People complaining about Facecamp

I wish devs bring back the real facecamp where killers could stand in front of the hook staring at survivors eyes (Facecamping) and that wouldn't allow others to unhook, easy and guaranteed kills every game.
Most ppl who are calling killers facecampers nowdays don't even know what they are talking about, the killer is probably patrolling or normal camping at best, but even then they get called like that, ugh...
Ah yes, same vibe as "people who complaining about killers today don't know how bad killers were".
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Worst thin is getting called a camper on midwich when I would need a 5 minute travel around the globe to not walk by the hook when I want to check the other side of the corridor
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There is a lot of campers recently done by epic players/console players.
If they play like ######### till last generator expect noed and "patrolling" nearby almost always
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Most ppl who are calling killers facecampers nowdays don't even know what they are talking about, the killer is probably patrolling or normal camping at best, but even then they get called like that, ugh...
I agree. Imagine calling facecamper someone who's simply circling the hook in a 1 meter radius. ######### disgusting behavior from the survivors smh. #FreeBubba
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Honestly I will say half of the comments are unjustified and simply salt. None of these were from an actual Bubba facecamp. "Ez win" when the game was a 2k which is a tie.
Some people crying about getting smacked by Demo on the hook is pretty funny, though.
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Actually I got a few more pages for the salt diaries this month. These ones are mostly Bubba but I got some ghostface camping in there too.
Some lame ass SWFs sending me to busted maps crying about getitng camped. Haha I love it
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Don't offense but you don't look like someone people want to play with. But camp is ofcourse legal tactic, this comments are just funny.
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Just because it was worse in the past doesn’t mean it isn’t bad now.
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Tsk... Tsk... We don't allow rationality on here. Pack your bags and leave dear sir.
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Yeah cause I play to win, and im good at it. Of course survivors don't want me as the killer. They want some baby they can bully.
And these people act like only survivors can BM? Pftt. I get BM'd like literally every game as killer. If I went and cried on peoples profile for every time I got teabagged at the exit gate my fingers would probably fall of.
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Just wanted to add this one too:
Oh yeah, the good old times...
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How do you find out your reputation?? Is thay even possible? I'm on Xbox so I'm not sure what those pictures are of...
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Steam profile comments. Rep doesn't exist, it's just another shaming tactic used by sweaty survivor only mains who mald because they somehow died as a 4man SWF.
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You can find your rep through Microsoft. It's not as detailed as what people leave on steam, but you can see how many times you've been reported for cheating, if your PFP and GT has been reported etc. If you have a Bad reputation it'll be plastered all over your profile for everyone to see and if it's really bad Microsoft tells people to avoid you (reminds me of when dbd was released on Xbox)
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I have never heard of that. I know I have been reported for cheating a few times on Xbox DBD which is kinda omegalul. Some baby dwight was convinced I was a wallhacker because I found him in a locker that had crows on it.
The only time ive ever actually received any sort of ingame punishment was for mori spam, which was too funny not to do.
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Yeah, if you've been spam reported (I think Xbox is better at managing that now) or you're just a rude gamer under your gamertag it'll say "Needs work" and if you're really bad it says "Avoid me"
Hahaha I've never been in trouble for in game, if I accidentally do an exploit Im like nope nope nope
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Ah ok. Yeah I doubt it since I rarely go out of my way to talk smack. I will talk back but I'm never really the one initiating it.
I don't really consider ingame actions toxic, what's actually toxic is the salt you see there on my profile.
And yeah a dev posted it wasn't an offense, but I got a 1 day ban for it lol. For "holding the game hostage" because I guess the mori spam didn't cause the bleedout timer to keep going down. I think it was a salty 4 man mad I was stomping on their heads with clown for like 30 seconds straight before actually finishing the mori lol. He was 100% the best character to use for it
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I'm the same way, I won't even bother messaging gg just because I want to go to the next game. My og gt was reported which made me sad, and I once used a swear word in a message and got a week comm ban lol so whoops but I can say proudly I didn't start it.
I didn't know that about Mori spam. At least it was only a day!
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Sweet! Just found out how to view it and my reputation is Good! 😀