Why does prestige exist?



  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Oh I didn't mean that as an replacement I just used it as an example. If the current p3 sucks because it's to much to lose you stuff over and over for you I totally get it it is a hassle I was trying to say if they change something they should make new cosmetics and lock the current ones like they did with the old prestige stuff

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    At this point, prestiging really is just for the die hard fans who are willing to spend an extra 1k hours in prestiging their characters alone. There's no benefits to it and honestly, in the current state of the game in regards to the grind, it makes perfect sense.

    The grind just needs fixing, but hey lucky us, the devs acknowledged the grind being an issue a couple of years back when they first made some small bloodweb changes. Give it a year or 2 and they'll figure that maybe, just maybe, the grind is taking its toll on newer players more than the OG's. They might just do something about it!

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Yeah they Said something about it, and I do have about 1350 hours but I haven't been able to prestige due to needing teachables. It's not just presteiging, it's getting the perks after it, and altogether that took me about 600 hours of playing cluadette to p3 50 and get those perks alone. It's too much grind and In the current state of the game, i don't think it makes sense at all. If prestige was replaced with leveling to level 150 and receiving p3 50 outfits instead of starting over three times you can gain three times more of progress before you max a characters level compared to level 50. It would also mean less time required to actually prestige, because they could make every level be as if it was for level 20 up until level 50, 35 up until level 100, and 50 up until 150. That sounds like the best idea to allow people to get perks because every level is going to offer up 1 perk or more per bloodweb. They could even make it to where perks you haven't unlocked yet on that character have a higher chance of appearing. That sounds perfect to cater to new players and old players who don't have the will to prestige because of the benefit it lacks.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    And I don't see the point. This would be the same amount of work without losing all your progress. Legacy ( what you meant by old presteige) was only token away because they remade bloodwebs entirely. Level 10 on those bloodwebs looked like what level 50 is today. This is the same bloodweb just extended and gaining more bloodweb space everytime you get to level 50 again plus the bloody outfit. I don't really think they can make another great item for free like bloody outfits and I think it's a good one to keep. I don't think they can make anymore outfits without degrading it compared to bloody outfits.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Also, I have heard that along with new things for presteige there is grind reduction in the works. We will h ave to wait and see what's up for mid chapter and the anniversary event.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    I think you want prestige cosmetics without prestiging.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    So it's another difficulty. Doing it without losing all your stuff is harder then keeping every thing.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Of course , because prestige spent belong in this game. It was fine when there were less than 15 characters, now. There are over 45, sorry, but I don't have time for that if I'm going to lose all my stuff. Presteige for 45 characters is a process that us over 1000 hours worth of playtime just to get them, so why not be able to get more value out of that by keeping your perks? It's ridiculous at this point with almost 50 characters.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    How is it more difficult to be able to level faster at the beginning with less variety but then get more stuff after you level a character more? Plus level 20 still offers a perk every bloodweb. I wouldn't even care if they made the entity spawn at the beginning of a bloodweb at level 1 / 150. That's just a way to make it easier to not have to spend points kn things you don't want. Presteiging isn't healthy for the game because it gatekeeps completionists and people who want to level their characters by taking away things that they usually need because of how important perks are.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Good no need to discuss this with you further all you say sounds to me like you want stuff without the hardships that come with getting them. Losing your perks and addons when you prestige is what makes it more difficult then what you want. Not that I'm against your idea I think it's a good idea all I say is that I think if they where to make it easier to get p3 I would be kinda mad when they don't lock the prestige stuff we have right now and make other stuff instead. You can call it gate keeping but I think it's a bad move from a gaming company to make content you can unlock by doing x and two years later make it easier because new people want that content but don't want to do x because the new generation of gamer want stuff just handed to them

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    If you give something to those with prestige you screw over those that didn't and have poured more bp past lvl 50.

    As someone that has every character at P3 (minus the new survivor), I don't need it to be more than cosmetic.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Well maybe update the game to take how many levels youge went past level 50 and apply them to the new level system. I'm sure the game tracks how many levels you've went past level 50 on a character, and if you were like p1 level 15 it could be level 65. You aren't screwing over people who presteiged, you are just changing their level numbers. And they made the mistake of losing all their progress for a cosmetic PEICE, and having to Start from the beginning. That's why presteige us outdated. It's just a gate keep to extend the amount of time you have to play before getting p3 and getting back to where you were and then 100 percenting the perks .

