We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

The Nurse needs a rework

Vyne456 Member Posts: 848
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Nurses seems very fun when you get to know her power very well. But the rumors for the nurse is that she needs a rework for the game like:

Perk Reworks, No Terror Radius theme, Power Reworks, and Add-on reworks.

If you can state this I need options for her because i'm too lazy to write it down right now. But you can tell me of you can say about this rework and state some ideas.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    I think that every killer should have their own theme at this point. They recorded her from scratch, they could've given her a new theme too just for novelty

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    True, but in my perspective the trapper should have the default theme instead of other killers out there that need a rework.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Samination has convinced me. I want trappers theme song to be "here comes the trapper" :p

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Why would Nurse need a rework? Other than stuff like Torn Bookmark, she’s in a perfect spot.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There are also rumors of big foot sightings!

    On a more serious note, if they touch nurse, the high mmr will be 50 shades of Blight. Like non stop. No one wants this.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Nurse needs a rework imo since the more balanced the game becomes (which is happening slowly) the more absurd she becomes. Even recent perks like starstruck that are balanced on most killers are just plain ridiculous on her. Not to mention her add ons

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    To an extent yes. Because nurse exists perks like these cannot be buffed properly because they’ll end up being too strong on her

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The solution to that is buffing the other killers so they are strong enough to get mileage out of the perk, not nerfing the killer in the position to use an otherwise near useless meme perk. Like, think of it this way.

    Trapper has Starstruck. This is practically useless on him (outside of weird Mad Grit/Agitation stuff) because if someone’s not extremely hyper close to him, by the time he even gets to them, the duration is long over. This is cause he has no mobility, and basically no good anti-loop to use on-demand in-chase. If he puts down a trap, that takes a lot of time and the survivor will usually just go somewhere safer.

    In comparison, take Wraith for instance. Okay mobility + okay anti-loop. Not amazing by any means, but has options. Now, he’s a lot more likely to get usage out of the perk since he can actually chase down people (and also have advantage of Undetectable on finding them). However, unless he has specific add-ons or perks, unless it’s an extremely unsafe loop, it’s very easy to counter Wraith by just waiting at a pallet, and then dropping it once he’s committed to the uncloak but before he can swing. Through this, you can make him practically useless in any semi-safe or safe loop, as just a pallet-break simulator.

    Now take Spirit for instance. Has advantages Wraith does, but better, and it’s a lot more risky to predrop versus her on more loops than Wraith. She has only 24m TR, but can take advantage of it with stuff like Agitation just fine. Now she has a good chance to get good usage of the perk, and the only actual way to counter it in this case is via pure skill: mindgaming. Not just mechanical map-granted advantages and disadvantages that can make skill irrelevant. (Eg, predropping against a killer with no way to counter that or hold W)

    It’s not the fault of the few killers that can actually get a good chance to get mileage out of a perk in a way that relies entirely on mindgaming. It’s the killers that are too crap to get any use out of the perk, and should be buffed.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Why would they buff 26 killers just because one is much stronger? Would it not be easier and better to nerf the 1 absurd one and then balance the game around the others?

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,696

    Absolutely not (unless you want the game to die for good). And I hope they never make her easier to play. It would be the end of her too.

    The others killers need a serious buff though.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited March 2022

    Because the 1 is in a spot of perfect balance (minus things like Torn Bookmark), and the majority of the rest fall behind drastically the killers in a good position. Also some of them only need minor changes, it’s not like they need massive buffs.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    How is it perfect balance in the gameplay of dbd when she ignores pallets and windows otherwise known as the main chase tools of dbd? Surely we want to encourage gameplay around these 2 things. I agree mind gaming is important and it’s why maps like dead dawg are fun to me since the pallets allow for effective mindgames. On maps without many walls (like blood lodge, shelter woods etc) nurse ignores these mindgames since she can just go through anything to hit you and make up for lost distance fairly easily (especially with range add ons)

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    I agree but only for the fact that BHVR says they have to scrap a lot of good ideas because they'd be far too powerful on Nurse.

    I've been thinking she should only be able to blink through vaults and survivors but not walls, floors, or other objects. They could get rid of or reduce her massive fatigue and give her a movement speed buff.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Range add-ons are also bad design. Also, any map and tile can be mindgamed. The entire basis of mindgaming is out-prediction. So people can be not where the Nurse is.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    In perfect world, Nurse would have been deleted or entirely changed. We're not there yet, and these new waves of maps and perks aren't helping either.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,153
  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    I agree thou I still want clown with a shark cosmetic and jaws theme chase music

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Knowing the laziness of the devs we can expect a rework in 2032

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    How is it perfect balance in the gameplay of dbd when she ignores pallets and windows otherwise known as the main chase tools of dbd?

    They aren't the main chase tools of dbd. They're supplementary to chase. The main chase tool is literally to run... run away... far far away. And she cannot chase, she cannot catch up because she's literally slower than survivors.

