What are you DOING?

So when the killer is being looped to death, for at least a minute, ######### are yall DOING? Becasue Ive had 3 games today where I'm suddenly a capable looper and I'll run the killer into the ground for what feels like 2 minutes, they're getting MAD, hatches flying, and NOT A SINGLE GEN POPS. I get hit, I continue to loop. STILL NO GEN POPS. Im finally downed, and I can see auras now as I'm getting hooked. ALL THREE SURVIVORS ARE JUST CROUCHED?
Or even worse, SITTING IN A LOCKER because I can't see their aura at all. Like IDK how they aren't crowed or given afk penalty at this point because it will go whole games of this character doing NO THING. I swear to god I had an Ace my last game, we finally escaped, dude had like 7k blood points, 5k of which came form escaping. I had 30k. Dude literally had to have done NOTHING. Like he literally had to have just TAPPED a gen, unlocked a chest, just to keep from getting crowed. Like it feels so illegal honestly I'd rather the killer of gotten a 4k than letting these slimy survivors escape. They're the ones in a horror movie you WANT to die.
But am I missing something here? Like because even if I'm not in teh chase, I'm on a gen, or breaking a totem. And I'll notice a cahracter hasn't been injured all game--yet gens aren't FLYING. like how do you go undetected all game, and not be killing these gens? I'm lost.
You silly fool, that's how you survive--the killer will expect you to be on gens, they'll never expect you on the middle of nowhere!
What, you expect them to do the objective? Poppycock! Someone else will do that, surely.
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doing gens, you?
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If you do all five generators and open the exit gates, the game will end. You only get a measly 5k points for escaping. If you stay longer you can get 8,000 in EVERY category. Don't be in such a rush lad.
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The one dbd meme that actually stayed funny
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MMR definitely has room for improvement. You have to escape a lot to semi-consistently get away from these types of teammates. So for now, when you have the chance, play selfish and escape asap even at the cost of your team. If you can help someone else get out, great. But if you die, it was all for nothing.
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I felt bad for a Bill the other night, I found him first and surprised him, but he was good at staying just out of reach. Chased him for what seemed like forever without seeing anyone else at all, finally put him on hook and noticed not a single gen had popped.
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22 secs in - i looped the killer for 2 minutes - what are you doing?? :-)
Time is highly subjectice if you don´t use a watch.
I did gens today after i finished my red glyphe, destroy 20 totems (did almost 5 per match) and open 15 chest tomes.
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Eating pizza rn
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im the one looping the killer fool... and not a SINGLE gen pops in those 3 min. so ######### is everyone else doing? not like there's a hook to rescue or a killer to loop--because im doing it--so they BETTER be doing gens.
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Awww ... this pior suvivors were scared shitless that the Huntress would be coming for them once you were downed and hooked. Any second you would go down. Riiiiight about now.... Any second now. Just you wait. Sneak, wait, watch, survir. How abouuut NOW! ... Still nothing, but now its too dangerous to return to the gen, the window of opportunity has closed.
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There's a dull totem over there I need to cleanse. That's a LOT of bloodpoints if I cleanse it. If I open that chest I can get an item AND some bloodpoints.
Did you know if you're in the basement for a little bit, there's a basement time score event? Gotta go for the best time (and get the treasure chest). Wow this trial is so pretty. I'm so glad they did a graphics update.
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welcome to dbd
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