Fix tunneling meta

I am literally gonna quit this game cuz of tunneling meta, what's the point of even trying to play this game, if you get hooked first you're the first to die? and bt ds and uk are useless against a killer who commits to you for literally no reason. Like how desperate are killers for a win? rank just reset and Iam getting facecamped in ash 4 by 2-3-4k hrs killers ######### is that #########? Am I not allowed to play this game cuz I picked survivor over killer? I lost like ######### 20 games in a row and for some reason I get even worst killers every game...
Rank reset doesn't change who you match with.
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I understand you, mainly my brother. Every killer he faces, is a tunneler or camper. I recommend him to buy ds and it really helped him, but he gets really mad when it happens
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When i tunnel it's because of the healing meta. I go after whatever survivor is injured because if i look away for a few seconds he's healed and it's more work for me. If there are 2 injured i'll go for the one not fresh off a hook depending on how sweaty the survivors have been.
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killers are doing their job.......killing the game while they are at it
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This is what happens when survivors can do 3 gens in one chase brah.
If they nerfed gen speeds there would be less tunnelling.
If 3 gens popped at once and I've only just managed one chase that guy will be tunnelled too because every survivor will ignore what they was doing and come to body block him and I'll just trade.
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Then fix the entirety of the survivor role.
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don't you try and defend a broken playstyle....
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how about if bhvr brings back old bt and ds are you gonan still tunnel?
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No bro killers always go for fresh unhooks and you cant say anything to deny that
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Yeah tunneling has become really bad now. They really need to fix that or at least facecamping.
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face camping is easy to counter, tunneling is just a mood killer, like some killer are willing to throw a game just to get only one person out of the game for no reason...
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Tunneling and camping is about pressure and value.
Kicking gens is pointless as survs cant take 0.1 sec to stop the regression.
CoH gives you endless free heals so is little point in chasing someone wounded, or snuffing when they can endlessly free heal.
If you want pressure and value from time invested as a killer you go for the tunnel.
The best way to stop gens and stop healing is to have people on hooks.
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But Facecamping leads to tunneling
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on the hooks or bleeding to death on the floor (slug 4k).
Although they are valid tactics, a missing perk on the survivor side (or a solo queue) shows that they are not healthy for the game, which shows that BHVR works more with band-aids than balancing the mechanics of the game itself (and I'm talk about balance game to improve satisfaction on both sides - killer and survivor)
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Killers can easily tunnel throght bt ds and unbreakable so yeah tell me more how is that fair if a killer fully commits to you for literally no reason!
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I wasn't denying they can, again im stating from a killer point of view, that the best way to create pressure and therefore win is to hook survivors.
If you're the poor bugger who is tunnelled from 1 min into the game till death it's crap i agree, but the reality is it is the "best" way for a killer to win.
Yes newbies do it because its a easy way to get kills, like noed.
Not always but some of the time you're tunnelled because they can't find the person who did the unhooking, you're weak you're making noise.
Again im not saying it great, but it's the state of the game.
Try a game when there is 2 CoH's up it's hell its pointless to try to stomp then as one is up when you move to the other another is up.
Why bother trying to deal with it when i can just remove you from the game, You can't heal when you're on a hook or dead. You can't do gens when you're on a hook or dead.
That's just the current nature of dbd.
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Easy fix to tunneling - nerf COH and making switching targets viable again.
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By how, that's a problem.
Is there any healthy and not abusable way to fix this, no? then no deal.
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There is not fix for tunneling. Nerfing CoH would reduce it, but there is no nerf, perk or otherwise that will stop a person determined to tunnel from doing so. Not without being stupid OP, anyway.
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A good start would be for the devs to fix hit & run. I can't blame the killer for tunneling when negating damage is faster then picking up a new target.
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A few things from a killer's perspective.
- I try not to tunnel people too much, but if you run directly into me I'm not going to pass you up. Ditto if someone I'm chasing runs to you and unhooks you in my face.
- It's not my responsibility to distribute damage evenly. It's up to your team to protect you and you to evade better.
- Tunneling straight off hook is basically facecamping, and BHVR are working on a mechanical change to the game to eliminate this. It was in the internal testing phase last we heard.
- Killers are under at least some pressure to win, in that nobody likes being gloated at and survivors tend to be incredibly mean if they manage to 4-out. I'd rather be complained at than be gloated at.
- If you're facing 2000 hour monsters as a brand new player, either the SBMM system pooped itself after a long queue or a lobby dodge, your MMR is so volatile it has no idea where to put you, you are better than you think or you're running into smurfs.
That all said - as a killer, getting someone out of the game early is just...sort of how this game is played at higher MMRs. If you try to be a 12 hooker, you end up being as bitter as a streamer I won't name. If the game gets to 1 gen left and everyone is still alive, I'm probably going to lose and get teabagged all the way to the exit gates, unless I'm sitting on the fattest NOED+NWO in the world.
