Finally hit 15 games versing the new killer, here's my opinions

Honestly surprised, usually I see the new killer only a few times before they disappear but I actually managed to verse her 15times.
So within these 15 games i went on a range of maps and this is my conclusion on her.
1. Shes still abit weak, all 15 games and not one managed to pass the 2k mark, they all hit 0-2k with no more than 8hooks in a game.
2. Never seen anyone get condemned (fully). While I dont know how close people got I never past 4 tokens.
3. Shes okay to verse, I wouldn't say shes massively special but shes definitely a killer that can be fun to verse.
4. This is as playing as her, shes fun and the map mobility is really nice and gives me some joy. Shes not all that strong but shes okay mindgaming at some loops.
Feedback: old newspaper, telephone addons should be base. Old newspaper should also exist still but have it reduced due to its original number being made base.
I know alot of people want players to interact with the tvs, but I'm kinda against wanting that as removing her teleport just makes her less fun to play and verse personally. Iv manage to get condemned a few times in the small sample I played as her so I think people just need to learn to TP in smarter ways to maximize the condemned, I'd rather have those addons I mentioned base than some extra condemned. This is all just my opinion
I don't get it, are some people expecting to get condemned mori(s) every single match or something?
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No, but is 15 matches not enough to get condemned at least once? If that mechanic never comes into play, why is it even a thing?
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i'd say that's about the same as a bear trap going off.
Very rarely it happens, it designed for pressure, were as Mop girls condemn gives very little pressure and very little kills.
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I've actually went up against the new killer alot. Yesterday it was literally nothing but her and Doctor to the point I took a break from playing. Some players aren't playing her well but there's others that just know how to use her and it's a 3-4k. Not every time but it's definitely happening. It does take some time to get condemned but maybe there's an add on that makes it faster? Idk some games it takes forever others I'm condemned pretty quickly if I'm not paying attention.
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Regarding condemn, I’ve played her for a straight week now i feel like it’s more efficient to use the TV mid chase for surprise ambush and map control than to toy around and stack condemn.
The iri tv cooldown reset is very required if you even want to think about playing for condemn; and on top of that the cleanse action is so quick if they’re already holding the tape all it takes is a body block to undo your efforts. You end up spending lots of tv cooldowns just to setup a free hit or two.
Shes still very fun to play but I don’t think condemn was setup to be viable from the get go.
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There is....when they are holding the magical tape that dwells within a pocket dimension so survivors can still use Flashlights, Tool Boxes, etc.
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New killer is weak againts half decent suvivors.
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You probably aren't optimising the use of your TVs. I dont mean that in a mean way or anything but iv been close or getting it even with just her adept perks etc. So games are after faster than usual.
Besides the last thing you want is your tvs getting turned off
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I don't even have Sadako lol. I'm speaking from an observer's view.
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In 15 matches as pig, i think i can get at least one bear trap kill.
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I'd say even more lol.
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Well this is from my experience, honestly so many players just arent optimising the condemned or tvs as they should.
Iv condemned someone every 2/3 games, even on bigger maps. Honestly far more consistent than pig who is very rng heavy and I hardly get kills via traps.
I will say it definitely requires more planning and understanding but I'd class pig as weaker all round. Still early days yet but the full map teleport multiple times with no setup is very good. Like I said in the OP the LAST thing you want is them taking tapes, they can easily still do gens with it and can place the tapes really easy so encouraging them to take them will actually cause more harm imo.
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It's pretty crazy how people playing the game can have wildly different experiences because..
1. I've played against many Sadakos
2. Plenty of them have 3-4k. Haven't kept track but it happens enough where I don't think there's some glaring issue showing she's very weak. She seems mid tier
3. I've seen several people reach full condemned, including me a couple times. I was because if I'm about to finish a gen or unhook a survivor I will take a tape out or shut a TV off. Add in the occasional teleportation with me nearby and condemned adds up quick in some matches. If the killer is playing poor then the survivors won't feel threatened and won't worry about tvs, and in that case condemned is very unlikely to add up fast enough. But against a good Sadako with strong perks I definitely utilize TVs and I've seen plenty of others do so as well
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That comparrison doesn't really add up
Pig traps instantly kill you, doesn't matter where you are, where the killer is or whatever is happening in the match. Timer up is dead.
With condemned the killer still has to down you. If you are on deadhook you can ignore condemned entirely as it only saves a trip to the hook. Instant mori sounds powerfull but it's not really that powerfull.
