What's Okay, and What's Not

So, I've collected a lot of feedback from survivors I've faced in Dead by Daylight, and this is what is okay and what isn't okay to play when you start your lobby. I thought I'd include this here for new killers, so you don't suffer through all the mean comments you'll get after the match.

First off, here are the killers you can and cannot play:

  • Nurse is out, unless it's your first time playing her, then it's okay. But no more than 5 matches, ever.
  • Hillbilly you can play, but only if you also bring a Lery's or Ormond offering. Otherwise, he's out. Especially if you ever bring instant chainsaws or the drift king build; those are very bad to play.
  • Spirit is likewise out, and especially so if you bring Prayer Beads Bracelet. Don't play her.
  • Legion is very much not okay to play, under any circumstances, with any build, at any time. If you even bought that killer or the DLC, you should uninstall immediately and then Kermit yourself.
  • Leatherface is toxic! Even if you don't bring insidious, or camp hooks, he's toxic just because. No, he's not a super awesome killer, but still, super toxic!
  • Freddy is annoying, you shouldn't play him. Sure, he's the worst killer, but still, you shouldn't play Freddy ever.
  • Doctor is out, UNLESS you message each survivor and tell them to bring Calm Spirit, then he's okay. But only then!
  • Clown is bad: people don't like their vision going all squiggly, or that he's good in chases. Don't play Clown unless you're prepared to pay the survivors' optometrist bill after!
  • Hag is really bad! Not as bad as Legion, but still, very bad to play. You shouldn't play her unless you're not going to plant any traps.
  • Myers is okay under certain circumstances, but never with Scratched Mirror and Monitor and Abuse. That's just mean! He's scary and this isn't a horror game! Also, you shouldn't pop Evil Within 3 right before you hit someone. You should pop it at max distance and then catch up to them so they have a fair chance to drop a pallet.
  • Wraith and Pig are okay to play, but not if you're going to use their stealth against the survivors. That's not nice! You shouldn't crouch as the Pig or cloak as the Wraith unless the survivors can clearly see where you are and what you're doing!
  • Trapper and Huntress are both fair game, until you get too good with hatchets, at which point you need to retire your Huntress. Also, don't plant traps below windows, in grass, or in pathing choke points. They're harder to avoid there, so don't do it.

So, now that you know who you can play, let's move on to how you can play.

You'll notice some survivors start the match with weird claws or branches around their names. Ignore that, it doesn't mean anything special. Oh, okay, you got me! Unless you're running an obsession perk, it means the survivor is, and most of the time it's Decisive Strike. That's a survivor perk that allows them to jump off your shoulder and stun you. It's a perk usually run by bad survivors who see it as their only chance to escape you.

You might also discover that it takes them a few seconds after being picked up to activate the perk and escape you. You should simply stand still and let them do it. It isn't mean or toxic of them to do it, it's their only chance to win, after all! Never repeatedly drop them on the way to a hook, this is known as dribbling or juggling, and it's SUPER toxic. Don't do that. They don't try to avoid your traps or anything, so you shouldn't try to avoid their DS. Also, it's unacceptable to slug them, or simply let them bleed out on the floor. That's very mean, and you should never do it.

You may also find out that there are 7 generators on every map, but the survivors only have to complete five of them. You might think it's a good idea to play defensively in the area of the three closest generators, and let the other four go. That's bad. Very bad! That's gen camping, and it doesn't allow the survivors to complete their objectives, so you shouldn't do that.

Speaking of camping, you'll find out pretty quick that camping someone on the hook is something only people who should kill themselves do. Instead, as soon as you put someone on the hook, you should cross to the other end of the map. Don't worry if there aren't any survivors or generators there, it's what the best players do. That gives other survivors the chance to pull their teammate off the hook.

At that point, it's okay to return to the area, given you take your time getting there, but if you find the same survivor who was just pulled off the hook, it is not okay to hit them again. Ever. That's called tunneling, and only players who live in their mom's basement and have never had sex do that. Even if they're the only survivor you can find, even if they are the only injured survivor and hitting them would seem to make tactical sense, it isn't okay.

It won't take long before you notice strange twitches among other players too. They have a medical condition which causes them to repeatedly hit their crouch key. You'll hear some people call this teabagging, a sexual term derived from a man squatting over a someone and dipping his testicles into their mouth, like you might dip a teabag into a mug. That isn't at all what the survivor is imitating, and they certainly aren't trying to insult you: it's a nervous twitch. It would be very wrong for you to take it as an insult and punish them for it in the match.

