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Pig is completely useless

FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

So first of all i wanted to say that pig isnt strong nor was strong before sadakos release. But sadako does almost EVERYTHING that pig does better. Pig has one advantage she can dash, and if you learn the dash you can moon dash so your power can be used more in chase. But when a pig does crouch down to dash most of the survivors either leave the loop or its basically a 50/50 if you hit or not.

While sadako doesnt have a chase power her passive phasing makes it easier to mind game so both have potential in chase.

On the other hand we have pigs power so how does her power work? well i assume most of you know but anyways

Pig starts with 4 reverse bear traps in her hand, Once she downs a player she can decide whether to place that trap on a player or not. There are 4 jigsaw boxes scattered around the map. If the survivor has a trap on their head and a generator gest completed a timer will start (trap becomes active). When a trap gets activated a 150 second timer starts counting down. The survivor has to search the jigsaw boxes for a key (which is randomly assigned to one box so you can get it on any box). The countdown DOES NOT go down if your being chased. The trap can also be removed before its even activated.

Now what does this have to do with sadako?

Well she has a condemned effect. Which goes up 1 bar when she teleports close to you or it passively goes up if you have a tape in your hand. While reaching 7 bars (full condemned) doesnt immediately kill you it lets her see your location and if she do down you she can "mori" you. pigs power instantly kills you after your timer runs out. But you can counter that by 99% gens instead of popping them. And as i said she only has 4. Sadakos condemned is basically going the whole match (if they disabled tvs and you teleport close to them).

Both pig and sadako has a "stealth" mode pig can be crouched (required to dash) and sadako can demanifest. but pig is slower while crouched much slower while sadako isnt.

The other big bonus with sadako is that you can teleport. So in my opinion there is literally no reason for pig to exist at all... There is not a single advantage of running pig besides moondash / dashing which can be half countered by survivors just leaving the loop when you crouch (you can bait it as pig but still)

Post edited by FlameGNG on


  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    Pig can use "save the best for last" better than most killers. Definitely better than Sadako that's for sure. Pig's headtraps are nothing like Sadako's condemn. You can pretty much guarantee a headpop every game if a survivor have four boxes to do... even quite easily with some add-ons. I'm not sure that's the case for Sadako.

  • CremelloJoJo
    CremelloJoJo Member Posts: 76

    Play AFK Pig, some people seem to think she's OP 😂

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    i mean yes but power wise she isnt much stronger and theoretically STBFL works decently on her aswell... my point is sadako does what pig is suppose to better... i used to main pig(1 year ago) and i dont see a reason why anyone would choose pig over sadako (i've only played like 80 games with her or something like that so im not that good with sadako but hey) as i said the pressure from condemned is pretty much the same from pig... and no you cant guarantee a head pop everygame if survivors wants to 99 their gens you cant do anything about it + chasing a survivor with a helmet removes that pressure from him and the others can do boxes + if you do decide to tunnel him and he manages to survive and all other get their traps off they can escape and its a hatch race...

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,530

    Last stats tell us she is pretty good.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    but the thing is does stats prove that a killer is strong?

    • Nurse - Kill Rate: 49.25 percent | Pick Rate: 5.27 percent.
    • Trickster - Kill Rate: 49.94 percent | Pick Rate: 4.72 percent.
    • trickster confirmed stronger... ;)
    • + you gotta remember that sadako is new so this is fairly recent but dont you agree? pig got a slowdown but so does sadako + tons of other abilities while pig has crouch and dash...

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,530

    Yes, the stats prove that the killer is doing well.

    How it is achieved is not important - you know the kills=skill thing. And near the desired 50%. So i think that they think Pig is fine.

    I know what you mean but the only thing that counts is what the devs think.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    pig is debatably the worst licensed killer in the game.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    so nurse is underpowered then? she isnt at the 50% mark and almost all killers are around it (so all killers are balanced? its like +- 3%

    play 100 pig matches and come back

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    thats what i mean and now sadako does what she does but better...

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,530

    Yes, Nurse is underpowered :-)

    But the devs know her. She is the special case. A normal nurse is not so good and can have real problems.

    A lot try her out but don´t want to learn her. And you have to learn and practise her a lot to get really good.

    But as we all know, if you manage to do that, you play the strongest killer in the game currently.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    but thats the thing with all killers i play twins and i feel like she is pretty strong i've had some rough matches but my win rate is probablywell over 95% with her...

    you dont have to learn nurse i dont get why people say she is a skilled killer... i've probably but down 200 300 hours on nurse (its not much but its probably more than the average player) and i've never had any problems with hitting blinks etc. I even remember when i started playing nurse it took me 2 matches to get the blink down and like 50 60 and it was almost muscle memory i honestly feel like pyramid head or cenobite has a higher skill ceiling than nurse does :p

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Pig is more or less in the same boat as other stealth killers in that all stealth killers perform well against average survivors but are weaker than other killers against survivors with strong awareness. The more aware survivors are of their surroundings the harder it is for Stealth killers to take advantage of their Undetectability to get quick hits before chases can evolve.

    If I had rank them I’d say probably Sadako then Wraith, then Ghost Face and finally Pig. But really if you’re good at being sneaky they’re all kind of similar in performance. (And I say that as someone who loves playing stealth killers, I do pretty decently with all of them).

    I will say I think a lot of people underuse Pig’s crouch and Ambush honestly. Yes, she moves more slowly while crouched, but if you are able to use that stealth to get close to the survivors then the time you lose while crouched is made up for by the time you saved on the quick hit it delivers. And if you can get close with stealth the Ambush is virtually a guaranteed hit unless they are literally right next to a vault. It works for me at least. 🤷‍♂️

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    See my comment about people not taking enough advantage of her stealth when crouched.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    yea but thats what her ambush is for or so i think, she isnt made to sneak up and grab you she is made to sneak close so she can dash on you and get the hit a real stealth killer in my opinion would be ghostface or wraith their power is stealth while pig more has it like a "side power" "extra power"

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited March 2022

    Of the two you mentioned Wraith can’t easily get grabs out of stealth either since he has to decloak first. In fact it takes him longer to decloak than Pig and unless he has Silent Bell they also know he’s there. So by that definition he’s not a Stealth killer either since really his ability is designed to get quick hits after coming out of stealth, usually through bodyblocking.

    Of course I think all three are stealth killers because they all use Undetectability to try and get close to survivors for quick hits before chases develop.

    P.S. if you think Pig’s stealth is a side power I will say again I think you’re not taking enough advantage of it. I consider her stealth to be her main ability and the traps are her secondary ability.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    First, sadako can't keep stacks against the obession but pig can because she has a special attack. There is no comparison between a killer that can save stacks and one that can't. And yes, if you know how to play pig and use some add-ons... you can pretty much get a headpop on a regular basis, way more than condemn. Condemn can be countered on your own as survivor really easily all the time... can't say the same about headtraps.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Can't boop the snoot if you're vs sadako

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    Wraith has superior "anti-loop", and Ghost Face has a superior crouch and stealth. All she has is her head traps.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    And you're right. People focus on the traps, but her real power is her stealth.