Survivors run dead hard, killers run corrupt.

Dead hard is a time saving perk. You activate it, the killer respects it and you die, or you use it wisely and gain an extra 20 seconds in chase.
Corrupt Intervention Is a time saver and located perk. You save time by forcing survivors to go to unblocked gen and you patrol those gens, finding them and forcing them off of gen.
They both cancel out so I don't see why killers are complaining about dead hard or ds every match cause killers essentially have the same meta perks that provide a safety cushion. It all cancels eachother out.
Essentially, you can counter dead hard and decisive strike aswell, while you can't actually counter corrupt. Those are example perks and what I'm trying to get at is why people complain about going against same perks every game. If you know what perks someone is running then you should know how to counter it💀. If you swing at dead hard every time you're clearly not that great of a killer.
Overall killers run surge hook, surge, Corrupt, noed, dead man, deadlock, ruin, etc and survivors use ds, bt, dh, unbreakable, sb, etc. They are all used the same amount by both killers and survivors. They essentially all cancel eachother out
if I could activate corrupt every 40 seconds there’d be a riot.
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Don't know that I agree. 4 dead hards buy waaaaay more time than 1 corrupt intervention does. Dead hard can be used 3+ times/survivor/match, and dead hard for distance has no counter
Also, dead hard is just inherently much more frustrating. Corrupt would be the same level of frustrating if it didn't proc at all until a gen was at 99%, then blocked it for 30 seconds. For every. Single. Gen. THAT would make survivors feel as miserable as killers do when dead hard is in play
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1 perk that can be used just once and maybe even not get value because of RNG against a solid perk that can be used multiple times to extend chases......also you can hide for just a minute to avoid corrupt value you know.........😐️
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I mean you just said it yourself, a wisely used deadhard buys at least 20 seconds, 4 survivors with 3 deadhards a match is 4 minutes of time vs a killers 2 minutes of corrupt
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Corrupt: Helps in the early game that most killers struggle with by default, then goes off for the rest of the match.
Dead Hard: Helps survivors escape being downed, most often when they are put in a bad situation by their own fault or when the killer makes a skilled play, can be used as long as the survivor isn't exhausted.
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Corrupt is 120 seconds at the start of match. Firstly you have to find a survivor, down & hook them. Most likely you'll get 1 hook and 1-2 hits in other survivors during that time. If you hard tunnel and find your first survivor fast you might get 2 hooks and 1-2 hits. You also might lose 1 gen during that time & have 1-2 boon totems up. By the time it's ended you should be in a reasonable position to apply pressure and hopefully have someone on stage 3 hook on the next down. If you mess up and spend too long on 1 chase/down because of extended loops with perks like DH adding 30 seconds or so then you will have no momentum and will most likely lose.
So DH extends the chase by 20 seconds you say, I think it's more like 30 so let's call it 25. You have 4 players using DH & will most likely get 3-4 DH each per game. If they use DH to its full potential like many survivors can these days it's basically 300-400 seconds of combined time saving (as you call it).
Its basically 3-4 times as powerful as a perk like corrupt & we haven't even spoke about the dogs**t glitchy iframe & hit validation issues.
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Apples and Oranges buddy.
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Not very comparable. Corrupt is used to compensate for poor killer/map design and unlucky survivor spawns. It’s a one and done perk with solid counterplay which if successfully capitalised on, can alleviate an inherent disadvantage.
DH is a reusable perk with no counterplay, usable by up to four survivors and is designed to undo a survivor’s mistake or a killer’s winning play, and/or to generally extend a chase. It’s a relatively spammable second chance perk which grants unearned free time to each survivor using it whilst stealing well earned pressure from the killer.
They're almost polar opposites when you really think about it.
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God if I could apply corrupt at will each 40 seconds now that would be chaos.
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Corrupt works only at the start of the trial and some survivors might not even notice its activation, as luckily not all generators are blocked. Adfitionally survivors might just not get found during that time. The killer also has no control over rhe activation.
Dead hard: press e to extend a chase. Yes, the survi or might screw the timing up, but generous validation made dh quite reliable. They are basically guatanteed to extend the chase, slightly to greatly. Oh and if you manage not to get downed you can use it again after the cooldown.
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Having a Corrupt Intervention that activates every 40 seconds would be nice
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Why compare corrupt to DH? Because killers struggle even with 2 or 3 slowdown perks?
Why not compare DH with its killer version: Coup de Grace. Which is heavily restricted on its uses.
Remove those restrictions and let the killer use it every 40 seconds and watch how the forum starts burning.
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Good thing I don't use either.
I can ######### about both.
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I'm just trying to say that killers use the same perks every game as survivor. And maybe corrupt was a bad example, but what about surge hook or starstruck or any other very commonly used killer perk that is considered "meta."
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Corrupt every 40 seconds? Isn't that like... dead man's switch?
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Borrowed Time is meta but you don't see hundreds of threads about that, there are specific reasons why Dead Hard is complained about. Something simply being meta isn't why people complain about it, it's that it removes any agency from a competent killer in chase against a competent survivor. There are so many scenarios you'll find yourself in as both killer and survivor that will have you think "I can do this if they don't have dead hard" and "I could've made that if I had dead hard", it warps the entire experience of the game around the perk.
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Kinda get the idea but they def do not cancel each other out.
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You can't compare dead hard to corrupt, for one corrupt only last for so long at the start of the game which only effects 3 generators and dead hard you have it rest of the game.
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Corrupt is a one time use, dead hard is every 40 seconds get out of jail free card.
Corrupt just stop survivors spawning at a generator and completing it before you've even had one chase.