Also, flashlights are a survivor's only defense from you! Yes, it's annoying, but it isn't like they begin the match with all the momentum, or have pallets, windows, loops, med kits, perks or anything else to defend themselves with. If a survivor moves in front of you with a flashlight, you should stand still and let them flashlight you. Never face a wall, and never bring Franklin's Demise with you into the match! It isn't fair!

After the Match

If you do very well during the match, and kill all four survivors, especially if you do it quickly, never use the acronym "gg," or "good game." It isn't nice to compliment people when they lose. Instead, inform the other players that you'll be putting your head in the oven, since you obviously hacked and cheated during the game.

I hope you've enjoyed these tips to making your Dead by Daylight experience more enjoyable for everyone! Except you. Oh, that's the last rule: the killer is always wrong and isn't supposed to have fun. ENJOY!


  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Someone being salty made you salty, I take it?

  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129

    @fluffybunny said:
    Someone being salty made you salty, I take it?

    Awww! No! I thought of it more as a humorous commentary on the stigmas that surround killers among a certain population of the game.

    I take my share of salt, don't get me wrong, but I'm beyond being insulted by it. The only thing that really bothers me is seeing rank 18 players with 4 tier 3 teachable perks... obviously, deranking themselves, even beyond normal methods of losing matches, in order to face brand new killers, for easy matches or to bully.

    Outside of that, I'm not salty. How are you?

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Crizpen said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    Someone being salty made you salty, I take it?

    Awww! No! I thought of it more as a humorous commentary on the stigmas that surround killers among a certain population of the game.

    I take my share of salt, don't get me wrong, but I'm beyond being insulted by it. The only thing that really bothers me is seeing rank 18 players with 4 tier 3 teachable perks... obviously, deranking themselves, even beyond normal methods of losing matches, in order to face brand new killers, for easy matches or to bully.

    Outside of that, I'm not salty. How are you?

    It rains salt, sometimes. Haha. But, yeah. I get you. I've seen people who had "Legion = DC" as their name and I'm aware some people are quite particular and fussy. I know what you mean, but I'm sure there's some people in the higher/newbie ranks who are up there 'cause they're still not very good. As killer, I generally have 3/4 tier 3 perks and quite a few teachables, though I generally lean towards survivor while playing and sometimes just dumps points into my killers to get their points. I'm aware that some people cheat to bully newbies, though, and I hope they fix it so that they can detect the software.

    That's good. I'm doing well! Just got into a new game (Niche, it's addictive) and was spending the weekend with a friend. <3 Was showing her how to play the game since it was a free weekend and I wanted to see if she could play it on her lappy. How about you?

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273
    Is it bad that I recognize all of these points just from thread's title? I usually don't open salty post, but damn, do I know all of these.
  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129

    @Milord said:
    Is it bad that I recognize all of these points just from thread's title? I usually don't open salty post, but damn, do I know all of these.

    Yeah, they're common refrains killers hear. Today was actually better than most, and out of around 20 games, I was only cursed at three times. That's pretty good for me. It's usually at least half if I don't dodge SWF.

    @fluffybunny said:
    That's good. I'm doing well! Just got into a new game (Niche, it's addictive) and was spending the weekend with a friend. <3 Was showing her how to play the game since it was a free weekend and I wanted to see if she could play it on her lappy. How about you?

    Oh, you know, I hung a few people on meat hooks, dismembered a few others, the usual things. It is a very addictive game, and it can also be extremely frustrating. When it gets to that point, I just pull out my "shy Mikey" build and run away from survivors instead of chasing them. Or, get some friends with party starters to throw a random killer an exciting welcome in the washroom of The Game.

    How did your friend do on the laptop?

    As for deranking, some of it is just players being jerks. You'll see it when they join a lobby with no offerings or add-on's, and then DC as soon as the game loads. They're just de-pip'ing themselves by losing over and over again quickly. Others, who go beyond de-piping, use software to manipulate their steam account. I don't know how that interacts with Behavior, but we have a discussion going on about it here:


    I did an experiment by creating a brand new account, starting at level 1 and rank 20. Out of 4 games, three had players who I had a hard time explaining how they got so many great perks without ever getting up to rank 15.

    In any case, when you are playing killer, just remember to follow the rules above, and you'll have a great game!

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273
    Crizpen said:

    @Milord said:
    Is it bad that I recognize all of these points just from thread's title? I usually don't open salty post, but damn, do I know all of these.

