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General Discussions




  • Member Posts: 746

    lol its not the maps i dont use pallets in my chases since im playing with my friend that are kinda new and i get half bad killers too... if the killers are bad i try not to loop them and i just sit on gens and go for unhooks (so my friend learns to loop) but when i do loop i use like max 2 pallets a chase (not jungle gyms or killer shack)

    the last thing is the dumbest thing i've ever heard as a killer main you need to choose your chases if i have 1 jungle gym connected to killer shack you dont loop me there leave the chase.. look for another survivor to chase... 3 gens isnt that long either thats 80 seconds...

  • Member Posts: 746

    i give the killers tips since i do have like 100 hours minimum on almost all killers (and much more on the ones i enjoy like blight, twins, nurse, pyramid head) well i dont give them tips if they hook camp me because well they dont want to learn its that simple

  • Member Posts: 746

    i have like 1 -1.5k on killer... the only real map ive had a problem with is haddonfield and its not that bad was wrose back in the days with passive balanced landing...

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Even if you're doing it with good intentions in order to play with your friends, you're still cheesing the game and putting the killer in at a disadvantage. Doesn't matter how you play or what excuses you come up with.

    What's the point of playing the game when you don't interact with the killer? Killer is supposed to chase and try and kill you.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Well that's one of the advantages of solo queue.

    Solo and SWF each have their advantages and drawbacks.

    One of SWF's being if you are eliminated early you have to wait for your friends to finish if you want to continue.

    Its an elimination game. If you are getting camped and eliminated early every game then play a lil more cautious at the beginning. You don't want to be the first one found or you run the risk of being an early target for elimination.

    As a team you may want to work on your coordinated saves and gen focus, nothing wrong with an obvious hook trade to buy extra time to smash out gens 4 and 5 resulting in 4 people up on gates powered with only 2 on 1 hook each.

    That's how you counter play camping, good teamwork, one of the SWF advantages.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited March 2022

    Stop twisting my words. I don’t care if you camp, but it is still unhealthy for the game.

    You only see it as a tactic because (currently) you are allowed to use it as such, without downsides.

    I play both sides and have for over 6.2k hours and I do sometimes camp. But I am not doing it to the extent that some others are, that which falls under you are having a bad game so you swap to the easiest thing to do.

    Furthermore, it is not healthy because new players do not have any resources whether understanding/knowledge OR access to perks to half way deal with it.

    Not in a meta where perks such as No Way Out and Deadlock exist. Because the tutorial told them to focus on gens but the killer brought another crutch along with a busted “tactic”.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    And Kindred, don't forget Kindred. Let everyone see your accomplishment.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
  • Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    is it fun to hook camp? stand still basically? when i get face camped this is basically how i think they react or

    like u know they are having a bad time since they give up and they think i care i get more pissed off at my teammates when i get camped (if they dont do gens) than the killer i just find it boring to get camped 5 6 7 games in a row....

  • Member Posts: 746

    "Stop twisting my words. I don’t care if you camp, but it is still unhealthy for the game."

    i mean i agree on that is it unhealthy when almost everyone does it yes... it makes the game boring and ur literally killing 1 survivor because you couldnt catch him instead of trying to catch someone else, so i would say its unhealthy. When you soloQ your teammates doesnt do gens either(some games ofc) so the killer gets away with it without punishment...

    And as you said i can only imagine if a new player gets face camped like that player is never coming back to the game lol...

    and the thing with with camping due to a bad game... i think thats the stupidest reason to camp like its basically giving up but you take a survivor with you... the fun thing is that the MMR is suppose to make it so if you loop 3 4 gens and perform well you can still "rank up" or increase ur MMR but then the devs decide to make it escape based XD like pips are more accurate than the MMR

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    unfortunately you will have to get used to it because camping has unironically become meta.

  • Member Posts: 746

    well camping itself doesnt relly piss me off its when i get camped 6 games in a row during the same day and my teammates doesnt even do gens when im camping so the killer get the win that pisses me off... they are literally messing up a freebie... played one game where a blight hook camped and tunneled my teammate (only 1) i DID 2 GENS 2 GENS SOLO AND MY TEAMMATES DID NONE we lost the game obviously since no one else did gens...

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    It absolutely can be, you can even make builds based around it for killer and survivor.

    let me give you an example.

    Basement trapper, at game start you find the basement, set up a trap web not just around it but at loops within reach of it then you go hunting.

    The first chase is a very strategic one, you have to herd the survivor towards the basement, a good survivor will realise what you are trying to do and make plays to focus the chase away from the basement. As survivor you want to be aware of the basement in any game if you are found first to avoid this.

