

Get rid of one perk

Member Posts: 746
edited March 2022 in Polls

why would you get rid of that perk?...

i would throw out CoH literally makes a few killers unplayable

Get rid of one perk 73 votes

23 votes
Dead Hard
29 votes
12 votes
9 votes
Post edited by FlameGNG on

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  • Member Posts: 541
    Dead Hard

    dead hard (especially at some of its worst incarnations) has made killer absolute hell to play at times. When it was activating constantly to invalidate your hits it just felt impossible! You just can't pressure all these gens and eliminate a survivor fast enough when 2+ people run it every game sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 746

    but you can bait dead hard. but i agree the hit validation makes it horrible to play against

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Generally speaking I don't endorse just getting rid of anything, but CoH is the perk I think is least fixable on this list. DS and NOED are fine, and Dead Hard can be fixed with just moderate tweaks, but the core design of CoH means it's always going to be the strongest boon and it'll have to give really low healing speeds before it won't be broken- at which point it's just less fun/interesting to have on the survivor side.

    Completely reworking the perk to something entirely different wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I'd prefer to see it changed while retaining the spirit of it, but if that's not possible...

  • Member Posts: 541
    Dead Hard

    You can't bait it during the times where it's in such a busted state where they can always wait, invalidate a hit and gain even more distance. Not to mention the time it severely damaged the frame rate on multiple platforms. PLEASE get rid of this god awful perk.

  • Member Posts: 746

    most of the time it works to bait but as you say sometimes it litereally doesnt work its like they basically have auto deadhard i play pyramid head sometimes and clicking m2 doesnt bait it out flicking my mouse doenst then when i do eventually basically touch them i can flick my mouse again and they dont use it but when i click (not a lunge) BAM insta dead hard

  • Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    NOED is fine? its one of the strongest perks... and by that i mean its not necessarily a good perk but a almost 5% speed boost and the ability to one tap is pretty strong if you ask me and it can literally turn a 2 hook game to a 4k if they run like no way out and have good exit gates or a really good totem spawn

    but yea CoH is like broken level its still fast heals and everyone can use it it has a large area its farily quick to set up

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Its strength in that regard is balanced out by it being the most counterable perk in the game, and only being active when the killer is under an immense time pressure to utilise it. In terms of balance, it's totally fine.

    It's not even in the same ballpark as a perk like CoH.

  • Member Posts: 67

    Noed. But only on Sadako. Imagine insta-downs & more movement speed on a killer which is already at 4.6 who can teleport anyway.

  • Member Posts: 746

    eehm nurse... pallets are useless you cant loop her etc.

  • Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    ooh i disagree partly NOED isnt a problem but its insanely strong... CoH is broken and unfair yes but is it like "strong" sometimes no but most of the times yes the thing is CoH (which i want to get rid off) is useless against some killers, but it also makes some killers completely useless killers that is played hit and run style lika sadako is just one good example... no chase power at all and injuring all survivors isnt rewarding in any way since everyone can heal and heal pretty fast too

    What i mean by strong is that you ALMOST ALWAYS get noed unless you kill them before all gens ofc. almost never happens that survivors cleanse all 5 totems before and you dont have to do anything to get it up and it has a huge potential it can flip a game from no hooks to a 4k - 3k

    Post edited by FlameGNG on
  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t want to eliminate any perks, there are some I think could be adjusted though.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Monstrous Shrine. It literally does nothing of value.

  • Member Posts: 517

    I wanted to say dead hard but I feel like that perk is salvageable with some tweaks. NOED could use some tweaks too

    CoH just needs to be nuked from high orbit

  • Member Posts: 3,910
    edited March 2022

    Artefact Hunter, In the Dark, Last Standing, Overconfidence, Tough Runner, or Underperform.

    They’re so busted, that using these perks is literally cheating.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Both, you know the ones

  • Member Posts: 795
    Dead Hard

    You can't bait it against good survivors unless they are in a dead zone. People need to stop saying this dumb shiiiit to defend Dead Hard.

  • Member Posts: 3,558


  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I think the game would be better without COH. It messed up the whole balance of the game.

  • Member Posts: 746

    im against deadhard and there is no way you react to a normal swing with around 60ms and they have 60ms no way... its basically a guessing game i think dead hard is scuffed because it gives you i frames and distance

  • Member Posts: 746

    i do run selfcare sometimes its a half strong perk if used correctly if you cant reset with someone it can be the difference between a win and loss... The problem with selfcare is that its slow and shouldnt be used all the time only when really NEEDED + you can 99 and use resilience for an almost 10% increase in gen speed and just pop the heal at the end

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    No perk should be gotten rid of for any reason.

    Every perk mentioned could be fixed with a very, very simple update to make it balanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Try lookin up real quick in chase when you're in lunge range.

    Works like a charm.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited March 2022

    I'm not voting for CoH because I genuinely see multiple very clear ways to rebalance the perk, that for whatever reason the devs / community haven't completely embraced. Adding a cooldown either on the perk itself or on the last totem it was attached to, reducing CoH's range, getting rid of the healing speed boost completely, and 15 other things like intermittent aura reveal of the associated Boon Totem or distance cleansing would go so far in taming this perk. CoH will always be good by its very nature, but with changes like these it would be nowhere near as oppressive as it is today.

    It's another Decisive Strike situation. We've identified very clearly what the problems are, and just need to wait for the devs to actually do something about it. But people would rather spend their time embracing the fantasy of CoH getting deleted than avidly supporting fair, well-thought out, and meaningful changes... (no, boons being one-time use is not at all well-thought in the slightest).

    Anyway, I just picked NOED because it's so poorly designed (design does not equal balance) from the ground up. Punishes survivors for doing the objective, rewards killers for not being efficient, impactful, or successful in their matches, etc. That whole design philosophy needs to be reworked and some conditions need to be applied in order to have a proportional affect on the endgame.

    Post edited by Seiko300 on
  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Why is DS even an option?

    Anyone who thinks DS needs to be removed or further nerfed needs help.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Perks which reward killers for hooking or downing.

    Pop, scourge hook, surge, etc

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Making maps and tiles more balanced would help more than any nerf or perk deletion would.

  • Member Posts: 746

    that wasnt the question, and honestly i bought mikeala for CoH which i dont even use cuz i feel like a dick running it to rebalance that perk you would have to make it worse than self care (my opinion) i dont think one player should be able to bring a better selfcare for the whole team

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    I see what you mean. There are plenty of perks that are so abusable and cruel that they are unfun to bring.

    NOED isn't, by merit, completely broken. It is, however, very unfun for survivors - which is why I avoid taking it wherever possible.

    In light of that, I'd have to agree that I'd disappear CoH as well!

    IMO - all they need to do to balance it is to make it pre-nerf powerful and just nerf the hell out of boon totems themselves. By simply making the totem shatter when snuffed - perhaps giving the perk a 1 time use on blessing, bless the first totem you cleanse - then it would be a lot more balanced. Like Hex totems it would be strong, but also a gamble. The audio would have to be reduced, but if the killer finds it - you're playing the match with 14 seconds of cleansing wasted and a dead perk slot. Far more balanced than the infinite heal-party that we have now.

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