    So she gets a blink... which she has to charge up (and cannot cancel), aim (and potentially miss), actually do the travel (which takes a second or so), and then try to get a hit in a window of a couple of seconds before succumbing to fatigue and losing sight of the survivor. She then has to wait for her blinks to recharge to do it again... all the while the survivor is running away.

    If you're hanging around at pallets trying to play it like you play it against every other killer, you're doing it wrong!

    On maps without many walls (like blood lodge, shelter woods etc) nurse ignores these mindgames since she can just go through anything to hit you and make up for lost distance fairly easily (especially with range add ons)

    Play Nurse. I mean really play her. Sink a few hundred hours into her. And then you'll learn it's not as simple as you say.

    Running around rocks and small obstacles work against Nurse because (a) she can't catch up, which means she's forced to blink and over a short distance she'll either (i) mis-blink and end up in the same spot (but now with fatigue), or (ii) over-blink, miss and have fatigue again. It takes a lot of skill, and mistake on the survivor's part, for her to land an accurate blink and get a hit.

    The problem I see a lot of survivors have is that, just because they cannot run a Nurse, they presume that Nurse cannot be run! She absolutely can be.

    She's fine where she is. Get better at playing against her.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    Yeah, it's the same reason they changed Ruin in the first place. Whenever they made a slowdown perk, they had to keep Ruin in mind and see if that perk and Ruin would be too strong a combo.

    Now they're having the same issue, just with a whole killer. It's sad they're gonna have to hold back on good killer perks, because they'll be good on average killers but OP on Nurse.

    Other than that, I just don't think a killer that ignores survivors only source of defense (pallets and windows) is healthy for the game in the long run, and I'm surprised she still exists. She's a relic of 2016, cause there is no chance they would've released her in the current state of DbD.

  • Lawlichan
    Lawlichan Member Posts: 114

    stridor is pretty useless and l killers deserve their own chase theme. as for her power I think it's fine rn

  • Zomb1eB0y
    Zomb1eB0y Member Posts: 42

    I agree, she definitely needs a ground-up rework so she'd be in line with other killers. 😯

    I don't mind having strong killers in the game. Blight is a good example of a good killer with lots of counterplay. I enjoy playing against him. I went many times against LilithOmens Blight and I'm stunned to see what a good Blight can do!

    Games against her aren't fun at all and I was part of this community ever since she came out... Something needs to be done about her. She's really unhealthy in this state + addons. Nuisance.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited March 2022

    She is actually an only balanced killer against good survivors with strong addons, just like blight.

    And unlike blight, she doesn't do that well on average level as when survivors are bad nurse is also bad, I can only see this as proof of how balanced she is, unlike slogs that is other killers.

    She is actually really healthy for the game as it diverse gameplay, I have fun against her a lot, it should be kept.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Never said playing nurse was simple. Quite the opposite is true but that doesn’t excuse how her power ignores mechanics. She can catch up ,though because she literally has a movement power (especially with range add ons)

    I’ve outplayed plenty of nurses before and have played some of her. I just don’t think she’s in a healthy place at the moment regardless of how much skill she takes or how there is some potential to outplay assume she messes up

    Not necessarily related but an interesting question would be would bhvr make nurse today? I’d say that’s a pretty decisive no

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Quite the opposite is true but that doesn’t excuse how her power ignores mechanics.

    This is an oft-stated thing, but it's never qualified or quantified.

    What exactly do you mean when you say "her power ignores mechanics"?

    Literally every killer's power ignores mechanics to some degree, that's where they get their ability.

    Billy gets insane speed and insta-down.

    Wraith is invisible and travels very fast

    Trapper can literally block loops with traps

    Hag can teleport anywhere on the map when a survivor is near

    Need I go on?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    What I mean by it is that nurse doesn’t play by the rules of dbd. Looping against a nurse isn’t an option so you have to rely on LOS blocks and juking which are both inconsistent at best.

    Every other killer has to play around pallets while nurse doesn’t

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    What I mean by it is that nurse doesn’t play by the rules of dbd.

    You're literally committing tautology here. She obviously plays by the rules of the game, else the game would literally break every time she loads into a match, etc.

    What you're probably trying to see is that she doesn't play by the rules you imagine killers should adhere to, which is a completely different thing altogether.

    Looping against a nurse isn’t an option

    It is. It depends where you loop though. You can literally run around a loop faster than the Nurse because (a) survivors are faster and (b) survivors have smaller collision boxes allowing them to hug the loops tighter.

    The only option she has is to blink to where she think you'll be which is where you need to be unpredictable, and also force a short-blink in the hope that she'll misblink and end up going nowhere, and then suffer fatigue. But looping a Nurse... it's very doable.

    you have to rely on LOS blocks and juking which are both inconsistent at best

    Err, yes, that's the same with all killers. And yes it's inconsistent because you need the killer to miss. Take a step back and think about what you're asking... you want a consistent mechanism to be able to counter a Nurse (or any killer), i.e. the character in the power-role that has to not only chase and down you, but also three other players. You want a consistent way to prevent them from being able to do this? What game do you think you're playing, and how on earth do you expect the killers to progress their objectives??