By all means though - try the killer role a bit yourself. You'll see what I mean.
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I dont think perks are problem they are fine. Only problem i see in this game are maps and maps only need rework they are to much in survivor favor so much safety i hope bhvr will realise that and start working on it but i doubt because people here dont give good feedback to them only thing they get is complain and 0 respect for their work
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They won't bring back the old BT and DS because how much they could be abused by survivors. Sadly with the current state of the game and the current Survivor Meta tunneling and camping are becoming a bigger issue. BHVR is being careful dealing with both because those ARE valid strategies when used correctly and not the way they are being done now. They don't want to change something that could be abused by Survivors and they don't want to punish inocent players who use both methods correctly
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Some maps are survivor favored. One or two are killer favored (Midwich comes to mind).
Perks are...weird. Survivors have a handful that are so good that not using them is basically playing the game wrong. Killers, on the other hand, are locked into certain perks because of how good the general survivor base has become at both looping and destroying gens.
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Well can you blame them for using those perks i like playing killer more but i play both sides and almost all maps have so much safety that even bad player can get some use in it while gens are being done.. That needs to be changed in my humble opinion all i see here is nerf this nerf that and from all those nerfs and buffs nothing has realy changed from what i can see
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I am convinced that like 75% of survivors have never played killer (or have like an hour or two of time in killer), and honestly, truly believe that they are being tunneled even when they aren't.
And the ugly truth is that sometimes you get killed faster than your teammates simply because you're not nearly as good, and are repeatedly dangling out there like a carrot for the killer. I don't know how many times I have been talking at my screen telling the surv on death hook (while the rest of the team has only been hooked once or not at all) to stay away from me. Like c'mon, man.
But sometimes the tallest nail gets pounded.
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Oh, I'll just facecamp you to death instead, that's the only option.
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"Killers, stop trying to win, losing isn't fun!"
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Bro I used to be a killer main I just play survivor now cuz I managed to get some friends hooked in the game and we are having fun, I used to stream killer and I never tunneled cuz it was like showing ppl that I was bad at the game and had no idea how to split map pressure and win chases.
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Well looks like you are rly desperate for a win then, and tunneling is just being bad at the game it literally means you have no game sense and cant split map pressure.
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The most annoying part of this is that some killers are literally children I got tunneled just cuz I got a pallet save or sabo a hook, like how ######### dare I use a mechanic that is in the game...
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I get the the mmr thing but I am not a high mmr survivor and I still have to deal with this ######### I literally wanna play this game for fun and I just can't. I died like 30 game in a row and I am still getting these sweaty tunneling killers and at this point its just mood killer. Killers have perks that discourage tunneling like bbq and grim embrace, make your choice, devour and they still tunnel.
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Like many others did, quit the game, only this way bhvr will do something about it
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Well, how about you play killer for a while and show them how it is done? Do some videos, show them how you win without tunneling and camping on a higher mmr, and you might reform them. Because tunneling and camping isnt even fun for a lot of killers. Just show them, man!
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People tunneled before COH.
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Don't care if I get tunneled since I still get bloodpoints in the progress but camping is very annoying for sure.
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Are you sure that's all you did?
I only say that because when I play survivor, there are certainly campers - but not 30 in a row.
The people I see getting camped though love to teabag or play flicky flicky with the killer after they sabo...
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Ok, let's work this out like you would fix a "real" problem:
What is the problem:
-you get tunnled-> people equip certain perks... AHA! Perks, that's a good point, what do people use because it's viable/necassary?
->BT helps to take a hit after being unhooked, mhh, the person with the only BT does a gen across the map -> communication is missing -> simpe voicechat (even league of legends got one years ago) [the idea of icons wont help as it doesn't tell anyone that it would be best they should help]... with the way some people rage and communicate? :/ idk chief... so they need some kind of ping/chat-wheel :Shrug:
->You want to hide -> Iron will, really good to stay away longer, personally i don't like the perk, i think it can be strong though ->idk why this perk even exists
-> DS is a nice Mindgame, but it's hard to play around it if the killer is able to slug, but it can be glutch. Doesn't mean you get away, but it gives you another chance. It's fine as it is
-> dead hard is stupid how it works at the moment. It makes chases too long which causes killers often to go for this person = "ah now he doesn't have DH when i leave him now, he will get it back"
What is possible to change? Well, if we would take away EVERY perk, who has a harder time? And we don'T take, let's take average joe, who would win?
Personally, i would say Killer, he still has his abilities to kill, Survivors have a harder time, especially with stealth killers in mind, no information about anything, no second chance... Hell!.
If we would say anything like "oh killer is near the hook, he starts to get a darker screen over time until he's fully blind" (or w/e crazy ideas people have) it's a nice beginning, but i was on a hook yesterday, and instead of the person luring the killer away so someone else maybe gets the unhook, they looped him near me, OFC the killer stays there, why wouldn't he?
