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tome challenges are too much grindy

Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

title. example: do 25 safe unhooks/protection hits... between people who selfsuicide on hook, people who sandbag and troll on purpose or they are just playing bad (cause certain challenges require that you must play poorly if you want the challenge completed), those numbers are too much high... i get it, you need to give survivors a reason for playing, but those challenges are just not funny at all, they are just boring and annoying

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Remember when challenges was designed to throw the game as survivor, its one of the reason why solo so bad.

    Back on topic, I agree but the whole game is excessive grinding

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,605

    Throw the game, final stop.

    Not all of them but most of them require to play in a way that ruins your chances, as any role.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    This tome more than any other has felt like an absolute grind of non-challenges. It's not stuff I can build to do faster or better, it's just "play an excessive amount of matches."

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967

    I absolutely hate these challenges

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967

    I do these challenges and I get teabaggers that sit in exit gate till the last second lol

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    You can thank the DBD-Community for that. When Challenges were actually challenging they complained about them being too hard, because you cannot get a difficult challenge done in your first game. But Tome Challenges need to keep you occupied for some time, you should not do them all in two days and then have nothing left to do.

    And if they cannot be challenging, they need to be grindy. Not a fan of those grindy challenges either, but actual challenges are not wanted by the loud people who complain about doing something for a participation trophy, so grindy "challenges" it is.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    At least its protection hits too, it's when it's just 20hooks it bugs me.

    Not only are you limited to hooks only which is long af, but so many people just farm it and throw games...

  • lavars
    lavars Member Posts: 312

    These challenges are sometimes annoying, but fine imo. It'S one of these things where i wouldn't mind if it stays that way.

    Would i like a change? YES! But we have WAY bigger problems that need way more attention.

    Especially with the blood web that goes into the grind, if the blood web wouldn't be so grind-heavy, i wouldn't mind grind-tomes. As they would be "eh i hook people anyways, so why not choose that one" or sometimes it is funny to run a build, even if i know i lose, just to have fun.

    I sometimes want a sweaty game, but then i either ignore the challenge, do it when i get the chance or apply the sweat towards the challenge.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I logged on the forums just to make a similar thread..

    Levels 1 to 3 are usually fine..

    Level 4 though.. this time around is worse than usual, as well! Makes me not even want to bother doing them :/ And most of them are not that challenging either.. just grindy as ######### :(

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    People complained about challenges that were tough to do so now we just get grind challenges.

  • MisterMuse
    MisterMuse Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2022

    i only started playing relatively recently so this is the first tome i've set about trying to fully complete, and i gotta say unhook challenges are my least favorite, so seeing that 25 one right out the gate made me shrivel.

    and its not even the fact of how long it takes, its my soloQ teammates. i will unhook and take protection hits eventually, thats fine enough; sure, itll take a while to finish, but its not something i have to go out of my way to do different like perk or character challenges. but my thing is, every time a tome has an unhook challenge near the beginning, i know im going to be farmed to hell in practically every match, because the common survivor doesnt know what a safe unhook is and also wants to speedrun the challenge without BT. thats my least favorite part.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I think that's my biggest issue with the grindy challenges.. they always put them right at the start of the level, and you HAVE TO do it to progress, and then the easy ones are hidden behind it.. I don't mind hard/grindy challenges to be on the off-path, or near the end.. just not at the start please!

  • ObservantOfTime
    ObservantOfTime Member Posts: 209

    It's "challenges" like this that aren't actual challenges in the sense of the word. It's just "play a lot of games and waste your time kicking generators", which serves no purpose unless you also run perks that make kicking gens worth it, and mot of those have a pretty hefty cooldown.

    This right here, is an actual "challenge". The player has to do something moderately skillful during gameplay which isn't just "do X over and over" ad nauseam.

    This is an actual challenge, which I would consider difficult, as in I have to modify my build, run certain perks, and get it all done in one trial.

    Out of the three examples I've posted, I'd like more challenges like #2 and #3, #1 is just repetitive grind that doesn't require a lick of skill. Just throw enough matches to get it done with ASAP.

    Another example of something completely needlessly being grindy are some of the survivor "challenges", like this one here:

    It leads to survivors divebombing hooks and damn the consequences, which makes the game a worse experience for everyone involved. I know, you can just say "well, let it occur during normal gameplay", and that is a valid point. However, most survivors (and killers for killer challenges) don't have that mentality, and will throw games to get it done, to the detriment of their entire team. The "open 10 chests" challenge was especially brutal, because playing survivor, for a while nobody cared about gens, totems or teammates, and just racooned every chest on the map, then suicide on the hook and go next. For example, for the following challenge:

    I played a few matches of ghostface, and threw 2 games to get it done and over with. I'd just mark people, hit them, leave them on the ground, stalk the person who comes for the pickup, rinse and repeat. Initially, I was going to go about it the normal way, maybe use some perks like make your choice, devour hope or dragon's grip, in a dozen matches or so I managed to get this done twice. Sure, I could have played some Myers, but he's pretty damn weak. The point is, there isn't anything challenging about it, it can be cheesed with little to no effort.

    When I see challenges like this:

    I just equip Brutal / Enduring / Spirit Fury, send myself to Gideon Meat Plant, and hope survivors feel like cooperating and throw every pallet on the map for me. There are some interesting and unique challenges in the Tome, but they're usually gated by what I can only describe as "filler" challengers. Most of the "challenges" should be called "tasks" instead. Breaking 50 walls is not a challenge, it is a task, or chore if you will.

    Don't get me wrong, I have no trouble getting through them, I wish the people who made these Tomes would consider how the individual challenges would affect overall gameplay when everyone is attempting them at the same time.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    God yes. Also the blue things need to scale up with number of trials required. I had one take a whole weekend once, didn't payout any more than an easy one.