    Once you get the down the next step is, can you make it to the basement? (you can make it harder for yourself if you want to only hook in the basement and ignore all other hooks). Once in the basement secure the area with traps and you wait.

    What follows is a gen rush and everyone leaves and you get one kill boo, or a really high stakes game of rescue plays out around the hook.

    Its a camping build that can result in some very exciting games, both as killer and survivor.

    Yes someone may hang on hook all game but that's the end result of a high stakes and exciting first chase. Its all valid gameplay.

    It may not be your version of fun but I enjoy a game like that from both sides, many other people do to when they play out well. The same coul dbe sadi from any scenario if it plays out well it can be fun.

    Slamming out 5 gens with minimal threat from the killer can be just as boring as hanging on the hook. I'd rather a high stakes high threat game than an easy BP farm, that bores the ######### outa me.

    Some people like to farm BP's and make sure everyone gets out and if that's what they find fun more power to them, I'm not going to denigrate their version of fun just because its not mine.

  • Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    this is normal killers looping my friends noramlly then hook camping me when i loop them for to long they ARE NOT bringing a fun hook camp build (i do play rancor noed, bloodwarden deathslinger in the basement protecting the chest sometime thats a fun "hookcamping build"). These killers were normal killers looping normally until i looped them to long and they just decided to hook / face camp instead of playing... some do it to secure a kill and i get that... but to hookcamp someone because you think they are good is a "eeh you're just proving that i owned you" type of moment like i literally made someone so mad that they stopped playing just to see me die :p

    i've had the game since 2017 so i think i know if they are hook camping for fun or if they are mad... because when people hook camp for fun they nod at you and sh*t like that, they often bring a funnier hook and camp relate perks like iron grasp, insidious or whatever (often play bubba, hillbilly or deathslinger)

    these dude are playing normally with normal perks just to get looped and then they are spam hitting me on the hook xd

  • Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    its hard for me to do bones when im on da hook :) + i dont have time to look for 5 totems by myself

    i mean NOED is one of the stronger perks in the game... its not a teachable its doesnt requrie you to do anything and it gives you a huge boost at the end game (im not saying its op or a "good" perk) but it sure is strong since you dont have to do anything

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    This is not a personal attack but you may want to check your ego, you have no idea if they are mad or not, that is completely assumed.

    Its just self reafirming to think they are mad in the absence of any real feedback and using that as rationale for hating on camping is some biased misinformed thinking.

    Why is nodding at someone a fun way to hook camp but hitting you is someone who's mad? This is an arbitrary ruleset cooked up to reafirm your point with no real basis.

    A player may not go into a game with a camp build and decide partway through to switch up from chasing to hook defence but that in no way means they are mad at you. The same gameplay of hook trading and gaming around the hook is still possible in the latter scenario its only the set up is happenstance.

    Why is one a game breaking affront to your fun and the other perfectly fine, when they are basically the same gameplay wise post hook?

    From the way you describe it the only difference is, you assume the latter is born of someone being mad at you for being good at the game, but that's all in your head I'm afraid.

    You even say its fine to secure a kill you understand but then go on to create this imagined scenario where they are mad at you.

    The view that looping is "playing normally" means you are starting from a biased expectation of how the game should be played to begin with.

    Hook defence can be just as fun as chasing, my point was you can even build for it but even so just because someone camps doesn't make the game a write off.

    If you get frustrated by camping then run anit-camping/tunnel perks, work on teamwork in your SWF or switch up playstyle at game start to avoid being found first all these things are ways to play around someone potentially camping you or targeting you after being unhooked.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited March 2022

    I don’t think anyone is questioning this idea that some players find this playstyle “fun”, but there is a segment of players within this community that use this so called strategy because of how easy and available it has become.

    It used to be “just rush gens, and they only get one kill”. Now with perks like No Way Out and Deadlock this is an outdated belief, as it allows killers to get more kills than that. The game is about time management and just because you rush gens doesn’t guarantee what it used to when you were being camped. Mind you a lot depends on RNG and the killer doing this.

    My opinion has always been that Camping has always been a flawed mechanic that doesn’t involve a lot of skill. For one, it’s boring for 3/4 of the survivors as they 99% of the match find themselves holding M1. The 1/4 practically didn’t play the game, only spawned after (more than likely) a long queue waiting in a lobby. This already creates a toxic atmosphere and further adds to the bad reputation the game already has.

    I don’t think this is in BHVR’s best interest. Especially when you look at it from a new player perspective.

    Just to be clear I am talking about the type of Camping that happens at 5 gens. Because I am even willing at accept Camping that happens later on, at least at that point that person got some points.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Member Posts: 566

    I don't even know what comes on to the mind of killers who just camps the hook, do they even like playing the game? or are they just venting and doesn't really know how to play?

  • Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    just like you assumed they were hook camping for fun xd because i assume if they doesnt hook camp the first 2 then chase me and i loop them for long and they start hitting me on the hook they are probably pretty mad becasue why would you play normally like chasing and then when it goes bad you start hitting the person and throwing the game on the hook for 2 minutes that doesnt sound like normal behaviour to me

    "The view that looping is "playing normally" means you are starting from a biased expectation of how the game should be played to begin with."

    hahaah what tf are you talking about?? ur literally trying to come up with ANY EXCUSE to make it look "justified" or that he had a good and fun intention... LOOPING IS WHAT THE DEVS INTENDED YOU TO DO and 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of all surviors loop so yes thats how you normally play

    "You even say its fine to secure a kill you understand but then go on to create this imagined scenario where they are mad at you."

    yes i said that and i stand by that but you dont secure a kill with 3 gens left do you?

    listen use google translate so you understand what im typing like my english isnt on top but i doubt its so bad that you misunderstand EVERYTHING i say

  • Member Posts: 427

    Just don't get downed and you don't have to worry about face camping.

  • Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    well simple solution but if my teammates actually took a hit i could probably do it but at the end of the day if he downs them im pretty sure he will hook camp them instead and they are new to the game so i dont want them to get face camped when they dont deserve it im basically taking one for the team :)

  • Member Posts: 746

    The problem with is that if you're against a SWF you will get 1 kill since all gens will pop but if its soloQ like half the matches people just roam around not doign gens... i've had several games where i do 2 full gens and my teammates none... and if that happens sure camping is viable since it takes one person 160 seconds to do 2 gens + the time it takes to run from one gen to another like they cant even do 1 gen together which is 47.5 seconds

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Honestly I feel like the whole Solo vs SWF topic has been greatly over exaggerated.

    Communication isn’t what is standing in between the decision for someone to repair a gen or not. Sometimes it is matchmaking inserted someone with low MMR into a high MMR match. Sometimes they are just inexperienced. Bottom line is, you can have random teammates that will perform great if not better than a lot of SWF teams.

    To reel it back to the Camping topic, I understand sometimes it may feel like the easiest thing to do. My problem again is when it happens at the start of the match, simply because.

  • Member Posts: 746

    yea thats what i mean i get camping a hook at the endgaem to secure a kill but if your doing it at 3 gens left like... whats the point the first 2 gen are pretty much free for the survivors anyways you can easily bounce back by getting a 3 gen or some luck

  • Member Posts: 328

    i mean... theyre technically playing the game to, so...

  • Member Posts: 101

    "Every, every.."

    I'd bet not...

  • Member Posts: 746

    well 6 games in a row is pretty interesting i mean sure its very rare i only get like 2 3 campers a day out of 20 games but when i posted this ALL killers that day had hook camped me

  • Member Posts: 746

    eehm they are not? They are giving up they are literally stop playing becasue they get mad / annoyed that someone is better than them instead of playing and maybe learning from that chase they think more like this "he is good now he's gonna die" and "omg he's gonna be so mad when he dies" maybe think more like this "why didnt i catch him" "how did he loop" "what did i do wrong" "was this a good chase" and stuff like that generally speaking not getting a hit or a pallet within 15 second as a killer is a BAD chase that means that you have ALMOST always made a mistake (there are some exceptions like them looping killer shack). So before you even start the chase you gotta think like this "can i catch this guy or get anything out of this chase withing 15 20 seconds" if not dont chase that player break chase look for someone else...

    By camping ur shoving away all learning possibilites and just ruining the game for that survivor and yourself, there are so many good youtube videos giving simple but super effective tips on EVERY and i mean EVERY KILLER and lastly as i said THE ONLY WAY TO REALLY IMPROVE IS BY PLAYING THE GAME! :)

  • Member Posts: 328

    But they're still playing. BHVR has even stated camping is an effective killer strategy.Hate it all you want, justify it whatever way you want,

    your whole spheal there is great, but you can't really make players play any differently just because you don't like it. If they want to face camp, well. They totally have the right to do just that. The only thing YOU can really do about it is: get over it.

  • Member Posts: 746

    its not effective THATS THE THING IT ONLY WORKS DUE TO MMR... when you get matched with a survivor who doesnt do gens its effective since you guarantee a kill and no gens get done if the survivors have an iq above 11 - 14 they would sit on gens and get a 3man escape so you can L the killer in the endgame chat

  • Member Posts: 328

    i mean... it still is effective. just because you don't like it doesn't make it so, otherwise killers wouldn't continuously do it. Sooooooooooooooooo

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