Imo there should be atleast one fully condemned every match even if the survivors are fighting it. Especially with Sadako being mostly a m1 killer it really isn't that powerfull for it to be something that rarely happens.
One of my favorite suggestions i've seen here is when you use the tape to remove condemned all other survivors get 1 bar more.
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I’m having a lot of fun with her so far. 🙂 Just to compare notes
- I’ve gotten quite a few 3-4k matches with her. Just last night I had a 3k where I accidentally let the last person out the gate because I missed seeing the light on the door (oops)
- Full Condemned is uncommon but I have managed to get it four times I think? I’m not sure what percentage that is, maybe 15%? 🤷♂️ I expect the percentage would go down though as people get more aware of managing their stacks since I’m assuming the kills I got were people who just weren’t paying attention to it at all.
- She probably my favorite stealth killer at this point. I really like how fluidly she can go in and out of phase, it’s a much cleaner style than Wraith’s stop-and-go method.
- Obviously her main weakness is if she gets into an extended chase at a loop. You really have to be willing to just go for a quick hit or pallet break and switch targets when a survivor gets to a safe tile. Her invisibility after Manifesting does help somewhat though which is nice. It’s not as good as a dedicated anti-loop ability but it does sometimes mess up survivor’s timing on loops when they think you went one direction but actually went another.
- Overall I think she’s about 2 1/2 stars out of 5 maybe? I put Wraith at 2 stars and I think she’s a bit better than him. 🤷♂️ It’ll be interesting in a few months to see where the devs end up seeing her in the data and what tweaks they make on her full balance pass. (They typically do a pass on new characters after about 3-6 months.)
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The mechanic basically doesn't exist. That's the issue.
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Well lots of things can impact that from server, time mmr etc. So it's no surprise people are having different outcomes
I have never taken a tape yet, and neither do my team so maybe that's why I haven't seen my team condemned? (Iv condemned people when player her)
Oh for sure! Since the wraith nerf he dropped on my list and I feel shes a real contender in my books.
I too seem to be doing well as her but when versing her they seem to struggle, I do honestly think alot of people are struggling to understand the importance of using the TVs and stuff.
I would still like to see her buffed up abit more, not so much condemned way but through the addons I suggested as they arent super strong but definitely make a nice bonus.
I'd be curious to see what sort of build and addons you're using currently
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But it does, alot of people just arent using their tvs well at all. Iv versed 18 now and so many arent using the tvs like they should be
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I've had a lot of people use this argument for saying Sadako is A Tier or something.
"Oh, you're just not playing her right!" And to that, I say: "How am I supposed to play her?"
Do you want me to play hit and run? Because if so, I've got news for you, since Wraith, a Killer who came with the game years ago and is currently C Tier, is objectively better at playing like this since the Survivors can't literally deactivate his mobility power.
Do you want me to play her like a no-power Spirit, trying to use the Manifest intermittent phasing to catch people off guard and get grabs off gens? Because I can't really do that since she has multiple audio cues which prevent this most of the time.
Do you want me to play her like a snareless Freddy, trying to catch people as they run away from me with the TVs and build up enough Condemned to get to the point where I can mori people? Because if so, then I just waste time and the Survivor runs away from me. And if I get a decent amount of Condemned on someone, they spend like 12 seconds to remove a large portion of it while also deactivating part of my garbage mobility power.
Sadako is like DBD's version of Twelve from Third Strike. She has semblances of a character here, but almost everyone does her job just as good, if not better. She has very little niche.
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At the moment my perks on Sadako are
- Call of Brine - Gens regress much faster when kicked and you get a noise alert if someone does a skill check on it
- Scourge Hook Pain Resonance - Extra regression on a gen when hooked plus scream
- Scourge Hook Floods of Rage - Auras of survivors after a rescue
- Gear Head - Auras of survivors who get a Great Skill check on a gen
Gear Head is obviously the weakest one in that but most of the perks I unlocked on her aren’t much better so… 🤷♂️ And it does work to some extent which is nice. (I’m getting close to 50 though so I’ll be Prestiging and then who knows what I’ll have?)
Since I’m close to Prestiging I’ve been using double red add-ons and the red mori each match the last few matches just to use them up for fun. 🙂 Honestly I’m not all that picky about add-ons generally speaking though, I just use whatever I feel like. A lot of times I’ll use two add-ons that stack together to give double an effect, such as doubling up on TV refresh reduction or Invisibility duration, etc. Or like with Wraith I like doubling up on his speed during cloak for instance.
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Out of the 3 Sadako's I've played against in 20 matches, not one has gotten a 1K.