The Pre-drop and W Key Strategy is Miserable

There are two things that annoy me a lot in this game: RPD and a boring match. To clarify what I mean by boring, I mean a match with little to no interaction. i.e face-camping bubba, afk wraith, survivors who hide waiting for hatch for an ungodly amount of time. Those sorts of things. Not "oh no I'm losing this is so boring and the game is broken!"
But this whole comp drop mentality is extremely stupid. It's like you want to loop but you don't actually know how. And why should you? Why play risky and loop when you can pre-drop the pallet and force the killer to run the loop or give you a mile of distance? And I'm not talking about pre-dropping unsafe pallets that have like a 2-inch fence on one side. I mean pre-dropping a jungle gym pallet before I can even get there. I mean running away from the gen the instant you see me coming in the distance.
But how can I complain? They're legitimately smart tactics. Like they are objectively the safest way to play the game. It's just so boring to play against. I want to be able to actually chase you. I don't boot up the game to play a walking simulator.
There is a difference in chaining tiles to just booking it across the map as soon as I break the pallet. It's just so unreasonably dull to me. Why play survivor if the only way you play chases is to completely nullify them? That's the fun part of the game.
If you want to sweat that's fine. And I'm not going to tell you you're wrong for playing that way. But when I'm going out of my way to not tunnel you when your teammates hide, and I'm playing a killer whos EXTREMELY efficient at doing so, you can at least try to play with me. I literally do not care about winning a match. All I want is good chases. Denying me the chase mechanics just so you can victory dance at the exit gates is pathetic.
another nurse main is born before our eyes
also I am going to guess you are playing pyramid. I know this because I main him too. not only is he the most efficient and brutal tunneler in the game, predropping is literally the most frustrating thing possible to face when playing him because the punishment of the damned mindgame just doesn't exist if they predrop early enough
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Yes exactly. I love Pyramid Head but this sort of gameplay completely defeats his power. It's not always an issue but when it is the game feels like having to crawl with your chin.
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Lol I knew it, a fellow pyramid player. If I find someone that constantly predrops, I will just fire a ridiculous, low % m2 and if it misses I just go find someone else. against good survivors that run away before I am even chasing them, I take it slow and draw on pallets before starting a chase. helps to get the pressure rolling. especially if you use mannequin's foot or music box
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I understand the feeling, but it's a function of killers like Pyramid Head. It's needlessly risky to loop anything when his power defeats that at a high level. Killers like that have all their eggs in one basket so to speak. Survivors lose nothing by playing extremely safe if everyone is efficient on gens and not throwing games for Rift challenges. No point in ending a trial with half the pallets still available.
I'm not sure what the solution is though. Mid to low MMR survivors don't do generators. If you tune maps for low resource count and high generator efficiency, any match over 7 or 8 minutes is an auto 4k. If you leave them like they are, most pallets can be pre-dropped against M1s and survivors don't have to think about resource count at all at higher MMR.
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Start playing nurse and make it a game to see how fast you can slug the survivors, I promise you they will let you know how they feel about it
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That's exactly the issue. Like I stated I understand using it as a tactic, because it's a really good one. But it takes away all the gameplay aspects of chasing. It highlights the disparity of playing for fun and playing to win. Removing it will swing the pendulum in one direction. A direction that I don't think BHVR is sure about still.
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Nurse is boring. Me no like nurse. Me only want dorito daddy.
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Obviously pyramid isn't the only killer with problematic anti-loop, but more diversity in elevation levels on maps would help him feel better to play against for survivors. As a pyramid player, it might feel crappy though.
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I think they might want to consider splitting the queues to at least filter playstyles somewhat. Wouldn't change the balance aspect, but there would at least be an expectation of "this is what I'm signing up for" if someone queued for ranked competitive.
I'm very much a play to escape survivor, but I understand many players don't like that. On the flip side, I get a bit tilted if I get teammates who are only there to "interact" for the sake of interacting. It seems like right now we have a game where nobody is quite satisfied and a lot of it comes down to preferred playstyle with no way to filter it.
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Yes, lot of stupid stuff in the game.
Maybe play another one.
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Surprisingly, I often go for a 4-slug (not planned, just simply snowballing) and I seldom get complains.
The exception is when I get the team down during the first two minutes of the game (but usually the alternative when this happens involves to play hide and seek for ages : never again)
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I would also suggest to train with the Nurse, without any addons for the first few weeks.
For the build, I suggest a full-detection set. BBQ, Nurse calling, ... you get the idea.
Don't focus on gens, only on chases and downs.
When you land where you want without thinking (after a while, probably), start experimenting.
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IT's a vicious cycle....
When the game first came out (Even though I didn't play it at that time) is was hiding... then came Anti-hiding Killers... then Looping was a thing, So Anti-looping Killers were put into the game so here we are now where it depends on who the Killer is and how they play that Killer that leads to what we see today
The same thing can be said for Gens and Healing
Or just balancing in general
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I get alot of complaints when I play that way, I run infectious fright and if everyone's there I will always try to see how fast I can get them all but I won't just blindly try to go slugging if nobody is visibly around me
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Where's the Cheyrl pfp?
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My current build is : Infectious fright, BBQ, whispers and starstruck
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I love cheryl but it was time for a change.
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I fully agree with you that pre-drop and W is a problematic aspect of the game but it's a little weird when you say you play pyramid head. Like he's one of the earlier killers that started this obnoxious trend of killers having godlike anti loop so you have to understand when survivors don't want to let you put them in a lose/lose.
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run pallet kick perks.