Unusual Occurrence

CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

Just had a super intense match as Huntress, and noticed something unusual. Something that hasn't happened to me in my near 1900 hrs on PC ever.

You know those small cliffs on most maps that contain hooks+sometimes chests? I was facing the rock edge on one side pretty closely whilst picking up a survivor. Well, someone started using a flashlight off to my side I guess? I couldn't see them, could barely see any light, and I was blinded.

It happened again when I was facing a wall in a tile, I was pretty damn close to it.

Or I could be rusty and tired because it's 3 am and I haven't consistently played since trickster released...

Im not really upset overall, pretty satisfied. I hit a few pretty good shots and had a huge advantage at the start. it was an intense and awesome match once they got serious, managed to get 2.

