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Does DS really work an anti-tunnel perk?

In my opinion and experience, DS isn't going to stop me from tunneling someone out of the trials. It stunns me for 5 seconds for sure, but if i am dealing with the weak one, it seems not to be a waste of time just go back to chase him again. The survivor is already within range to kill, why would I give up and try to find someone else and maybe get nothing. I'm not the only one think this way in Asian community, I wonder if it's only in certain region or an universal thought.


  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    It doesn't work as anti tunneling perk at all

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Does it discourage tunneling? Not really. Does it punish it? Absolutely.

    It scales with the team's skill. Eventually you have the matches where there are no weak loopers (usually vs. a SWF, the best players rarely waste their time in solo Q from what I have observed) . In those cases eating a DS is usually a game-losing event.

    Eating it on a weaker killer is typically the nail in the coffin during a rough match. A select few killers are not really that impacted by it however.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Well a perk can't just completely your opponent from deciding to not focus you out of the game. DS punishes a killer for focusing you off hook and gives you an extra health state. That's basically the most a perk can do as "anti-tunnel" perk without going into abuseable strong such as granting you complete immunity.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited March 2022

    A single sabo'd hook or DS can basically ruin the game so you might as well get your pound of flesh. No it's not an anti tunnel perk, it's just another arbitrary time sink for the killer in a game where every second counts.

    Better to eat it early in the game

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It works far better than it used to.

    It's definitely lower on the priority list than some other perks.

  • AndyKuky
    AndyKuky Member Posts: 84

    It depends on what the other survivors are doing, and how long the DS user can run the killer.

    If the other survivors knock out gens and the DS user can run decently, then that user will likely still go down again and will likely still die, but it's pretty much guaranteed to be a loss for the killer. People need to let go of the idea that if they equip an anti-tunneling perk, that means they should escape. What an anti-tunneling perk should do is pressure the killer to not tunnel, by punishing them for doing so. But again, it's up to other survivors.

    Look at it like a camping Bubba. Survivors have two options, they can knock out gens and sacrifice one of the four, or they can mess around and give the Bubba a 2-4k.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    If the person being tunneled is better at the chasing game than the killer and/or other survivors will take protection hits or hook trade it's very effective. If a potato has it, the killer is godly in chase or the team works as a 1v1 four times instead of as a 4 v1 it only delays the end outcome by 15 to 20 seconds.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It works as tunnel slowdown perk, with this killers has to commit chase four times to kill a survivor NO MATTER WHAT.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,699

    DS isn’t meant to stop tunneling, only to delay it.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,226

    DS can swing an entire game if the players are any good. You have to consider the entire time eaten up by a use of DS. There's the time spent on the initial down, the DS stun, closing the distance again, chasing again, and the pick up/hook time. That can amount to multiple gens in an optimized setting.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,899

    If it was truly anti tunnel then the killer wouldnt be able to touch you with a 20 foot pole.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    You know I've been thinking about something recently and it's kinda funny

    When you have DS and are actually getting tunnelled, you're actually sort of incentivised to... Go down? Lose the chase?

    Like you get unhooked and killer starts chasing you again - let's say you manage to run them for a whole minute. You're still being tunnelled but because you managed to last a minute in chase, your anti-tunnel perk is gone now. So what do you do?

    You either go down on purpose or jump in a locker

    Am I crazy or is this something I've only just come to realise? I know most people when they have DS just do the whole "haha pick me then up" thing but I actually try to still run the killer as I'm sure many other people do as well

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Most survivors that DS me end up dying or going down 3 seconds later, and since I run self care I usually deactivate DS by myself on accident so unless it's a late hook and the exit gates are open there's not much of a difference. There's definitely a difference, but not a game changer.

    I have seen it change games, but as someone with a short attention span that doesn't linger around the hook and someone that runs Devour/Rancor pretty often, you don't want to be the obsession vs me.

    A team with 4 borrowed times can be much more frightening than a team with 4 Decisives, and you don't have to buy the Halloween chapter for Borrowed.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Decisive Strike delays tunneling and that's all is should do, it shouldn't make tunneling obsolete because you'd have yet another Perk that removes a whole playstyle

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    DS doesn't really prevent tunneling most of the time, it just makes it more punishing to do it. And sometimes that's all you need.

    The threat and possibility of DS is stronger than actually using it.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Define "Anti-Tunnel perk".

    A perk that disincentives tunneling? Yes, ds is one.

    A perk that completely shuts down tunneling? Hell no and that shouldn't be possible to a degree since it would further hard limit how killer player CAN play the game.

    Just Like anti-loop killer/perks don't make looping impossible but just way harder.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited March 2022

    If it took a minute to down survivor within a chase, that survivor has done all the job he needed to do.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    No. There's no such a thing as a literal 'anti' tunnel in DbD. It's just loose wording which has become customary to mean to discourage and/or penalize.

