Wraith's built in speed boost

Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

I really think they should revert the nerf on my boy. Now it feels like wraith is getting punished for cloaking, again. Now even if you are breathing down a survivors neck you cannot get a nice speed boost hit if they hold w. I really don't get why they nerfed him, I enjoy playing him but I would never at any iteration of his power called him too strong. Without that nice boost, not the wimpy one he has now, Sadako outclasses him even without tvs. she doesn't get a speed boost but demanifests really quick and isn't as slowed as wraith. and while she isn't entirely invisible she is short enough that she may as well be.


  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Wraith was so braindead, there was a reason people called him the new Freddy. But I think they did overdo it tbh.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited March 2022

    i mained him until i started maining spirit again a few weeks ago. I think he is hard to balance. If you make his Speed Boost stronger he gets cheap hits nearly everytime when chasing someone in open field, besides getting hits on smaller loops (which was good imo). After his buff and before his nerf i've won like 80% of my games (pre-MMR era)

    Now his power is nearly useless in loops but at least he is not that cheap anymore "cloack - catch up - uncloak - save hit". It's worth to take extra time to find a good approaching spot, but the Boon meta and "Dead Hard to pallet" hurts him a lot. He is very weak now and on survivor sided maps against a good and experienced team you will either eat pallet after pallet or they will hold W and be at the next loop before you're even near them.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    He was never braindead. You had to maneuver yourself right or a good survivor would completely destroy you. One survivor knew how to loop you, and you lost the whole game. Freddy was never braindead either for the same reason.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    He needs his long lunge back. Now he can't even do anything at shorter loops. He feels like he needs Windstorm/Swift Hunt basekit. The speed that he has while cloaked doesn't even matter because you slow down so much while uncloaking, and then the speed boost out of it barely breaks even with the slowdown.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Old freddy was so braindead. Not old old freddy but the pre-nerf reworked one.

    You could basically just spam snares as you walked around the loops and it actually worked. You didn't really even need to place them correctly or anything.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    But the survivor could still drop the pallet early or run away from the loop. Assuming they did stay, you did have to place the snares right as well, one on each end and then one in between them, and that was barely enough slowdown to hit them before they got the pallet. And again, this wording of "spamming" your killer power is so laughable. Why do we play these killers? To use their specific power! The only killer that's come close to having a spammable power is Trickster who wrongfully got his knife count reduced, or Legion who misses 1 attack these days and loses his entire power.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Yeah but I mean you could literally lay them down as you walked. Nonstop the entire game. And that actually worked. Sure you could do some things a bit fancier but why bother in most cases?

    I did him with bamboozle and it was about as auto-pilot DBD as it's going to get on killer. The only comparable experience would be Trickster or Bubba. Holding W and spamming M2 24/7. At least Wraith has to mindgame a fair amount. Freddy you could win plenty of games with pure W.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    They nerfed him to make him weaker in low MMR, but in a way that only makes him weaker in mid to high MMR.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    The problem is that when Wraith's speed burst buff happened, they nerfed the speed at which he moves while uncloaking to compensate for the increased distance he can travel. However, they then reverted the speed burst buff, and forgot to revert the nerf to his uncloaking speed with it.

    If they increased it back to how it was before, he'd actually be able to catch up after he uncloaks instead of losing distance - but you have to remember that BHVR thought Wraith was "a wee bit OP" in his prior state, so they're probably not going to buff him anymore in any way. Sad, but what can you do before the almighty will of the Stats.

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209

    Honestly stats dictating things is such bull lol

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    No, you couldn't just spam them the whole game. Believe it or not, he had a limited amount of snares. More than 5! Can you believe it?! But seriously, besides his weaker Clown bottles and tp to gens, what did he have going for him? Nothing. He was an M1 killer at the end of the day, with a few medicore tools to help give him some amount of pressure. How he was ever placed in S tier, or how people continue to talk to this day about how OP he was, I'll never understand. Pre-nerf Freddy would get crushed in the current meta.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,876

    He was too strong for low-mid MMR. I get it, it helped him at high MMR- but they’re the minority. You literally felt like you were just dying to someone with a speed hack and nothing else. No mind games, no 50/50’s for the average player- just straight downs. Didn’t help that most Wraith users at the time were just plain toxic jerks either. I saw a lot of players DC and Ragequit against him. That was not a fun experience to deal with him and his bullshit buff. I’m glad he got nerfed. I didn’t like playing against him before the buff, and I still don’t like playing against now. Wraith can suck a dick for all I care.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Uhh I thought he was pretty nuts. 8 snares was enough if you were laying them non-stop the tail end of them still would not reach you even at a long loop. It was like playing a game of Snake until the survivor actually started hitting them.

    If you actually put some thought into the placement it was even better. Pretty much every loop in the game was negated. God windows? Negated. Predrops were the only option and even then it had to be a really safe pallet not to take a hit.

    He was also in his prime before the BT buffs came in. And before the Mori nerfs came in. You could facecamp hooks and then mori straight off them and there was literally nothing survivors could do it about it. And yes, I did do that a ton because why not? Then add in a ton of free slowdown and you had an A tier killer that took almost 0 skill to play.

    His only real weakness was Object and even then he had an addon to stop it if you knew you were hitting a sweaty object 4 man.