    Yeah, they're common refrains killers hear. Today was actually better than most, and out of around 20 games, I was only cursed at three times. That's pretty good for me. It's usually at least half if I don't dodge SWF.

    I turn the default chat visibility to closed and steam account to private, so I don't read anything. :P
  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    Very funny  :) good post
  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    Milord said:
    Crizpen said:

    @Milord said:
    Is it bad that I recognize all of these points just from thread's title? I usually don't open salty post, but damn, do I know all of these.

    Yeah, they're common refrains killers hear. Today was actually better than most, and out of around 20 games, I was only cursed at three times. That's pretty good for me. It's usually at least half if I don't dodge SWF.

    I turn the default chat visibility to closed and steam account to private, so I don't read anything. :P
    That's the oposite of what I do. You are missing a lot of fun. I laugh at the salty coments of survivors and keep their pety insults on my profile as trophies. I have 80 now! 
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    This what I feel about the killers

    Trapper- He’s kinda low tier, easy to go against unless they set traps in a good spot
    Wraith- The definition of mid-tier killer. Can be better with add-ons, just hate facing him with Sloppy Butcher.
    Hillbilly- I can never avoid a chainsaw these days because of hitboxes. One of the more balanced killers.
    Nurse- Most Nurses on PS4 are baby killers sadly and it is SUPER hard to play her on console.
    Myers- My favorite to go against.
    Hag- Great jumpscare potential, love going against a Hag.
    Doctor- Annoying, but underpowered.
    Huntress- Hatchets needs adjustments but she is a good killer to play as and go against.
    Leatherface- Boring gameplay, most wind up camping the hook
    Freddy- Boring gameplay, annoying to go against...most tend to tunnel and always seem SUPER fast.
    Pig- Usually ends up tunneling the survivor with the trap on their head.
    Clown- Another really balanced killer.
    Spirit- Master of mind games, I like seeing her...also my main killer.
    Legion- Please...don’t play Legion. He has broken add-ons and is the MOST annoying killer in the game, period.

    We all have certain killers we prefer to go against. Nobody wants to go against five Legions in a row. He’s just super annoying.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Crizpen said:

    @Milord said:
    Is it bad that I recognize all of these points just from thread's title? I usually don't open salty post, but damn, do I know all of these.

    Yeah, they're common refrains killers hear. Today was actually better than most, and out of around 20 games, I was only cursed at three times. That's pretty good for me. It's usually at least half if I don't dodge SWF.

    @fluffybunny said:
    That's good. I'm doing well! Just got into a new game (Niche, it's addictive) and was spending the weekend with a friend. <3 Was showing her how to play the game since it was a free weekend and I wanted to see if she could play it on her lappy. How about you?

    Oh, you know, I hung a few people on meat hooks, dismembered a few others, the usual things. It is a very addictive game, and it can also be extremely frustrating. When it gets to that point, I just pull out my "shy Mikey" build and run away from survivors instead of chasing them. Or, get some friends with party starters to throw a random killer an exciting welcome in the washroom of The Game.

    How did your friend do on the laptop?

    As for deranking, some of it is just players being jerks. You'll see it when they join a lobby with no offerings or add-on's, and then DC as soon as the game loads. They're just de-pip'ing themselves by losing over and over again quickly. Others, who go beyond de-piping, use software to manipulate their steam account. I don't know how that interacts with Behavior, but we have a discussion going on about it here:


    I did an experiment by creating a brand new account, starting at level 1 and rank 20. Out of 4 games, three had players who I had a hard time explaining how they got so many great perks without ever getting up to rank 15.

    In any case, when you are playing killer, just remember to follow the rules above, and you'll have a great game!

    I couldn't agree more hehe. It's very addictive and can be extremely frustrating. I know I took a break a while back 'cause it was frustrating me, but I feel it's a game I always come back to. OMG, a shy Mikey build? lol That sounds adorable. How do you do it? Yeah, I like to change it up and play around, too. x3 Might as well~

    She was having troubles looking around and doing skill checks, but I was able to do it just fine when I hopped on for her, so I think it was a newbie-related problem and not her computer. It was kinda laggy starting up, but it wasn't really laggy in-game. She seems on the fence about the game, though we had fun playing together. c:

    Yeah, it ruins the game when they all DC like that. :/ I've seen suggestion for wait time that increases with each DC from elsewhere and I think that may be a good idea. I'd say using the software is just as bad. If you have so many hours in the game, but you're main is somehow rank 20 with all the good perks or even rank 15, I say. I think there should be more of a reward for staying in the higher ranks. I saw someone suggest that. Hopefully they find a way to detect that software.