    Which is what DS does. It discourages tunneling by telling the killer "hey! if (big if) the survivor has DS, then you'll get penalized by resetting the chase".

    Which in point of fact, it doesn't work as an 'anti' in the current meta, considering that:

    • The top 3 killers in the game can redown the survivor immediately with one use of their power after getting out of stun. And the result is to neither discourage nor penalize (unless we talk about 10 sec gained by the survivors). That's why you see Nurse/Spirit/Blight insta tunneling and picking up.
    • Even if you're an off-meta killer, it's become understood in the years that eating a DS early is not that bad. At worst, you get rid of it and you have a free tunnel later. At best, you win the gamble and you can force early deaths. And that explains why the meta is to tunnel in general.

    DS was the big bad boogyman once upon a time. It was also stupid pre nerf, of course. But if you tunnel off unhook, it works exactly the same. Players have just started to disrespect it because they heard the word 'nerfed' and suddenly they came to the realization that taking it to the face is not the end of the world and it wasn't before.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    It doesn't stop killers from tunneling, but it impedes them when they tunnel. And also when they don't tunnel, so it can still be used offensively.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    One DS is fine but against a good team this can be already enough. It's like Dead Hard, if the player is weak it won't do much. because they will use it in some deadzone to get 2 additional seconds.

    DS gets gamebreaking when there are more than 2 of it imo. Hooking everyone alternately doesn't work in games were both sides are equally loaded and skilled.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    It both encourages and discourages tunneling. It discourages tunneling for obvious reasons but it also encourages it because as soon as you use it you leave yourself vulnerable if you are next unhooked.

    It also does very very little against killers like Nurse. Yesterday I DS'd a Nurse and went down a mere 2 blinks later. I then was flash saved but still, went down 2 blinks later.

    Nevertheless I think DS is fine where it is. The only change it should have is that you should be prompted to press E during the pickup to use it or not. The skillcheck is outdated IMO.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    No. This forum is full of killers mains and devs hear their cries. Syringes were killed, same as toolboxes and keys. MoM was killed, same as bl and boil over and ds. And next would be dh and COH. Probably in the future pt, sb and spine chill.. you can’t have anything good as surv

  • YukiShiori21
    YukiShiori21 Member Posts: 46
    edited March 2022

    I didn't experienced the old MoM and DS but the decriotion of them were disgusting. As for DH and CoH, well I have lots to say. Put it shortly in case your bean head can't reas long response. DH correct dumb mistake survivors make, whether you ran into a wall or corner or anywhere you shouldn't go in, DH and you'll be fine, or you can run a little bit further to get into a loop, drop a pallet and you have another 10~30 sec. Did killer make any mistake? No, he might even won the mind game, but you can get out of it anyway because you are a survivor and you should beat the killer, right? CoH is another topic. You survivors always hate face camp and tunneling, but if you can get out of sight and heal yourself and be healthy as hell once again, why killer will spare you and chase someone else? Just think a little bit and the answer is clear, but I know you don't have the ability or bold to do it. You just cry about perks being "killed", you survivors are doing fine and maybe too well. Lots of you are weak without the T1 perks, OK? Is my response too long for you already? DEAL WITH IT! Just like killers deal with our own #########.

    Post edited by YukiShiori21 on
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Imo it does work as a anti-tunnel perk as those 5 seconds will pretty much ensure you make it to a tile.

    Will it make it impossible to tunnel? No, it shouldn't but it will give you a fighting chance.

    Tunneling is annoying cause there is often nothing you can do. Once you are able to make it to defences i don't concider it unfair anymore.

    It stops the unfairness part of tunneling. And that's all it needs to do

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Uhh im pretty sure DS being used offensively is nothing new. People used to do it all the time before the nerf. Some people still get unhooked and then run straight to the killer to use it.

    If I'm getting tunneled I definitely let myself go down if its about to run out, why not? I brought the perk. Jumping in a locker for it makes it too obvious imo.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    It's annoying, but, no, it doesn't discourage me from anything. I'll just power through DS, BT, DH, and every pallet they throw at me until they're dead.

    It does mean that, if they're using all of those perks at once, you're dealing with up to 5 health states for a single survivor sometimes, so you could easily get two downs if you decided not to tunnel in the same amount of time it takes you to get one down with tunneling, but the tradeoff is that the game suddenly becomes very easy if you've managed to kill a survivor and they've only managed to get one or two gens done in the meantime.

    Also, if the gods are on your side, some of the other survivors will notice that you're tunneling and waste time trying to distract you or bodyblock (often giving you a free hit), which is time they're not spending on gens while you're actively getting closer to your goal of making the game killer-sided.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    On a team scale? yes

    On a you yourself and you vs a killer that wants you out? no

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    No, it doesn't. Also it is still a free shield. You can get DS while not tunneling at all or people will try to force you eat it. It's quite common. I wish it gets nerfed a bit in terms of "shield for a duration" and then we can maybe buff it as "anti-tunnel" only purpose.