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    I'm going to presteige sadako today... only for a cosmetic peice. And that sucks. I spent my bloodpoints and got a good amount of addons like bloody fingernails and tape editing deck. Goodbye addons and perks... then I have to do that for 44 other characters. And if I spend money on them, I did this for nothing because I have a new cool outfit to wear and won't wear the bloody outfit. Every character in the game has a cosmetic peice except Freddy and quinten, but who cares about them ? It's outdated and I am glad they are working towards a better grind system. You can't say it will screw over people who decided to presteige when they said they would reduce grind. Plus, if they did presteige, they would usually commit to p3 50. A more favorable way to do that is I'm the works so now they can be happy that getting perks and addons has the possibility of being easier. I guess I will wait to presteige until I hear what will happen to grind . But there isn't really a reason to favor gatekeeping cosmetics for 100 hours of playtime on each character. That's almost 5000 hours now and a good 7000 or 8000 if you want every perk in the game on a few characters.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    It's not gate keeping. Since when is a simple requirement for getting a reward gate keeping.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    And that is ever increasing. Just like the amount of bloodpoints required to get everything. A video by a youtuber calculated that it takes 510 million bloodpoijts to unlock everything in the game including perks during the trickster lobby screen and chapter release, and that number is probably closer to 600 million now. I calculated what 510 million would be divided by 12 plus x for matchmaking times and that's 12750 games

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    And the fact that it takes nearly an entire day just to get 2 million bloodpoints is even more baffling.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    It's not a simple requirement. It's ok heres a bloodweb get this to level 50 three times to unlock this cosmetic. However, it will take you 100 hours of playtime plus wait times for a game plus then you have to get the perks you had before you presteuged and then get the rest. Do this on all 48 and increasing characters . Sound simple? Attaboy.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Yeah so it's a difficult /long taking requirement. And take your attaboy ind stick where the sun doesn't shine kiddo all you do is crying that you are to lazy to do what is the set requirement for that reward and want it to be easier/less time consuming because you can't be bothered.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Why are you getting so toxic? The attaboy wasn't referencing you , dippy.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    You treat 5000 hours like 500.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    For the attaboy thing I need to apologize my wife just informed me what the actuall meaning /use of it is. I only know it in a context I really can't discribe here and I'm German so really never saw it used outside of a very mean context. So I'm very sorry I got upset and attacked you that was uncalled for.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    It's alright man! I get frustrated when u misunderstand wording all the time.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Yeah sometimes it gets really hard when people use stuff that goes beyond what we learn at school but stuff like that evolves so quick when you don't use the language daily you can't keep up. I like the forum but the German forum is basicly dead

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    That's the point of prestiging. You restart. It's more for completionist. For the ordinary player then just don't. I care about maxing stuff out and I agree it should do what it does. Sure it's not a friendly mechanic but that's the point like I said. That's what a prestige should be.

  • Wendygo
    Wendygo Member Posts: 114

    Then if you want the bloody costumes then prestige the character. Losing all your stuff I don't think is bad at all. I almost find it fun to be running without perks and any gear again. Just consider it a challenge.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    "Nobody wants to do it"

    Um.... almost everyone I know does it.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416
    edited March 2022

    I appreciate that @loopsahoy rapidly bounces from being a bit of a jackhole to somewhat tolerable with little to no warning. Calm down. Breathe.

    You want to know what the prestige system is for? I'll lay it down, real simple-like--just for you, friend.

    It's for the extra challenge. What's that? You think it's too hard? Okay. Don't do it, then.

    If you want the reward for the challenge, then you'll just have grit your teeth and bear with it.

    It's like the masses of weirdos in COD games who work very hard to get every weapon camo (to unlock the final, fancier camo). They work hard for the pixels that show other players that they achieved something.

    In other words, kwicherbellyachin'.

    Edit: to be fair, lots of people on this thread are getting spicy over a whole lot of jack diddly squat. It's not just you, DBD-brand-breakfast-cereal, but I took it out on you. That wasn't fair of me.

    Post edited by CryptFriend on
  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Outdated relic. You get stuff like that when your game is 6 years old and hasn't had any real overhaul ever.

  • Mysterioso
    Mysterioso Member Posts: 80

    Hello fellow Claudette friend, I honestly feel like Prestige gives me something to work towards in DBD as sort of like a completion goal. Otherwise, I can see your argument that it's honestly just a big old grind reset button so that you stay in the game longer. I liked your idea about having it so that you kept levelling up without having to do a 'reset' of your character. However, You could quite literally just leave your character at level 50 and get all the perks and addons you needed. I feel like the prestige clothes are just there as an incentive for players who really dedicate themselves to the game.