Suicide on Hook is New Meta Against Nurse? or I am just Unlucky?
It sucks but the reality is you cannot make others play a match they don't want to (I mained Nurse for my killer when I was still playing). If people want out they will get out of the match as fast as they possibly can and all measures introduced only delay that.
I personally like facing Nurse as I understand her but some don't and I do understand that. I feel the same against killers I find unfun like Twins or Trickster etc.
I got to the point where I barely reacted to my team mates quitting on hook or outright DCing... as it happens so often and there is not much you can do about it. Sucks but oh well...
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I certainly agree, as a solo q gamer, I hate to see it. But, doesn't mean I don't understand it.
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Since nurse nor blight has any good stats than other killers, I believe no one is hardcore enough to actually do that, especially with all the que time shenanigans.
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No, trust me, I understand. I don't blame you at all for being annoyed with those survivors. Trust me, us solo q gamers get just as annoyed at them as well.
But the truth is, some things, people just prefer not to deal with and want it over as soon as possible.
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u can enjoy nurse, but stop abusing buggy addons. and it is tiring to always face the same op killer with the same op ######### as solo q.
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What is "buggy addons"?
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Apparently the range addons are bugged if you don't fully charge your blink. It increases your blink speed, so survivors can't really react to you.
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But then blink movement speed is faster with range addons as far as I remember, do you think it's a bug that is somehow no one acknowledged and never got fixed, in really popular killer like nurse?
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That works against a mediocre Nurse. Getting good with her will beat 95 % of all teams. She is a comp Killer within a casual game.
She might be balanced and beatable against top sweat squads but a truly (good) Nurse will beat any team which aren't top squads.
But balancing only around the 0.1 % isn't excactly practical.
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Spirit and Blight work perfectly fine on loops. It is sure that they'll get you eventually, but so will any Killer. Some slower, some faster.. without breaking any defences Survivors have.
And again, I am not talking MDR Spirit, which basically has no counterplay, I am talking base Spirit, which clearly is balanced and you don't have to see her to be able to juke her.
It shows that you aren't good enough against a Killer weaker than Nurse, but somehow you are saying that Nurse is balanced. It doesn't make much sense.
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If a player is winning against 95% of all teams with nurse, that player is clearly better than 95% of nurses too.
Since top sweat squad always win against any killer which aren't top tier AND top skill, sweat nurse always winning against any survivors which aren't top squads only seems fair.
If you nerf the nurse because of "good nurse" which is like 0.1%, YOU are balancing only around the 0.1%, which, as you said, "is not exactly practical".
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Spirit and Blight can simply disallow you for going loops and can break plenty of loops if they played perfectly.
With MDR or not, 7.0 speed is enough to hit survivors no matter what IF SPIRIT PLAYED PERFECTLY.
I'm not talking from survivor or killer perspective, I'm explaining you the ridiculousness of deciding strength by assuming player NEVER make a mistake.
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Why everyone should play with u for your own fun???? Are u selfish or I just missed something??? Why u not pleased with kills on hook?? Kill= skill is in it???
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I don't know is this sarcasm or not but i wanna play normal game. If you dc or suicide on hook, game is dying for other 4. Only selfish person is that who killed themself on hook.
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good question actually. I think it is just a bug that didnt got as popular as the OoO+BP combo
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It is bug, confirmed.
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Many times was escaping 3 vs 1 so if u are bad, then u will be loosing, not because someone DC or suicide lmao
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Why does it matter? What's the point of Nurse if not to win quickly with as little survivor input as possible? Surely them killing themselves just accelerates that process.
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Because it is boring and it is bad for their teammates either lol.
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Personally, I just don't play against nurse. She's not enjoyable on any level.
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I'm fairly certain that Omega Blink Nurse requires five blinks minimum. Three blinks with an iri add-on is playing older default Nurse with extra steps.
Unless there's a way to get five blinks right now, in which case, I apologize. That's a bug.
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I usually dont suicide often but for example yesterday I faced 7 nurses in a ROW, I also got pretty tired of it.
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That's not omegablink. Omegablink was old nurse with old double range add-ons
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Spirit isn't "broken" after her nerfs. The Nurse's ability to completely negate loops is "broken" and I don't think she can be fixed without removing the ability to teleport through walls and even then, she may still be "broken", just because she can still use teleports within the confines of a loop to still, pretty much negate loops.
Everything about the Blight is the best in the game; ease to use, ease to learn, mobility, catching up to survivors, map control, perk synergy. His power is not even fully negated in loops, so you can't even say that's a downside. However, it is weaker than some killers but still better than most killers since most killers powers don't work in loops at all.
I would consider Blight "broken" because his abilities, when compared to other killers are the best. His anti-looping ability is the only thing he's not the best at, just better than most. It's like a student in school making all A+'s and is making an A- in math.
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Nah, people would just DC or go afk.
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Ah, bamboozled again--many thanks, friend of friends!
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If you've been on the forums long enough, you know that survivors will suicide on the hook for any killer.
Got two hooks before a gen is done? They're out. It the same for killers that don't get hooks before 5 gens pop. It's just how some people are.
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If they don't leave the match instead they will just spam loud noises, go afk, spend match chasing you around until you kill them, or spend match finding ways to screw over their teammates - this is what currently happens when survivors save a teammate that's trying to die. As a survivor I'd rather they just leave a match they don't want to play in because the ones that stay in a match they don't want to be in usually end out making it miserable time for the others. If someone kills themself on hook just play normal, you don't need to let the others go. Play normal, raise your MMR to level where players don't quit against the nurse.
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So It's been like that since when, and it was a bug.
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It is known bug now, check bug reports.