The only reason to make someone not camp or tunnel is if they have a benefit that outways the benefits of camping/tunnel. And HERE is where the problem is, people recommend bloodpoints, but should i really leave the tasty kill for 1000bp which do nothing? Even 5000... that's one Item in the Bloodweb, and i get enough as killer anyways.
What if we could introduce something like an objective? Huntress needs to reload, sooner or later, same with trickster... but then the gens fly....
The whole game is not made around being "fair". Every new cool perk (i hate COH but at the same time i love it, best example) pushes the game to a new direction.
We move in a circle with "they need to change something, but i don't know what" We need good examples to solve the problem.
oh and one last thing: Sometimes i tunnel for the same reason other tunnels, i play for MY fun, if someone is cocky and i get them, of course i hit them, do i always tunnel no matter what? Nah! I sometimes let people escape, sometimes i try-hard.
Recently i was "bullying" a killer with a friend, not intentional, but we looped him, used flashlights to save each other etc. and he got literally zero hooks. Then we just let us die in the end-game collapse. The killer was super happy, i saw that ONCE, that someone wanted to give me a kill. I remember when the hatch was given to the last person almost every 3rd game, now i barely see it happening.
People often know how "mean" (they just play the game to have fun, but it still doesn't feel nice for the other side) they play, and then wonder why the killer is mad.
Many problems DON'T need a game update, they need a people-update :P
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You are such a threat to the killer gameplay and thus you should be immediately removed from the game, otherwise your sheer existence itself makes every killers insane and unwinnable, honor yourself for being a good adversary.
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In order to fix tunneling the game would have to be changed. There needs to be a better option than focusing one person out of the game quickly.
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Lies. In fact, this will promote tunneling even more, because winning a 3v1 is a lot easier than a 4v1, and tunneling one out of the game while gens take even longer would make the game extremely easier than it already would be for killer.
Let's not pretend that killers who tunnel one out early game will stop doing it by nerfing generator speeds (which are fine, by the way), that's just being delusional or blatantly disingenuous
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Uh, yes? Just chase the unhooked for 10 seconds afterward, let them use their DH, then slug them while you go chase someone else or build pressure, but proxy camp the slug at the same time.
There has always been a way to deal with these perks, but people don't want to have to do it every game. The problem is someone must get "tunneled" out eventually, winning without taking someone out intentionally is the survivors essentially handing you the game. Nothing wrong with playing for fun, and maybe when your MMR settles you'll be in a cue where killers just play for fun, but until then don't expect everyone to handicap themselves, in fact always expect (and accept) the opposite.
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....what if they want to kill you for....literally no reason?
Should they message you and ask for permission?
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Gonna reply to this gem, too, in hopes that you somehow see the irony in your own statement.
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The single best thing that could happen for this game, on both sides, is for killers to be able to hit survivors faster.
Easier to apply damage means that healing is less of a problem. Easier to down survivors means less of a reason to camp and tunnel. Easier for survivors to get hooked means gens go slower. Wider spread of damage means survivors get more points in non-objective categories.
God pallets, too many pallets, too large maps, too strong loops, too many second chance perks, too easy healing, too easy running away... survivors THINK these are good for the game. What they are good for is high skill SWF teams. They are poison for solo queue survivors because they force killers to either accept 0K games that end in 5 minutes, or they force killers to camp and tunnel, which overwhelmingly harms the solo experience.
No chase should take longer than 60 seconds, no matter how skilled the survivor is, what perks they run, or what map you're on. But rather than thinking of game health, the Devs were contemplating REMOVING Bloodlust. If anything, they should be doubling down on it! The only other option is massive map reworks across the board (which they already did, very poorly).
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DS / BT exist...
with how the current balance of the maps are..yeah this is TRUE (not even winning just getting a single kill is a lot)
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“what's the point of even trying to play this game, if you get hooked first you're the first to die?”
Well… yeah. 🤷♂️ If you’re the first one hooked then statistically all things being equal you’re also going to be the most likely one to die first. And that’s assuming you were the first one hooked by bad luck, in reality the first player hooked is often the one who is the weakest at avoiding the killer which makes them even that much more likely to be the first one killed.
But yeah, even if all the survivors are equally skilled, the first one hooked is the most likely to be the first one killed. It’s kind of obvious.
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I get called a tunneler like half the games. Most of the times, I don’t intentionally tunnel. I find it amazing how often a player gets unhooked, the unhooker hides, and the wounded player runs to an unsafe area. . . . . What do I do? Spend time looking for the claudette with sprint burst waiting?
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Try splitting up pressure with CoH.
Tunneling, when used correctly, shows more game knowledge and game sense than getting 12 Hooks ever will.
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I can think of a reason - the killer is trying to get a kill?