I hate solo q...

So I just got a match with Pinhead. So a Claudette just grabbed me from the hook and then I ran but the Pinhead tunneled me two times and then all he said in the xbox dms is "You're just easy to kill." So why the hell am I suppose to reply this message even though I haven't teabagged or got toxic with him, that makes no damn since.
That's the reason why I run Dead Hard, DS, all those perks that protect me from those tunnelers but this is just insane. I hate kids and I hope they can play fortnite again and then they cry about it. I call it unsatisfying and uncalled for. No joke though the main reason why that people don't even play this game is the balance and the grinding for perks for no reason. I'm filled with rage right now that I just wanna stop playing this game.
If you see it. The solo q is crap is because everyday you have to put up like tunnelers, campers, and things like people who don't do gens. Even the killer slugs and leaves you there until you die. The problem here is sbmm, but I haven't did those skill based whatever I did. A lot of people don't act toxic even though the killers still hook camp you or tunnel you.
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True, but my friends are always busy with stuff like cleaning their house or they work so they can put food on the table.
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You should play in SWF on comms, sorry to say but solo exp in this game the worst. You are asking for it playing solo survivor
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I have to think that I should actually find a new swf group. Solo q is tiring me.
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In SWF the game is very fun, but its really hard to match time to play like that, most of my friends no longer have time for games, married kids etc.
So I switched to play as killer, even at worst, killer lot better exp than solo survivor in this game.
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They don't, but you usually get friends that will take agro, hits to allow you to sneak off, sacrifice a hook state if you are on death hook, and do gennys so maybe even being tunneled, you make it to an open exit gate.
But, that's the biggest difference to me. It's not the comms that make swf strong, it's the commitment to each other. Solos just don't regularly commit to each other as a team.
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Looks like I have to look into that then. I'm litterally tired right now of it and It should make it more easier.
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I find that true. But my friend tries to get me but then they just tunnel you no matter what they do or not. I would rather play with somebody that makes it a good team.
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I played lot of other games like dbd, and hands down the worst solo survivor exp is in dbd, for one dbd you cant communicate, (like in other games, having comms, or having stickers(doing objective, looping,ping killer location etc). So you are alone in dbd, cant make a plan at all.
One bad teammate and the game is frankly lost, now after the dead hard nerf I suspect the solo xp will be even worse.
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I'm just gonna say that I feel tired of it but I hate how that happens even when your in a SWF. But i'll give a SWF a try if it still happens. Then it's the team itself. I'm trying to remember about the swf who didn't even save me from hook.
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A youtuber found a nea who was bad at the game. I think they are new players though.
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Ok thanks.
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This is one of the reasons I haven’t played in a week. Solo q itself is incredibly toxic and makes you sooo angry. I don’t want to talk when I play so not a lot of people to play with. I have a few but honestly they get to silver rank at best. I’d make to to red rank eventually before restart but man it would be a long hard few days before.
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Yeah, tunneling is just one of those things. If a Killer wants you out of the game, usually through tunneling and camping, they can guarantee it.
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Solo Queue generally is frustrating because you are only in control of 1/4 of the match.
You are basically playing the lottery when it comes to the actions ( or lack there of) of those “teammates”.
This is why I will always find killer the least frustrating role. I can make my own mistakes and/or rely on my own skill.
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Even though playing as killer is frustrating but being in solo q with other bad teammates is even more frustrating for sure.
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Same username as the forums btw
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