    LOL XD

  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129

    @fluffybunny said:
    I couldn't agree more hehe. It's very addictive and can be extremely frustrating. I know I took a break a while back 'cause it was frustrating me, but I feel it's a game I always come back to. OMG, a shy Mikey build? lol That sounds adorable. How do you do it? Yeah, I like to change it up and play around, too. x3 Might as well~

    I've done it with Mikey, though it can work better on Clown. Basically, you only run bamboozle, with no add-on's or offerings. Find a corner to peak around, but when they see you and run one way, you run the other. They'll usually follow, for some reason. Just find a new corner to peek, and keep running back while they chase you. The idea is to lose them, which isn't easy with a terror radius, but use bamboozle and the Clown's smoke to cut off windows and escape.

    There's no point to it, it's just being silly. There are a few places on a few maps, like the God rock in McMillan's Estate, that not a lot of people know they can climb, and you can go up there and lord it over them until they figure it out.

    Oddly, the same tactic worked when I was going for Evil Incarnate for the first time. The survivors thought I was just messing around until I got perma T3 with Judith's Tombstone. Afterward, I was told I was "very not nice."

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Mkay, guess imma go break some unimplemented rules...

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Are you trying to annoy survivors?

  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129

    @Dspigroach said:
    This post is pretty much entirely true, you can't please survivors. If you do gens then go to check on the hook you'll get called a camper, if you see the unhook then do thr logical thing and go after the one hit survivor you'll get called a tunneler.

    It's survivor entitlement. Basically only they are allowed to have fun whereas you the killer are supposed to let them infinite loop then tbag otherwise you are toxic, generally the most salty survivors are the tbaggers and one's that run ds. 

    Just face camp tbaggers so they lose their precious pips which they all care about for some reason. 

    It reminds me of a match I played on a new account, with a level 1, rank 20 Hillbilly, with only Enduring 1. I faced a SWF group, who all were running a full set of tier 3 perks. Awesome matchmaking. Anyway, I did manage the 4k, but because I would chainsaw the survivor who farmed (and let the person being farmed go), I was attacked in the post match chat. You can't win, really.

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123
    Crizpen said:

    So, I've collected a lot of feedback from survivors I've faced in Dead by Daylight, and this is what is okay and what isn't okay to play when you start your lobby. I thought I'd include this here for new killers, so you don't suffer through all the mean comments you'll get after the match.

    First off, here are the killers you can and cannot play:

    • Nurse is out, unless it's your first time playing her, then it's okay. But no more than 5 matches, ever.
    • Hillbilly you can play, but only if you also bring a Lery's or Ormond offering. Otherwise, he's out. Especially if you ever bring instant chainsaws or the drift king build; those are very bad to play.
    • Spirit is likewise out, and especially so if you bring Prayer Beads Bracelet. Don't play her.
    • Legion is very much not okay to play, under any circumstances, with any build, at any time. If you even bought that killer or the DLC, you should uninstall immediately and then Kermit yourself.
    • Leatherface is toxic! Even if you don't bring insidious, or camp hooks, he's toxic just because. No, he's not a super awesome killer, but still, super toxic!
    • Freddy is annoying, you shouldn't play him. Sure, he's the worst killer, but still, you shouldn't play Freddy ever.
    • Doctor is out, UNLESS you message each survivor and tell them to bring Calm Spirit, then he's okay. But only then!
    • Clown is bad: people don't like their vision going all squiggly, or that he's good in chases. Don't play Clown unless you're prepared to pay the survivors' optometrist bill after!
    • Hag is really bad! Not as bad as Legion, but still, very bad to play. You shouldn't play her unless you're not going to plant any traps.
    • Myers is okay under certain circumstances, but never with Scratched Mirror and Monitor and Abuse. That's just mean! He's scary and this isn't a horror game! Also, you shouldn't pop Evil Within 3 right before you hit someone. You should pop it at max distance and then catch up to them so they have a fair chance to drop a pallet.
    • Wraith and Pig are okay to play, but not if you're going to use their stealth against the survivors. That's not nice! You shouldn't crouch as the Pig or cloak as the Wraith unless the survivors can clearly see where you are and what you're doing!
    • Trapper and Huntress are both fair game, until you get too good with hatchets, at which point you need to retire your Huntress. Also, don't plant traps below windows, in grass, or in pathing choke points. They're harder to avoid there, so don't do it.

    So, now that you know who you can play, let's move on to how you can play.