    You're literally making no sense to me.

    Every other killer has to play around pallets

    That's true. Now counter-balance that with attributes that every other killer besides Nurse has... namely movement speed which is faster than survivors allowing them to catch up. No wonder you think things are broken when you literally only look at one side of the equation.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Her being slower is not a balanced trade off for denying loops. It was a band aid fix they made fo4 her back when she could have like 7 blinks.

    The problem to me is that nurse isn’t too big an issue atm but that the more balanced the game becomes the more an issues she becomes.

  • brankt
    brankt Member Posts: 32

    The problem is that she's incredibly unfun to go against, if the game kept DC stats I'm 100% sure the nurse has the most DC per game out of any killer, pallets are completely useless, she can through walls. It's just boring.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Her being slower is not a balanced trade off for denying loops.

    Firstly, she doesn't deny loops at all. You can still loop her. I find her easier to loop than other killers. But then I play Nurse, so I know her weaknesses. Her strength is catching you in the open. In loops - if you do it properly - she's next to useless unless you make a mistake.

    But anyway, let's state things properly, eh? You're saying (i) her being slower, (ii) having to charge up her blink, (iii) irreversibly, and (iv) aim it properly or end up going nowhere, (v) suffer fatigue after the blink where her vision is obscured and (vi) wait for her blink(s) to recharge before using it again doesn't make up for "denying loops" (whatever that means...).

    So tell me... what would be "a balanced trade off for denying loops" for a blink-based killer? I'd love to know how far you want to go into essentially making a killer, not a killer, so just you can maintain the same playstyle instead of learning the correct counterplay.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Hard to say since I don’t think nurse’s style of power should exist at all but I’d go for a Myers or Oni type deal. She has base move speed and has to charge her power through a certain method (could be hitting survivors, staying in chase or something else). Then she gets to use her power all the while keeping base speed (could be 110% either depending)

    This way we her power being as strong as it is makes sense because she has to work for it in some way. Powers like plague or oni’s are weaker then nurse’s but they still have to build it up so I don’t see why she shouldn’t

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Powers like plague or oni’s are weaker then nurse’s but they still have to build it up so I don’t see why she shouldn’t

    Again, they're 115% killer so have movement speed on their side. Plague not only gains passive infection status on survivors (which can spread via survivor interaction, etc) which leads to them being broken... and if they cleanse, she gets insta-down power.

    As for Oni, as well as his 115%, he gets super-fast movement speed across the map and insta-down when he's using his power.

    You're selectively comparing completely different things; that's not the way to make a point.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I just tried her today after her previous rework and I have to say... She gets stuck in things... A lot. Plus she is horrible in RPD. She does need a rework to some degree and her scream needs to be a real scream like a banshee or something.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    I'm personally not a fan of Nurse however I don't think she should get nerfed until they make the game less Survivor sided.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I literally said she’d be changed to 115% to compensate so comparing them could now make sense

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Which would literally make her, not Nurse. That's my point. That you want to kill Nurse (i.e. the killer who literally has to rely on blinks) to not rely on blinks, instead of working with the design as intended and "tweaking" it to your satisfaction.

    Think about it. When Plague gets her infection rate up, she can one-shot the survivors. It's a permanent thing until the survivors choose to cleanse.

    When Oni gets his power, it's lasts a limited duration which allows him to travel around the map and try to get the instadowns as appropriate.

    You want Nurse's blink to charge in the same way. Ok. Then what? She get's one blink? Two blinks? Blinks are incredibly hard to place and extremely unforgiving. So is that it? She has to chase a survivor for a minute and then get the opportunity to use one set of blinks (that may or may not work), and then... nothing? And that's a good, viable, fair killer power to you??

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    edited March 2022

    You have assumed most if not all of this. How is it not nurse if she can still blink through walls to hit survivors? That is her whole power and I’m not getting rid of that. What I want is for a power of her strength to have a pre requisite like other strong powers

    I agree blinks are hard to place and unforgiving but so is oni’s power yet he has to build his up as a m1 killer. The strongest power in the game capable of hitting survivors through any obstacle should have to be built up imo

    The devs have “tweaked” this power over 4 years to no avail. I think it’s safe to say we need a better solution at this point whether that be this idea or something else

  • Lesha1012
    Lesha1012 Member Posts: 1

    Stop whining at the nurse, they almost killed her in 2019, and then they barely fixed it after 3 years, just learn to play against her and not whine...

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    Well I know how to play against nurse what about it? I barely play as her because if I try to play as her people will most likely bully me, so that's a no. I would rather play as Sadako.