Why BHVR makes unfun killers strong?

Dont think the vast majority of the playerbase likes going againts a Spirit or a Bubba.
A good Nurse is a pain to deal with but it feels so good when you juke her.
For Spirit or Bubba it never feels good no matter what happens.
Blight is also a high skill killer that has a lot of counters still.
Hag I personally find really fun to play and go againts since I love her jumpscare factor that always keeps you on edge and punishes mistakes you could have avoided easily.
Bubba is strong even without his camping that a lot of Bubbas rely on.
Spirit is the same old boring 50/50 where there's no skill involved but pure luck.
Oni I personally dont like going againts,but you can easily deny his power especially in the boon meta.
Artist is a killer I wish it wasn't released in the first place,her power is the embodiment of boring and unfun on both sides,her biggest strenght is zoning you in a corner with her crows with no escape,"fun gameplay" .
Make killers like Billy meta,I always have fun going againts Billys and feels the best when you juke them.
The argument of,killers are not supposed to be fun to go againts,yes it should,who wants to play a game where just playing it is unfun.
Both sides should be fun to play no matter how strong or weak a killer is.
There's strong killers I enjoy going againts as much as weak killers.
This is my tierlist of which killers are the most unfun or fun to play againts.
I just want the old Billy back minus insta-saw
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Seems like killers can be strong regardless of it's fun or not, and fun is subjective and unlikely to be a metric for the balancing.
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Some,I wish there we're more people that played Billy.
They gut fun killers and give us the unfun ones be played the most.
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Wait you still think Spirit is a 50/50 guess.....you can literally hear her coming, what direction she's coming from, and if she actually phases or not. Spirits are fun to go against now.....she can hook me when ever she wants....right @GeneralV
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Use your ears and spirit stops being 50/50
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Its still a 50/50,ears wont help you know on which side she comes from.
Go watch pro tournament pro players and see them struggle even with all the sound in the world.
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It’s directional, get some hi-fi headphones.
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Good list but for me I'd drop Pig and Trapper down 2 Tiers.
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Most strong Killers are fun imo, tho fun is subjective so it doesn't really matter.
Nurse feels satisfying to juke, as unlikely I am to actually do that.
Blight is Blight, always fun.
Sprirt lost her 50/50's and now rewards "skillful" play from both sides.
Artist is fun. I don't care what anyone says, going against Mommy will always be fun.
Hag is meh.
Huntress is boring only if you get her a bunch of times. Huntress herself isn't boring.
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Why the does everyone hates hag? Is it just me or doesn't it seem that everyone has an unclear bias against hag? She isn't even in high mmr and she's my most played killer since I've started.
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9.99/10 the hag will shove a trap under the hook and surrounding area after capturing someone and camp the ever loving snot out of them.
They call it their "web" And they are "territorial" killers because it helps them sleep at night.
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It doesn't seem to be much correlation between strong killers and your tier list. There is some, but for the most part it is just random.
Fun is also purely subjective.
I'll rephrase your title: "Why don't I like to play vs strong killers?"
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What do I have to do with this?
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??? you put the 2nd strongest killer in the game in your top tier and the the strongest in your 2nd to top tier wym why aren't the fun killers strong
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This might literally be the first time I've ever heard a survivor use the phrase "fun to play against" and "Freddy" in the same sentence...
So yeah, clearly "fun" is super subjective
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I think they mixed you and @TheGannMan
Your go-to Loverboy is/was Freddy iirc?
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How do you people still think Spirit is a 50/50? You really don’t have to like her, but you at least have to acknowledge she’s balanced now.
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Fun is subjective and all...
...But I'm still having a hard time believing that anyone could truly find Freddy fun to play against in his current state. He's just so dull.
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You meant to tag me right?
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What other nerfs does Spirit need to make you people happy?
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TBH I hope they buff some of her add ons and buff Stridor or nerf Iron Will. I feel Spirit is kinda weak now unless the killer runs mother daughter ring + cherry blossom.
I never have a problem to play against her since Iron Will is my best friend.
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I wouldn’t say she’s weak either. I do think some add ons are a bit under tuned but Spirit is still a good killer when played well.
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Until someone brings Parental Guidance and Iron Will.
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I do think Iron Will needs a nerf but it’s not unbeatable either.
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LOL are you joking whos the genius who made that horrible list
EVERYONE HATES NURSE and people always quit when they see one in my games
nurse, bubba, are the 2 most dumbass killers this game has to offer
doctor isnt too far behind
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I am the most dedicated Freddy enthusiast on the Forums, yes.
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Yeah,I missed the part where Doctor is the most op killer in the game.
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Yes,that's what Spirit needs,buffs.facepalm
Yeah especially mother daughter ring
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Spirit is in a really good spot right now. It’s super fun to get chased.
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Please keep in mind that this is just your opinion. There are plenty people who disagree with your list, so whose personal opinion should BHVR rely on to make specific killers "more fun"?
I do like to play against Nurse and Spirit, also Oni for example. But I hate playing against Nemesis, Pinhead, Freddy, Blight and the Clown. "So please change these killers until I like them but I won't tell you how to do it lol figure that out on your own."
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Thank you!
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There has been a serie of "tier" posts recentently.
One was about the fun versing killers. The opinions varied a lot.
There :
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How do y'all still talk about Spirit that way? Are you ever going to learn her counterplay? Same with Artist and Twins.
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Hag is fun but Spirit isnt? That's an interesting take.
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"Unfun": see "boring".
"Boring": see "too strong for me".
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I don't know I realized it added your name after I woke up I know I wasn't adding anyone's name lol. Probably was half asleep when typing.
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Yea I have no idea where General name came from.....that's what I get for responding to a post after working a 12 hr night shift and not double checking.....
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reading this really made me question the spelling of against and if I have actually been wrong all along
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this list is so subjective, I for one HATE playing against hag and Freddy, but love playing against pinhead, oni, artist and I LOVE playing against a bubba that doesn't camp
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Speak for yourself I love going against bubba