    You'll notice some survivors start the match with weird claws or branches around their names. Ignore that, it doesn't mean anything special. Oh, okay, you got me! Unless you're running an obsession perk, it means the survivor is, and most of the time it's Decisive Strike. That's a survivor perk that allows them to jump off your shoulder and stun you. It's a perk usually run by bad survivors who see it as their only chance to escape you.

    You might also discover that it takes them a few seconds after being picked up to activate the perk and escape you. You should simply stand still and let them do it. It isn't mean or toxic of them to do it, it's their only chance to win, after all! Never repeatedly drop them on the way to a hook, this is known as dribbling or juggling, and it's SUPER toxic. Don't do that. They don't try to avoid your traps or anything, so you shouldn't try to avoid their DS. Also, it's unacceptable to slug them, or simply let them bleed out on the floor. That's very mean, and you should never do it.

    You may also find out that there are 7 generators on every map, but the survivors only have to complete five of them. You might think it's a good idea to play defensively in the area of the three closest generators, and let the other four go. That's bad. Very bad! That's gen camping, and it doesn't allow the survivors to complete their objectives, so you shouldn't do that.

    Speaking of camping, you'll find out pretty quick that camping someone on the hook is something only people who should kill themselves do. Instead, as soon as you put someone on the hook, you should cross to the other end of the map. Don't worry if there aren't any survivors or generators there, it's what the best players do. That gives other survivors the chance to pull their teammate off the hook.

    At that point, it's okay to return to the area, given you take your time getting there, but if you find the same survivor who was just pulled off the hook, it is not okay to hit them again. Ever. That's called tunneling, and only players who live in their mom's basement and have never had sex do that. Even if they're the only survivor you can find, even if they are the only injured survivor and hitting them would seem to make tactical sense, it isn't okay.

    It won't take long before you notice strange twitches among other players too. They have a medical condition which causes them to repeatedly hit their crouch key. You'll hear some people call this teabagging, a sexual term derived from a man squatting over a someone and dipping his testicles into their mouth, like you might dip a teabag into a mug. That isn't at all what the survivor is imitating, and they certainly aren't trying to insult you: it's a nervous twitch. It would be very wrong for you to take it as an insult and punish them for it in the match.

    Also, flashlights are a survivor's only defense from you! Yes, it's annoying, but it isn't like they begin the match with all the momentum, or have pallets, windows, loops, med kits, perks or anything else to defend themselves with. If a survivor moves in front of you with a flashlight, you should stand still and let them flashlight you. Never face a wall, and never bring Franklin's Demise with you into the match! It isn't fair!

    After the Match

    If you do very well during the match, and kill all four survivors, especially if you do it quickly, never use the acronym "gg," or "good game." It isn't nice to compliment people when they lose. Instead, inform the other players that you'll be putting your head in the oven, since you obviously hacked and cheated during the game.

    I hope you've enjoyed these tips to making your Dead by Daylight experience more enjoyable for everyone! Except you. Oh, that's the last rule: the killer is always wrong and isn't supposed to have fun. ENJOY!

    Best post Ive ever read in this forum!
  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    I read this, it sums up to "You're not allowed to play as any killer that you're adequate at because I'm a survivor main who wants to win every game."

  • Raizinz
    Raizinz Member Posts: 43

    @Crizpen said:
    So, I've collected a lot of feedback from survivors I've faced in Dead by Daylight, and this is what is okay and what isn't okay to play when you start your lobby. I thought I'd include this here for new killers, so you don't suffer through all the mean comments you'll get after the match.

    First off, here are the killers you can and cannot play:

