them?
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Green is ok, I've heard. It's a color I can't actually see. Ditto for orange, lol.
So you are basing whether or not software developers should work split shifts to immediately Killswitch small issues with perks on your work in IT for an organization that by design has to run effectively 24/7 or people could literally die? And you don't see how maybe those aren't exactly comparable situations? Again, their actual IT probably does come in weekends when needed, software devs don't. Wonderful thing about games. Worst case you can just play a different game, nobody even gets hurt.
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Also, that wasn't directed at anyone who would disagree, just those immature people actually demanding that people drop their family and personal obligations and work weekends just because a perk is a bit broken for a couple days in a single video game.
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All good :)
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No, it seems very unreasonable to have even one person on call in the eventuality of such a trivial matter. It's a waste of money. Besides, just for the sake of argument : as MandyTalk pointed out, this kind of issue requires a lead and you don't put a lead on call. This is usually grunt work.
This is a pretty rare occurrence and it would be even less of an issue if less noise had been made about it.
Some games may have survivors exploiting this. Big deal, how worse is it that the plethora of cheaters plaguing the game?