[NA][PC] LFM gamers for nontoxic LGBT+ friendly group

Cross play is fine. All players are welcome. Server is inclusive and nontoxic. If this doesn't apply to you, don't add me.
We play a variety of games and different times hours and have mostly US and EU players.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Discord: LauraSaxx
boop boop. looking for more! Cheers
Post edited by laurasaxx on3 -
Im looking for a group too, please let me know the detail for this group. Im on discord and steam.
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i have discord as well if you gals need one
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Add me there and I can add you in :)
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would like to join, add me on discord and steam schuschulja#5643 :)
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Galini#3910 :D
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Gal here on ps4.
I use my bf's account, because he moved to pc.
I'd like to join if that's okay.
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sure - send a message on disc. Saxx#5438
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Just sent it, but it doesn't give me the option to message you (I have a different discord name)
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Awesome. LMK if you didn't get in!
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Hey Saxx I (Muchacho42069#3392) sent you a message on discord
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I have you on friends, but it doesn't let me message you because we don't share a server.
I'll check properly this afternoon when I get home.
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I'll add you :)
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I sent a request on discord because it wouldn;t allow me to message you.
Different name beginning with an O.
Post edited by dbdbella on0 -
No raging. No toxic behavior. I was formerly Gold IV (Rank 8 Purple during the old version of rank) and now I'm Silver 3, mostly team up with random trash survivor players that are very unreliable and do something stupid, making a terrible mistake which gets me heated. My crossplay is on. Dm me if any of you people are down for this. Play smart, stay reliable and be vigilant. People that are in silver or higher can only play with me. My PSN is Palmer_Me
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Could use a couple more girl friends :D
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hola bellas damas soy erika tengo 36 años soy de españa y vivo en granada. juego en pc steam y la verdad que ahora no juego mucho porque estoy hasta arriba de cursos y estudios pero cuando me entro a jugar me gustaría jugar con chicas que ni sean champiñones ni tampoco unas pro a las que solo les gusta estar ahí a saco y se cabreen con nada si hacemos algo mal, vamos que ahora mismo juego por diversión un tiempo atrás si era mas competitivo pero porque jugaba todos los días a todas horas pero ahora que entro a jugar 3 veces en semana pues solo entro a divertirme un rato y nada si queréis agregarme o algo pues que aquí estoy preferiblemente de España claro mas que nada por los horarios de poder coincidir no por nada mas. Un saludo damas.
PD: no se buen bien como agregar a gente ni como me tienen que agregar porque la verdad que juego en pc desde hace poco siempre he jugado en ps4 y ps5 pero llego apenas 3 meses con ordenador y ni idea de como agregar a nadie tampoco se si os tengo que dar la numeración que viene en el juego para que me agreguéis o de steam o como, ya si estáis interesadas pues me decís, un saludo a todas.
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I tried to add! but couldnt! D; I want to join this !
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That's my discord - you can DM or post yours I'll add back I check here time and time again :)
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Looking for more. Come explore the new patch with us! :D
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I’d love to join but I am a relative newbie having played the game only a few months! If y’all don’t mind me being a little green I’d love to find a community!
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Could I join? CrypticGirl#7199 on Discord.
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Yes totally! Just added you on discord
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Totally fine! We've got all different levels players that's no problem :)
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I'd like to get in. An IRL buddy and I play most nights in EST. Sometimes we play midday so have been able to hook up with EU players as well. My discord is VicRatlhead#6129.
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Welcoming new players. Add on disc for faster reply (I check here rarely...but I do check!!)
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Hey hey posting again because we're still looking :)
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New month, new forums, still looking for friends! Winter break is coming and we need some KYF matches!! :D
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Sent a request. I'm just looking for fun people. Just good people who aren't toxic/hardcore sweaty/ whatever.
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Boop boop. Been a minute, wanted to bring this up to page one since we're looking for more :)
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Psn xpaulsbetrayalx
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Bumpin this up.. would love some more regulars!
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i dont have discord but i can cross play :D im on ps4 and usually play sporadically during the day and from 9pm est to 10-11 pm consistantly so if anyone would like to play lmk 😌
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Add me, please! I can't find you on Discord. But I don't really use Discord much. I'm RedWitch671 on Steam though. BTWz, I'm on PC but can cross play as well.
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That's generally when I can play too! LMK your name or find me in game 'laurasaxx' (numbers too but i'm the only one there so it'll show up)
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NA West PC Player 1000 survivor hours and looking for chill games. FizzWhiz#65fc
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sorry for late reply, but ofc! ill look you up, maybe we can play together :D thatd be cool ^^
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OMG no worries. Here I am super late too. Hopefully you found me!! :D:D
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aaagh youre not showing up for me homie :C ill try again later ( sorry for late reponse, got sick !!)
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OMG that's totally my fault. I changed my username - still laurasaxx but dif tag added to it. i'm sorry!! Should be better now - 'LauraSaxx.TTimbad' (lol)
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i have to be more active on here lol - sorry for late reply again XD i'll look you up :>
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I know this post was put on here a bit ago but could I still join?
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Late reply on my part, but absolutely!!
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Can I join in and play with any of you guys also? My PSN is itsvoodoo89 :)
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Definitely! i'm on PC so I can't add PSN - but if you look me up in game I'll show up - LauraSaxx.TTstuff#da78
or add on discord @ LauraSaxx to join the group!
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Look who I found @Sax
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TEEHEE oh hi!!!!! :D
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Hi, I recently got into DBD and just found your post. I’ve been looking to find others to chill and play with. If the offer is still open, I’d love to join the server! I’m MotionPotion on Discord.
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Hey I saw your post and was wondering if I could join in, looking for more people to play with.
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Definitely!! Add me on disc @ LauraSaxx :)