    • Nurse is out, unless it's your first time playing her, then it's okay. But no more than 5 matches, ever.
    • Hillbilly you can play, but only if you also bring a Lery's or Ormond offering. Otherwise, he's out. Especially if you ever bring instant chainsaws or the drift king build; those are very bad to play.
    • Spirit is likewise out, and especially so if you bring Prayer Beads Bracelet. Don't play her.
    • Legion is very much not okay to play, under any circumstances, with any build, at any time. If you even bought that killer or the DLC, you should uninstall immediately and then Kermit yourself.
    • Leatherface is toxic! Even if you don't bring insidious, or camp hooks, he's toxic just because. No, he's not a super awesome killer, but still, super toxic!
    • Freddy is annoying, you shouldn't play him. Sure, he's the worst killer, but still, you shouldn't play Freddy ever.
    • Doctor is out, UNLESS you message each survivor and tell them to bring Calm Spirit, then he's okay. But only then!
    • Clown is bad: people don't like their vision going all squiggly, or that he's good in chases. Don't play Clown unless you're prepared to pay the survivors' optometrist bill after!
    • Hag is really bad! Not as bad as Legion, but still, very bad to play. You shouldn't play her unless you're not going to plant any traps.
    • Myers is okay under certain circumstances, but never with Scratched Mirror and Monitor and Abuse. That's just mean! He's scary and this isn't a horror game! Also, you shouldn't pop Evil Within 3 right before you hit someone. You should pop it at max distance and then catch up to them so they have a fair chance to drop a pallet.
    • Wraith and Pig are okay to play, but not if you're going to use their stealth against the survivors. That's not nice! You shouldn't crouch as the Pig or cloak as the Wraith unless the survivors can clearly see where you are and what you're doing!
    • Trapper and Huntress are both fair game, until you get too good with hatchets, at which point you need to retire your Huntress. Also, don't plant traps below windows, in grass, or in pathing choke points. They're harder to avoid there, so don't do it.

    So, now that you know who you can play, let's move on to how you can play.

    You'll notice some survivors start the match with weird claws or branches around their names. Ignore that, it doesn't mean anything special. Oh, okay, you got me! Unless you're running an obsession perk, it means the survivor is, and most of the time it's Decisive Strike. That's a survivor perk that allows them to jump off your shoulder and stun you. It's a perk usually run by bad survivors who see it as their only chance to escape you.

    You might also discover that it takes them a few seconds after being picked up to activate the perk and escape you. You should simply stand still and let them do it. It isn't mean or toxic of them to do it, it's their only chance to win, after all! Never repeatedly drop them on the way to a hook, this is known as dribbling or juggling, and it's SUPER toxic. Don't do that. They don't try to avoid your traps or anything, so you shouldn't try to avoid their DS. Also, it's unacceptable to slug them, or simply let them bleed out on the floor. That's very mean, and you should never do it.

    You may also find out that there are 7 generators on every map, but the survivors only have to complete five of them. You might think it's a good idea to play defensively in the area of the three closest generators, and let the other four go. That's bad. Very bad! That's gen camping, and it doesn't allow the survivors to complete their objectives, so you shouldn't do that.

    Speaking of camping, you'll find out pretty quick that camping someone on the hook is something only people who should kill themselves do. Instead, as soon as you put someone on the hook, you should cross to the other end of the map. Don't worry if there aren't any survivors or generators there, it's what the best players do. That gives other survivors the chance to pull their teammate off the hook.

    At that point, it's okay to return to the area, given you take your time getting there, but if you find the same survivor who was just pulled off the hook, it is not okay to hit them again. Ever. That's called tunneling, and only players who live in their mom's basement and have never had sex do that. Even if they're the only survivor you can find, even if they are the only injured survivor and hitting them would seem to make tactical sense, it isn't okay.

    It won't take long before you notice strange twitches among other players too. They have a medical condition which causes them to repeatedly hit their crouch key. You'll hear some people call this teabagging, a sexual term derived from a man squatting over a someone and dipping his testicles into their mouth, like you might dip a teabag into a mug. That isn't at all what the survivor is imitating, and they certainly aren't trying to insult you: it's a nervous twitch. It would be very wrong for you to take it as an insult and punish them for it in the match.

    Also, flashlights are a survivor's only defense from you! Yes, it's annoying, but it isn't like they begin the match with all the momentum, or have pallets, windows, loops, med kits, perks or anything else to defend themselves with. If a survivor moves in front of you with a flashlight, you should stand still and let them flashlight you. Never face a wall, and never bring Franklin's Demise with you into the match! It isn't fair!

    After the Match

    If you do very well during the match, and kill all four survivors, especially if you do it quickly, never use the acronym "gg," or "good game." It isn't nice to compliment people when they lose. Instead, inform the other players that you'll be putting your head in the oven, since you obviously hacked and cheated during the game.

    I hope you've enjoyed these tips to making your Dead by Daylight experience more enjoyable for everyone! Except you. Oh, that's the last rule: the killer is always wrong and isn't supposed to have fun. ENJOY!


    @fluffybunny said:
    Someone being salty made you salty, I take it?

    Nah, just shows how the most pampered of the community can't have enough in-game and out-game advantages while saying only killers want easy games. Like spoiled kids

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    What is okay: Playing whoever you want and however you see fit whether you are playing a survivor or killer

    What’s not okay: Telling people how to play and what characters to play.

    That simple