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You aren't balancing for 0.1 % for nerfing Nurse. Nurse is a big problem for the majority of the player base, nerfing her balances for the 99.9 %, which are casual. 99.9 % who are just playing for fun have to deal with a potentially broken Killer, designed for comp.
There is no balance for top%.
Regarding Spirit, if you outplay her at a loop, she now has a 15 second cooldown where she is a 110 % M1 Killer. That's plenty of time to get to another loop before she gets her power again.
Same wiith Blight. If you predict his hug, slide, whatever techs and juke it, even better if he used up all his rushes, again.. you've got time to run to another loop. He is 4.6, but unlike Spirt he's got a fatigue, followed by a 4 to 10 second cooldown, which is again enough time to reach a loop and a time where those 2 Killers are especially vulnerable against pallets and windows.
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The escape chance could be increased. That way if survivors do this, they may end up escaping and the match continues. It wouldn't be crazy to have it be a 6 or 7 percent chance of escaping compared to the 4 percent right now.
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DBD Forums stop blaming Nurse for matchmaking putting a good Nurse against worse players/people that don’t know how to play against Nurse at the same level challenge (impossible)
DBD Forums stop forgetting about mindgaming being the most skillful core aspect of chases challenge (impossible)
DBD Forums stop making claims that don’t match up to actual performance data against even-skill players on an even map challenge (impossible)
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Against? More likely vs Survivor who play vs nurse.
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That is VERY problematic. If someone tries to 4%, fails each, then misses both skills checks on second phase…..then that should be a DC? That would be a mess.
Another problematic idea. Not as much, but the issue here deliverance would be rendered useless, along with luck offerings and perks. Even if YOU think since it doesn’t add as much it isn’t worth it, it could be a game changer if you succeed.
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It works against even the best nurses. Like I said before if you watch videos of nurse at the highest level they still can get out played.
To be fair on the other side of the spectrum a top level swf will win 95% of their games too.
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“Good Nurse beats average survivors”
Man, it’s almost like better players will usually beat worse players. But that’s totally not matchmaking’s fault, it’s uh, the Nurse’s. Yeah. Not like the exact opposite also holds true (good survivor squads will beat average killers) too.
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I checked that, and since report itself is not quite specific, I'm just feeling weird because I don't know what exactly is the bug they acknowledged.
Are you seriously asking for nerfs because 0.1% of nurse players can annihilate 99.9% of players which is CLEARLY LESS SKILLED than them? should we nerf every one of survivor perks and addons because 0.1% SWF meta squad can annihilate 99.9% of killers, which are casual, who are just playing for fun to deal with a potentially broken survivor utilities, WHICH IS NOT EVEN DESIGNED FOR COMP.
There is no "outplay" in perfect play, you can't outplay spirit because "0.1% good spirit player" WILL NOT MAKE A MISTAKE, they won't fall for anything you throw at because they are "good" just like "0.1% good nurse player" which WILL NOT MAKE A MISTAKE and predict EVERY ONE of move perfectly, 15second is nothing.
Same with blight, you can't predict his hug, slide, whatever techs because "good blight player" will always play PERFECTLY, he predict every single move you do without EVER MAKING A MISTAKE, you don't have any time to run to another loop.
It's literally wrong to assume killer players to play perfectly with some kind of omniscience , saying "nurse is broken because against good nurse any counter does not work" is basically doing that.
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I don't know either lol. But looks like there is bug and if there is bug, it should go. I am okey for that.
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Why would that be a mess? Its obviously done on purpose.
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It isn’t “obviously done on purpose”. Did you not read what I said? Trying to 4% to get off hook then missing the skill checks on ACCIDENT shouldn’t be a dc penalty. And there’s no way for the game to know if you accidentally or purposely did. Plus what about situations where there’s only one other person left and your on hook and you want to try to give them hatch? That should be a dc penalty as well….? It’s mind boggling how the people with 10K+ posts have some of the worst ideas
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You shouldn't have the ability to give survivors hatch, I think it's better to remove suicide capability than penalty though.
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this game always having skill arguments but playing as blight or nurse will be easy job for most pvp based players
above certain level of both results with hitting not effected by survivors movements
its same for wm1, above certain level of survivors not possible to get in time with wm1 tools
wm1 looping is too easy, killer have no chance even with brutal+bamboozle unless its myers level3
but his level3+bamboozle still somewhat loopable in most maps, even with that big speed boost on windows
now preventing loop is meta and essential, above certain mmr ability hitting killers are only way left
somewhat loopable = underpowered if survivors skilled (onichan's first chase,sadako,uncloaked wraith,cannibal,etc all passive as #########)
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When players don't feel as if they don't stand a chance, they are going to suicide on hook.
Most survivors, justifiably, see Nurse as a no-win situation. You can tell if it's a good Nurse by just listening to the number of times she blinked before downing a survivor. I think most survivors know that if a Nurse has downed 2 survivors in the first minute with like 3 blinks then you're just going to lose that game.
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I dont see why not. Especially in a situation where its almost impossible to help the hooked survivor its a valid strat
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Why would you try to unhook yourself, when the other 3 survivors are still alive? I fail to see the issue here.
Even more, the whole "unhook yourself" is a questionable mechanic to begin with. Getting across the map to unhook someone, who tries to unhook himself right before you reach him is one of those "i shouldn´t have come here" moments.
Please don´t try to give the hatch. It rarely succeeds and hurts your team more than you think. Yesterday i´ve had a teammate who let 2 survivors die, just so he could get the hatch. Which he didn´t get, btw.
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Because, that's literally negates the point of a match.
If opponent can arbitrary stop another side from winning "just because", what's the point of PvP game.